IS IT TRUE? October 30, 2011 (Pinky Shakes and Best Friends for Life)


Best Friends for Life

IS IT TRUE? October 30, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Zoo has been drawing lots of attention lately as a potential tourism magnet?…that our Evansville Zoo has made great strides and invested into several very nice attractions since losing its accreditation back at the turn of the century?…that today Evansville has what most anyone would consider to be a very nice regional zoo?…that the million person metropolises that surround Evansville all have bigger and better funded zoos?…that getting someone to drive from St. Louis that enjoys a FREE world renowned zoo to come down to Evansville seems rather ludicrous?…that if Evansville is to capitalize on our zoo as a tourism magnet that it needs to be directed at day trips for people within an hour’s drive and especially on getting the people of Evansville and the immediate tri-state area to check it out?…that a couple of years ago that the baby jaguars captured everyone’s imagination and kids from Evansville were making weekly visits to check on “their” jaguars?…that the success and sustainability of the Evansville Zoo is pretty much dependent on the visits, donations, and interests of the people of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that there are now direct flights to Las Vegas being offered out of the Owensboro Airport?…that direct flights to Orlando are also offered from Owensboro and that the flights are price competitive with Southwest Airlines?…that two of the most visited places by tri-staters for vacations are Orlando and Las Vegas?…that someone in Owensboro seems to have figured that out an found a solution that works for people from Evansville, Owensboro, and the entire tri-state area?…that the parking lot at the Owensboro Airport is full of Indiana license plates?

IS IT TRUE that there seems to be lots of shuffling in the personnel and the employment opportunities within the City of Evansville?…that the department that appears to be going through lots of opening up of opportunities is the department of water and sewers?…that it will be very interesting to see how many people who were placed in their jobs by the Weinzapfel Administration will be making lateral moves within the City of Evansville during the next 62 days?

IS IT TRUE that tomorrow October 31, 2011 is “do or die” day for City Centre Properties LLC’s latest extension to show the Evansville Redevelopment Commission the money so that the project down at the McCurdy can actually start taking shape?…that the CCO Mole Nation tells us that there are no applications for permits that have been filed to begin construction?…that permits will need to be filed to even start demolition?…that we are most looking forward to a solid set of documents that substantiates that this project will be going forward?

IS IT TRUE that Courier Indianapolis based writer Eric Bradner quoted a comment in the CP last week that stated “Before it was Winnecke’s experience versus Davis’s drive to overhaul the old machine, now it’s Machine vs. underdog”?…that the author of that quote most certainly bears a Mole Number?…that the event that prompted this statement was the “best friends for life” pact signed by 23 Vanderburgh County Democrats in support of Councilwoman Connie Robinson’s endorsement of Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville?…that we wonder if “The 23” did pinky shakes and wrote about their pact in their diaries before going to sleep?


  1. Best friends for life pact my azzz. This is a Jonestown pact. Lots of those folks can’t stand each other. Now at least we know who the Jim Jones of Evansville is and who is drinking the kool aid as they are told.

  2. Here we go again. Is the City County Observer totally incapable of printing the truth?

    You say that “the event that prompted this statement was the ‘best friends for life’ pact signed by 23 Vanderburgh County Democrats in support of Councilwoman Connie Robinson’s endorsement of Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville” when in fact there were several signatories to the RESOLUTION (not a “pact”) who specifically said they were supporting Rick Davis for mayor, not endorsing Winnecke.

    Furthermore, the resolution does not spell out support of “Connie Robinson’s endorsement of Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville.” You printed the text of the resolution. Did you not read it? If you did, how can you interpret it as a resolution “in support of Councilwoman Connie Robinson’s endorsement of Republican Lloyd Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville?”

    Go read the resolution again, and then try to write something that approaches the truth.

    Okay, now all you others who are incapable of comprehending the English language can beginning with your word parsing and psycho-babble.

    • This issue came up two days ago. One of your people actually said the letter did support Robinson and referred to the document as a clear dislike for Davis. That is not how I read it. Here is that conversation.

      GoldenToe on October 28, 2011 at 5:51 pm

      You Davis supporters can mudsling all you want against Connie Robison but the “Democrats Sign Resolution of Support for Councilwoman Robinson” is a very significant document and a clear sign of the dislike for Mayoral Candidate Davis and his campaign staff. Connie Robinson is a good person and an excellent councilperson for the 4th Ward citizens as well as the rest of the City is not being treated fairly by certain few elements of the Democrat Party.

      Fact: Democrat Connie Robinson openly announced her support for Republican Winnecke for Mayor. All of the real Democrat leadership in Evansville/Vanderburgh County come out and openly supported Connie Robinson knowing of her support for Republican Winnecke over Democrat Davis.

      There is a gigantic lack of confidence in Davis’s ability to lead this great City to the next level. You can pretend this not significant, but it is real and big and will not be ignored Nov 6.

      Mayoral Candidate Davis and his campaign staff are a real embarrassment to the Party.

      JustTryingToGetBy on October 28, 2011 at 6:11 pm

      Well I can assure you that Davis supporters know the election is on November 8th, not the 6th. If you can’t get that basic fact correct, it kind of takes away from the rest of your post.

      The letter says that she has given thousands of dollars to the party and because of that, any and all issues pertaining to Connie Robinson should be resolved by the Vanderburgh Democratic Central Committee. It never says she did not violate the rules or that they all support Winnecke.
      What the resolution is doing is asking the state party to let them handle the punishment for the violation. That my friend, is like letting the defense attorney decide a guilty clients sentence.

      • Did Goldentoe sign the resolution? Did you? I did.

        Was Goldentoe in the room and hear the conversation between signatories to the resolution? Were you? I was.

        Do you recall what some of the signatories to the resolution said in the Courier and Press, essentially that while they support Connie with their signatures, and agree with the words in the resolution, they also support Davis as the Democrat candidate for mayor, and would not sign on to endorsing Winnecke.

        While I happen to support Winnecke for Mayor of Evansville, I will continue to support the other signatories to the resolution whether they agree with my choice for mayor or not. And I will continue to insist that the City County Observer print the truth rather than misquote and misrepresent the signatories to the resolution as they have now in two articles, one of which they had to withdraw completely from this website and print a correction.

        As I said, the rest of you can continue to parse words and fabricate horse hockey, but it does not change the facts.

        • While I commend you for supporting those that do not share your views, my stance does not change.
          There are people in your group that are scared of what Davis will uncover. The amount of effort and the last minute acts of disloyalty lead me to believe there is much more going on here than a dislike of Davis. If Winnecke wins, then we will never know. If Davis wins and uncovers nothing, then I will have been proven wrong and I will change my thoughts on it. But I can assure you that I will not take the word of someone that was in that meeting and signed that piece of paper that everything is OK and to just move along. It reminds me of the scene in Titanic when the ship crew was telling the poor people that nothing was wrong and to stay down in the lower class area of the ship—-right before it went down.
          And if you want to keep talking about Horse Hockey, it is on a different story. I think they call it POLO.

          • You’re as bad as the poor CCO writer who cannot correctly characterize the resolution that was signed. Worse really, since you now incorrectly characterize it as a “piece of paper that everything is OK and to just move along.” Pathetic! No one in that room said everything is okay and now just move along. Most agreed that everything is very messed up.

        • And to answer your question about being in attendance, I do not know about GoldenToe. I have no idea who that person is.
          As for me. No sir, I was not there to hear any conversations or see the document in person.

          • Since JarvisPoint would not allow a reply to his claim above, here’s a link to the resolution:


            No where does it indicate they agreed Connie Robinson’s open disloyalty is “very messed up” as JarvisPoint contends. Rather, it reads like a like time achievement award for their best friend forever. The resolution is nothing more than a show of unity by disloyal Democratic insiders that are still working to defeat their own candidate because Rick Davis, the State Democratic party and the regular Democratic voters have had enough of the Central Committee insider dealing.

        • Now a serious question for you Clovis: If Mr. Davis wins, will he be invited to give his acceptance speech at the Central Committee/Demo HQ post-election reception? We’ll be looking for the answer. Thank you.

          • Rick has already rented the second floor of the Shrine Temple, the same place he was on primary night

          • Henry, thank you for the info. I trust that if Mr. Davis wins, that Mr. Mark Owen, Mr. Justin Jarvis, Ms. Connie Robinson, Mr. David Mosby, Mayor Weinzapfel, the other signers on the Robinson Resolution and even the self-named “Mainstream Democrats” will all stop by the Shrine and to bury the hatchet by congratulating Mr. Davis.

      • Do Robinson’s thousands of dollars that She donates come from her husband (on the METS payroll?) or from her part-ownership of Cookie’s Cooking or from her time share in the Carribean that She owns or the Church that She was asked to leave??

    • So what would da Republicans be sayin if Mr. Wayne Parke endorsed a Missy Mosby or a Al Lindsey? I bet they would be howling for him to step down like a dog. Even Winnecke would have enough sense to know that an officer of his own party can’t be endorsing the other party candidates. His butt would be gone. But you dumbocrats can stand up for the same dang thing like it was the march on Washington played out right here. Gimme a break, these 23 fools got somethin to hide or to help somebody hide. Watcha hidin Clovis?

      • RevJW, it is not even conceivable that a well respected Republican Chairman like Mr. Parke would consider treason against his own Republican candidate. On the other hand, a self-dealing rouge insider group could hijack a local county party and try to operate it like their own little Chicago, until the Indiana State Democratic party came in to run ads for their Evansville Mayoral candidate. Amazing to me RevJW that so few of the Democratic inner circle have any backbone. Dr. Dan Adams and Gail Riecken showed moxie and class. The rest better pray the voters are as dumb as their Democrat leadership thinks they are.

  3. What are these people hiding that is so damning that the boss had to call them all together to remind them that they must hang together, or they will hang separately?

    There is truly something very rotten at the bottom of all this!


        • No substance. Just babble. No wonder you and others here support Davis. You share the same paranoid tendency to fabricate conspiracy theories.

          • When Connie Robinson justified her disloyal actions against the democratic party that she is the Vice-Chair of, she said if you don’t stand for something you can fall for anything.
            She has been hailed a hero that was exercising her freedom of choice.
            You and the others that attended that closed door meeting were scared to stand up to her, but I AM NOT.
            As soon as someone took a stand against Robinson, you called them paranoid and conspiracy theorist.
            That is a huge double standard and continues to show the desperation of those who signed that resolution—you included.

          • First of all, I am not scared of Connie Robinson or anyone else in the Democrat party. Your statement is absurb on the face of it, and I have proven otherwise.

            I have disagreed with Connie Robinson and others who signed that resolution, and I have voiced my disagreement strongly and publicly in front of the city council and with my name affixed in the Courier and Press on many occasions.

            I called out you and others for your paranoid tendency to manufacture conspiracy theories not just for what you have said regarding this incident, but for a whole lot of your horse hockey that has appeared over an extended period of time both here and in the Courier and Press blogs.

  4. Connie Robinson knows what side her cornbread is buttered on..Rick Davis might actually stop some of her last minute motions brought before the Council…She does not want to kill the cow that makes the biscuits and gravy!!!!

  5. The first thing Rick Davis should do when becomes mayor is to call for an audit of the arena and hotel projects, from start to present.

    Then maybe city councilman Dan Adams will finally have some answers to the questions he has directed to the administration.


    • Gage, Brownfields , arena, hotel, and any other projects that don’t pass the smell test.

    • Press, great point my friend but don’t stop there. DMD, DMR, the mensa like ERC, GAGE, Bond Bank and every other alphabet soup group connected with the City. Demo Dan Adams and Repub Dan McGinn have been the only ones for years asking the tough questions and getting stone walled by the current regime. Full audit of all entities is warranted to give either Mayor a starting point. It would be great is the CCO would ask both candidates if they would invite a full State audit if elected.

      • There was an audit done for GAGE at the end of 2009. It will show the true losses from the Freedom Festival. That audit was done by the firm of Kruse-Dicus.
        Dicus is Winnecke’s campaign treasurer. Good luck getting past the 501(c)3 status on that one.
        The Brownfields Corp has been fleecing the taxpayers for years. County attorney Ted Zimer approved the current system used in the program. Ziemer has given Winnecke over $17,000 for his mayoral campaign. Maybe he wants to be the next city attorney. They hide behind their non-profit status. Please move along, nothing to see here folks.
        I do not think Winnecke will audit anything or anybody if he is elected. “Because we do not have to” is not a good enough reason to withhold the information when it comes to these groups. Neither one would function without the tax dollars given to them.

  6. I didn’t care for your mayor’s defiling of GAGE’s mission by using GAGE funds for his “supplemental” contract for Tom Barnett.

    Evansville Brownfields has some major “smell” problems that revolves around DMD creating a not-for-profit to carry on activity that DMD is prohibited by statute from doing. There is no “arms-length” relationship there when Tom Barnett and Connie Robinson both are on Brownfields board.

    Arena? It will never be anything other than just another publicly owned entertainment facility that will be a continuing money pit for taxpayers. Roberts could have been renovated for far less money and parking would not be a problem.

    Hotel? What hotel? Your mayor has fumbled that one big time! And he certainly has not won any hearts with his handling of the McCurdy either.

    Maybe we can talk about it some time over a nice bottle of Opus One. Your treat of course.


  7. How could anyone write this as a Hollywood script and even try to make it believable?
    The “heroes-turned villains” angle.
    The plot twists within plot twists.
    The “who knows who is good”meme.

    You just can’t make this stuff up.

    It’s just fascinating to me.

    If I had any money I would bring in a writer and bankroll them for a scorecard precis.Then write the novel.

    This sweet little town.
    There’s a movie here,I’m tellin ya.

  8. ClovisPoint,
    I agree that people should not be confused as to what went on in the meeting that you and only a select few were invited to. People should not misinterpret what was said or what went on. Yo have complained over and over about our lack of knowledge as to the words that were said or what the words meant.
    I read the piece of paper- and yes, that is all it is. Based on what I read, I believe the local committee wants to handle any issues related to Robinson’s actions. The amount of money she has given to the committee is listed as a reason for the request. I think that is a bad idea. I believe if it is up to Owens and crew to address her behavior, we will never hear about it again. Maybe your group has some reasoning behind it that is not included in the “resolution”. Because the meeting was not open to the public, we do not know what he entire conversation was about. You can’t exclude us , then criticize us for not having the insider information. All we can do is read what you send out and try to make heads or tails of it. And when the ONLY person making any attempt to further explain it is using a screen name, it does not make me feel like I am getting any closer to the full story.
    Did anybody in that room stand up in front of their peers and say that they believed it was wrong for the Vice-Chair of their own party to publicly endorse the candidate from the other party?

    • “Did anybody in that room stand up in front of their peers and say that they believed it was wrong for the Vice-Chair of their own party to publicly endorse the candidate from the other party?”


      Apparently Dan Adams and Gail Riecken did just that before they left the meeting.


      • So am I to believe that those who signed the paper did not have a problem with their Vice-Chair endorsing Winnecke? I can’t be sure since ClovisPoint was the only one on here that was there? CP, any thoughts on that one?

        • LOL….your belief is correct, in fact all of the signers have no problem with supporting Winnecke either by Robinson or themselves. They simply are so arrogant that they can’t see the mockery they have made of the local democratic party…..the folks in Indy are having a very good laugh at Weinzapfel’s expense.


          • That is true! Regardless of the outcome of this election, one thing is VERY clear:

            Weinzapfel is dead, politically.

  9. I want to congratulate all of the political scientists in Evansville who are suddenly shocked (Shocked I Tell You!) that there is an Evil Polical Machine in Evansville, after Only Seven and Three Quarter Years of the Whiney-Zapple Administration! How did you geniuses manage to discover that so quickly?!!!!

    And the Democratic Party descends further into bickering and chaos. Keep up the good work, guys!

    • Do you think a Winnecke victory will be the end of the machine? Do you really think that his back room dealings, taxayer fleecing actions with Weinzapfel are not an indicator of things to come under a Winnecke administration? Are you not concnerned at all about Winnecke’s actions while invovlved in GAGE, Brownfields, Homestead tax credit? All of which Weinzapfel was in on too? If you are not concerned with any of those issues, than you are no different than those you are making fun of.
      Winnecke is Weinzapfel. That is why Ownes and crew have welcomed him with open arms—-and closed doors.

      • Winnecke = Weinzapfel = Winnecke = Weinzapfel

        Winnecke will protect the insiders who helped elect him and make sure that their crimes never see the light of day.

        For Evansville to move forward, there MUST be an accounting of what has gone on in the past.

  10. Every city department and all books of the City are audited annually by the Indiana State Board of Accounts and have been for 50+ years. Your accusations have no merit. The City has received a clean bill of health during each audit with minor footnotes.

    • The audits simply say where the money came from, where it went, and whether any of it was illegal.

      They do not address whether or not the relationships are unethical.

      They also don’t have access to all of the 501(c)3 not-for-profits that now encase city and county government.

    • Our current leaders rely on people to wonder around this town with blinders on in order for them to keep their power. The reason they started using
      501(c)3 status was to shield them from a FULL audit. I am curious to know how much do you have to be fleeced, lied to, and left out before you question anything?

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