Daily Off topic Forum May 15, 2015



      • Deniers keep denying ….peefft…….at about 2.33% of scientifically qualified observers agree with your conclusions , that’s a popcorn fart inside a tropical cyclone, bubble rider.
        Its going to be another tough weekend for the U.S. Midwest. Denying has no statistical valuation whatsoever. Heads up preparation does, however.
        The EU’s Mediterranean Seas coastal balance will B-slap your stupidity straight up lately.
        The sting they’re feeling is climate migrations extreme numbers. Those will only get worse as the century advances.


        • I am a denier but hardly stupid. There is simple zero concrete proof.
          The three biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of Earth , in no particular order, are:
          1. Liberalism
          2. Global warming/climate change
          3. obama

          • Conservatism is 0-History

            Anti-heliocentricism, Crusades, Inquisition, Anti-Enlightenment,
            Siding with King George and becoming Tories and Loyalists,
            Secession and Civil War, Anti-suffrage, Anti- public education, Anti- Darwin
            Anti-union and child labor laws, Anti-trust busting, Anti-national parks
            Great Depression, Anti-New Deal, Social Security, FDIC, SEC, WPA, CCC
            Segregationists/Birch Society, Anti interracial marriage, Anti-intellectualism
            Denying WWII widows access to the GI Bill, Anti-civil rights,
            Anti-Great Society Food stamps, school lunches, unemployment insurance low-income housing, Anti-women’s rights and the Equal rights amendment and Title IX,
            Anti environmental protections, Watergate, Iran-Contra
            Denying the Greenhouse Effect and Anthropgenic, Global Warming
            Lying about Iraq WMD’s,
            Torture at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib,
            Anti-LGBT rights.

            Greenhouse gases trap heat, it is pure physics and chemistry, everything else after that is as certain as Euclidian geometry.

            Obama? Might as well debate the color of the wall with you.

            My IRA says he’s one of the best ever.

      • They bought kool- aid Powder to throw on you after you compete the 10 K run. It’s called the “Color Run” silly. But a fat kid sitting in his mommas basement all day would not know these things. You not suppose to drink it kiddo.

        People living in Florida and along other coast lines are going to have to move inland at high tide one day. Better get started figuring out just what “stuff” you want to move to higher ground to avoid getting it wet.

  1. Anyone see the short blurb in the Courie and Press sports section yesterday, “City’s Mattingly RBI program scrapped”?
    Evidently Don and his Mattingly Charities were to fund a program for inner city youth to play baseball this spring. However, as quoted, “Philosophical and financial differences have scrapped plans for the program”, per organizer Dean Hall.
    Mattingly Charities withdrew its support because of Dean’s plans to pay coaches a modest stipend for the 10-week program and the fact that more than 10 churches and organizations planned to field teams. Mattingly Charities wanted to limit the program to 10 teams.
    Sorry to see such an opportunity from a very generous man be manipulated to the point of being withdrawn.

  2. Brains: Like most liberals, you are too stupid to argue with. Nice cut and pace, though.

    • Brains is too smart to argue with an idiot like Ballon Pilot. He knows you are just full of hot stale air and you have to let out a little steam before you implode. You are the stupid one.

      • I’m glad I found this ultra liberal site. I intend to be a very big pain in your collective ass.

        • So far you’re just another clown in the conservative clown car of amusement.

          Lots and lots of spurious claims and yapping points, zero facts or logic.

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