Davis Supplemental Campaign Finance Disclosure


Davis Supplemmental Campaign Disclosure 10252011


  1. Was that picture photo shopped? If not, at least Rick had enough sense to keep those 2 in front of him.

  2. I can not fathom why Rick Davis’ latest television commercial is not up on his website.

    What is up with that.


    • Maybe he can’t afford to pay his webmaster.

      And didn’t Connie Robinson specifically endorse Winnecke yesterday?!!!

      • Yes, she did. This was primary election night at Rick’s victory party. Tornatta had not even finished his concession speech before those two showed up!

        • She ain’t nothin but an opportunistic suck up. As soon as she saw that Boy Troy was takin an ass whoopin she and el baldo made a bee line for the Davis victory party to suck up just in case this dude gets himself elected.

          Connie takes care of Connie and Friend takes care of Friend. They ain’t no damn different than Weinzapful. They take care of their own self. I forget the name of them lizards that change color but that is what the both of them suckers are. I think them lizards are called karmaeeleons.

  3. Who is that handsome, follicular-challenged and learned man on the right ? Hope he makes it into ” The Kitchen Cabinet” of young Davis.

  4. Connie sold out her ward to save her own…well! And Our Times said today that all in the 4th Ward better do what she wants! I thought the ward bosses were dead! You people vote in line and see what the GOP does for you! MLK Jr. is rolling in the grave! Rich people, no matter black or white always forget where the came from! Rick will not forget! Pick Rick! He’s the real deal!

  5. The local Democratic Central Committee, their Democratic Chairman and their departing Democratic Mayor refused to support their own Democratic candidate for Mayor. Disloyalty at best. The Democratic State Party had to intervene so as not to again embarrass the Democratic Party statewide by the same local Democratic leadership that decided in secret to be the ONLY County in the State to let the homestead tax exemption lapse so Gov. Daniels had to step in and save the day. This from the same local Democratic leadership that sued to put Linda Durham in office.

  6. Connie Robinson needs to be challenged. When Rick gets elected, how can we keep Connie in office? I live in the 4th ward. I have called her, emailed her, and asked her in person to speak with me. She nods and says yes, but nothing! She attends no neighborhood meetings and historically is only vocal when it is a race issue. (Like the African museum) Otherwise, forget it. Here are the things that she should be addressing in the 4th ward…a long sought after pedestrian overpass for the students who go to Bosse and Washington. The funding in the Front Door Pride program was not evenly spaced, but focused into one area (Arts District). And she should have been representing the citizens when sewage was back flowing into their homes in her ward.

  7. Who cares about kids getting run over and poop flowing under the door when you have a museum?

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