IS IT TRUE? October 26, 2011


3 Stooges: Evansville Style

IS IT TRUE? October 26, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the trouble with tribes, clubs, teams, fraternities, lodges, and political parties is that they are so steeped in the tradition of GROUPTHINK that there is no place for a dissenting voice even when that dissenting voice is the only voice of reason in a mindless mass of bricks in the wall?…that some such groups even resort to blood oaths, vows of allegiance, and arcane ritual to keep the membership in GROUPTHINK mode?…that the most recent local entity to have a “coming to Jesus” year for a half century of GROUPTHINK is the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party?…that the latest dust up in the increasingly comical fiasco is the endorsement of Republican candidate for Mayor Lloyd Winnecke by Democratic City Councilwoman and Vice Chair of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party Connie Robinson?…that this endorsement has lead to a complaint being filed by a yet to be named Democratic precinct committeeperson asking that Councilwoman Robinson be removed as Vice Chair?…that the BLUE CLUB called the Indiana Democratic Party has a BLUE CLUB is on the following link?

IS IT TRUE that on Page 27 of the BLUE RULE BOOK is a section that deals with the Removal of Party Officers?…that the Grounds for Removal are well defined only as (1) Neglect of duty; (2) Willful violation of these Rules; (3) Conviction of a felony; (4) Disloyalty to the Democratic Party; or (5) Any course of conduct that does not promote the best interest of the Party or creates dissension within the Party?…that conveniently the tribunal to administer justice in this matter will not be able to meet until after the election?…that we encourage the curious to read this to your heart’s desire?

IS IT TRUE that all of this really started a little over a year ago when Rick Davis decided to break local party protocol and announce his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Evansville without seeking the permission of the local Party Bosses including Mayor Weinzapfel, Mark Owen, and even Vice Chair & City Councilwoman Robinson?…that we do not recall any instance of any allegation of breaking the BLUE TEAM RULES at the time?…that Mr. Davis’s only crime was offending the Tribunal of GROUPTHINK by not kissing the ring?…that the people of Evansville and especially the rank and file members of the Democratic Party have now endured a full year of barnyard and playground antics that would actually make a decent movie if any producer is out there listening?…that at the very least this should be the topic of a future community play put on at the Reitz Home?

IS IT TRUE that is has only been FOUR YEARS since the Vanderburgh Republican Party had egg on its face because a primary that put David Nixon on the ballot as the Republican nominee for Mayor of Evansville?…that we do not recall any Republican Party leaders endorsing any of the Democratic slate of candidates in 2007 but we are quite sure that Mr. Nixon did not garner 100% of the votes of Republican Party officers?…that Mayor Weinzapfel’s 85% – 15 % margin of victory guarantees that many rank and file Republicans crossed party lines to vote Democratic?…that the current mess is not about the rank and file whom we encourage to read, think, and vote for the person instead of mindlessly voting a straight ticket (pulling the rooster)?

IS IT TRUE that this mess is about whether it is appropriate to hold office in the BLUE CLUB and endorse a member of the RED CLUB at the same time?…that if the Coach of the Packers was seen rooting for the Bears while the Packers were playing the Bears the this would be one fired Coach?…that if Republican Party Chairman Wayne Parke makes a public endorsement of Rick Davis or any other Democrat in this year’s election that Mr. Parke should be shown the door?…that if the CEO of General Motors is seen driving any other brand of car that he has no business serving as the CEO of General Motors?…that so it goes for Councilwoman Robinson?…that this is one place where playing both sides against the middle should not be tolerated?

IS IT TRUE that the City County Observer admires and defends Councilwoman Robinson’s independent spirit and freedom of choice?…that if Councilwoman Robinson is supportive of Lloyd Winnecke that she should be free to use her influence to help his campaign?…that she should not however use her position as an OFFICER of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY to do so?…that the right thing for Councilwoman Robinson to do right now is to resign her position as Vice Chair and then follow her heart and mind on how to vote and how to use her personal influence?…that holding a vote of confidence among the BLUEBOTS that oppose Davis yet control the local party is a meaningless exercise in a reverse kangaroo court?…that of course the “machine” will find confidence in her?…that such an idiotic ritual will not serve to heal the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party?…that it will just make the divide wider?


  1. “..the endorsement of Republican candidate for Mayor Lloyd Winnecke by Democratic City Councilwoman and Vice Chair of the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party Connie Robinson…”

    * * * * * * * * * * *

    The word for today kids is: DESPERATION

    By a show of hands now, how many of you know what DESPERATION means?


  2. Excellent and correct analysis by the CCO. This is exactly why the Indiana State Democratic party is now involved and doing what the local Democratic leadership refused to do, support their primary winning Democratic candidates for general election. This neglect of duty is from same local Democratic leadership that are still appealing to have Mr. Lindsey removed from the ballot, and sued to put Linda Durham in office. The only question is when the Rule 19 start to be filed if the openly disloyal local Democratic leaders don’t resign their party posts.

  3. Connie got played like a fool by all them rich white dudes that really run the Evansville Democratic machine. They got her to get out there first by telling her that they would follow and now they have shut their mouths tight. Desperation? yep you bet the machine is in desperation mode. Connie on the other hand is getting torn apart here and on the CP comments. Ain’t a one of the machine gonna have her back either. I wonder if she has the good sense to even recognize how she got played by the man?

    • Excellent analysis. While looking out for her toilet paper, she turned her back on her own neighborhood. How sad.

  4. “that she should not however use her position as an OFFICER of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY to do so?…that the right thing for Councilwoman Robinson to do right now is to resign her position as Vice Chair and then follow her heart and mind on how to vote and how to use her personal influence?…that holding a vote of confidence among the BLUEBOTS that oppose Davis yet control the local party is a meaningless exercise in a reverse kangaroo court?…that of course the “machine” will find confidence in her?…that such an idiotic ritual will not serve to heal the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party?…that it will just make the divide wider?”

    Agreed on all points…..the damming thing for Ms Robinson is she was elected a democrat, she represents a base (her ward) of mostly democrat voting constituents, she is not serving her party or her constituents by crossing party lines to endorse Mr Winnecke.

    But the most outrageous part of all is telling her constituents to stay home and not vote in this election….really? How is this representing anything but Ms Robinson’s DESPERATION to have her choice in the mayoral race validated? It’s a slap in the face to her constituents, telling them to stay home and not vote, which is the same as saying you are not smart enough to choose who you want for mayor.

    I guess I can add her to the same short list of people who do not represent their constituents but rather are self serving, talk out of both sides of their mouths, and are strictly in politics for their own personal gain.

    Truly pathetic!

    (BTW Press I do have my hand up!) 😉


  5. Connie already makes good money transporting supplies from Sams club to Aztar. I wonder if she was offered any other sweetheart deals in return for this endorsement?

    • Good question. I hear that there have been sealed bid awards by the EVSC and the City of Evansville that she has made money off of. I bet she has her hand in the pocket of the Ford Center too.

      If you really want to get to the bottom of some back door secret dirty deals go dig into what goes on with the Evansville Brownfields Corp. That is the group that meets in secret to spend government money buying up dilapidated houses. Connie has been on that board for years. Who gets the houses for a song afterward? That answer will expose another pack of dirty deals in Evansville

      • Whereas I agree with you that Brownfields is mismanaged (between Tom Barnett’s miserable leadership and Ms Rusk’s “Cybil-like” personality), but I will say I can guarantee the meetings are open to the public, with the exception of Executive Sessions. Although, I will say, they are not terribly well advertised. You can call DMD @ 436-7823 and inquire about the attending the meetings if you are truly interested.

  6. Demagogue or Democrat? That is the question the voters in the 4th ward need to ask themselves when assessing Ms Robinson’s True politics.

  7. The good people of the 4th Ward deserve someone who represents them and not themselves. Up until this point, I thought Ms. Robinson was one of those people. Now, it is clear that Ms. Robinson is only out to protect herself (and probably her batty friend Louise Willams, too). I wonder where Ms. Williams will do her on-line shoe shopping when she can’t do it on the tax-payers dime at DMD? But, I digress.

  8. How is Rick Davis not just as guilty of breaking the Blue Club rules? Is it because no filed a complaint that he recruited candidates to run against incumbant Dems? He is the crown prince od Dem dissension! I’d gladly fill out the paperwork!

  9. If might be time for the Office of US Attorney’s Office, Inspector General Office and the Attorney General of the State of Indiana to conduct an Official investigation of the activities of the Evansville Brownfield Corp. for the past eight years. Connie Robinson is one of three members which she has served for eight years. Many millions of taxpaper dollars went through the Evansville Browfield Corp to purchase delapidated homes and vacant lots for future development. My real concern is that the meetings were not open to the public and without media oversite. These meetings were unpulished and mintues were not kept.

    More scary this is part of the function of Tom Barnett and Evansville Metropolitian Development Department.

  10. Great post! I intend to contact the above this afternoon to conduct a formal invesigation of activities of Evansville Browfield for the past eight years.

  11. As a client of Evansville Housing Authority, I hear it might be advisable for the above agencies conduct an invesigation of the Section 8 Voucher program of the Evansville Houing Authority.

    I have heard from some employees of the Evansville Housing Authority that a board member is allowed to participate in the Section 8 Housing Voucher program

  12. Constance should resign from the party and the city counsel. If she truly wants to serve the people of the 4th ward she will do so immediately.

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