IS IT TRUE? October 25, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 25, 2011

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville Department of Water and Sewer has placed a new and rather extortive weapon in their debt collection arsenal?…that recently landlords who live in the area served by the City of Evansville who have rental properties that the tenants have failed to pay the water bill for are being threatened with having their personal water turned off unless they pay the overdue amounts that their tenants stiffed the water department for?…that in the cases that we are aware of the landlords had no prior knowledge of the situation regarding their tenants defaults and that letters went out last week giving unsuspecting landlords only a week to make good or lose their own water service?…that this is an insulting program to local landlords, is not even legal for Vectren to do, and will drive even more of the rental properties in the City of Evansville into abandonment?…that the way this happens is a) landlord rents to tenant, b) tenant gets water turned on in THEIR NAME, c) tenant does not pay water bill, and d) City of Evansville threatens landlord with termination of service on other properties and gives them one week to pay?…that we predict that this insane policy will drive landlords away from the City of Evansville and will in the long run even drive some residents out?…that it seems as though BIG BROTHER from George Orwell’s 1984 has taken over the City of Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that this practice needs to cease and desist immediately unless the intentions of the City of Evansville is to make the 10,000 already abandoned homes in the City look unattractive to any investor at any time?…that idiotic practices like this are a great way to expand Detroit like conditions of mile after mile of blight with no prospect of ever cleaning it up?…that this practice is brought to us by the same local government that after 3 months of shame cannot even manage to clean a pile of debris at 600 East Franklin Street that has been widely publicized?…that the insanity never seems to stop emanating from the Civic Center?

IS IT TRUE that the pre-hearing that was scheduled for today in Indianapolis regarding the Vectren request to increase the fee to ratepayers for installation of the dense pack technology has been CANCELLED?…that the reason for this CANCELLATION is the fact that the November 28th hearing on the same topic will be in Evansville and having redundant meetings is not necessary?…that this is a big win for the people of Evansville and also for the Vectren Corporation?…that Vectren was the object of affection of a group of about a dozen marchers from the Occupy Evansville group yesterday?…that is a small fraction of the 150 people who marched around the Vectren Building back on October 15th?…that environmental advocate John Blair was quoted then as stating how difficult it is for protest movements of any kind to get any traction in Evansville due to the fact that locals are raised not to disrupt the status quo?…that in other news regarding Vectren, we have word from the young lady who got the unwelcome surprise of a back bill over a defective meter?…that Vectren has admitted that they made an error, is speaking respectfully with her, and that it looks like a fair compromise may be in the near future?…that when this happens you shall know?…that if it does not then you shall know as well?

IS IT TRUE that another endorsement from a place that is certainly not known for endorsement of Republican candidates has now broken for Lloyd Winnecke?…that the local newspaper that reports mostly on African American issues known as OUR TIMES has published an extensive endorsement for the Republican candidate for Mayor of Evansville?…that the endorsement states that “when City Councilwoman Connie Robinson cast her lot with Republican Winnecke we have no choice but to follow her lead”?…that as much as the CCO is against people using endorsements to tell them how to vote we are sort of flabbergasted that a legitimate publication would ever make any endorsement based on the preferences of any elected official?…that the day that the New York Times justifies an endorsement of one politician by the desires of another politician that all credibility will be lost?… the that you may read the endorsement on the following link and see for yourself?

IS IT TRUE that the Davis for Mayor campaign has informed us that they received notification yesterday that two expenses had been paid for them by the Indiana State Democratic Party?…that $12,315 was paid to Buying Time Media and that $8,929.83 was paid to Putnam Partners both of the Washington DC area for ads and media production?


  1. Why does the Our Times have no choice but to follow Robinsons lead? I would like to hear the reasoning behind that.

  2. Sounds like the “Our Times” message is “Fall into line folks, if you know what’s good for you!”—and “Connie Knows Best”.
    What an insult to the minority population of Our City!

    • The Democrat voters in the 4th Ward will see through Connie. She is only concerned about her own self interests. If the voters knew how much money she has made by using her influence on the council to get fat contracts from the city and the EVSC then the next march in Evansville would be outside her house.

  3. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. It does not take any though. It only involves seeing what the boss does and then doing it exactly the same way. Sort of like teaching a one year old to stick their tongue out by watching a parent stick their tongue out. If this is the best that “Our Times” can do then they need to hire someone with a brain to do some writing for them.

  4. Give me a break. Connie thinks she rules the 4th Ward but she is sadly mistaken. Same is true for Sandra Matthews. You couldn’t PAY my neighbors or I to vote for a republican. Be my guest. Go ask them.

    Soon all of Connie’s sweet deals will be exposed.
    Winnecke = Weinzapfel like someone posted yesterday.

    Winnecke has shown up to how many of our churches lately promising the moon? We see right through it. If he cared so much, he would have been down here before. He’s been our commissioner for how many years?

    Connie can preach all she wants. We aren’t listening.

  5. “The Davis for Mayor campaign has informed (City County Observer) that they received notification yesterday that two expenses had been paid for them by the Indiana State Democratic Party. $12,315 was paid to Buying Time Media and $8,929.83 was paid to Putnam Partners both of the Washington DC area for ads and media production.”

    First Davis has Chris Sauter (D.C.-based political consultant for Obama) coach him for the debates, then Davis has Don Parker and John Gregg bankroll the final weeks of his campaign, and now we find out Davis has gone all the way to D.C. for the production of his nasty negative TV advertisements.

    So much for staying local, buying local, and supporting our struggling local businesses, Mr. Davis.

    • LOL…like anyone in this town could keep a secret long enough for a TV ad to be produced and aired before it hit youtube….and if I had to guess that wasn’t a decision Davis got to make, I’d bet Parker pulled the strings on that expenditure.


    • A couple of points you need to be corrected on (both of which demonstrate you don’t really pay attention to what you read and write). First, the Indiana Democrat Party Chair is DAN Parker, not Don. Second, the statement says “The Davis for Mayor campain…received notification yesterday…” Does this not indicate to you that perhaps the Davis campaign was unaware the the state party perhaps acted independently, as they are wont to do? Perhaps the state party is stepping in to clean up the mess made by Weinzapfel, Owen, et. al?

      • Nothing indicates to me that Davis or his campaign was or is unaware of anything regarding what Dan Parker announced or the IDP is doing for Davis.

        The agreement was made between the Indiana Democrat Party and Rick Davis’s campaign with both parties to the agreement having full knowledge of what IDP was doing which is making a substantial “in kind” donation of up to $40K to produce and air a negative campaign ad that must carry a disclaimer from both parties to the agreement.

        The mess to which you refer was made by one person: Rick Davis.

        • Not really….it’s easy to lay the blame on Mr Davis for not following protocol and begging Weinzapfel for permission to run for mayor and not begging Owen to throw the backing of the demo party behind him, he chose not to and ultimately split the party.

          Now we have all the rats (machine demos) openly supporting a republican candidate which the state party demos see as treason which it is in a lot of ways, they had little choice but to step in and the rats should take notice if they have any aspirations of seeking a higher office that would require the support of the state demo party.

          You can lay the blame at Davis’s feet if you like but honestly it’s just a matter of your view point or perception of the situation, the rats are just as guilty for the state demos steppin’ in because of their short-sightedness and not looking at the big picture in regard to the 2012 election.

          They are selfish little people (the rats) who care little for the party or the people they represent, they are motivated by power and the prestige of the office they hold but yet they grovel at the feet of their king hoping he will throw them a bone with a little meat left on it.


  6. People expected Winnecke to blow Davis away in the debates. That is why Winnecke challenged him in the first place. Davis performed very well in all 3 debates, so now Winnecke supporters criticize Davis for being prepared. He has stood toe to toe with all challengers and has been outspent at least 2-1. Yet, he is still in a position to win. If this were not true, there would be no reason for Robinson or any other so-called democrat to say anything in support of Winnecke. Crossing party lines at this point is a desperate move to protect self interests. Nothing more.

  7. Davis went to the state party and beged for help. Also why is the CCO running a photo of Rick, Connie and John as the Rick profile pic? Is it another childish way to demonstrate the current lack of support of Rick?

    • The state party came in after seeing the poll numbers. Owens and his cronies had repeatedly told the state party that NO democrat could win this election. Obviously the poll numbers showed something different. Despite the actions of Ownes, Jarvis, Robinson, and ALL of the others who wish to protect their empire, Davis is still here. The fact that Winnecke has spent at least twice as much and still has not sealed the deal speaks to the appeal Davis has with the common person.
      There are people within the party that stand to lose a lot of power under a Davis administraion.
      At this point, Winnecke could pledge to shut down the border between Indiana and Kentucky and Owns and his crew would support it. Anything to keep what they have.

      • Exactly.

        Davis and crew will have the last laugh on election day. Why? Because we are SICK AND TIRED of the nonsense. The so-called machine’s minions will be sent packing.

        I just hope Davis keeps the courage he has shown so far, and gets rid of every single one of them who stabbed him in the back thus far. There’s a long list!

      • I do not agree with your assessment of what went down. Here’s the truth as I see it.

        There are several Democrats who would have made very good mayoral candidates before Rick Davis’s rash behavior threw a monkey wrench into the entire works. Rick’s actions at best have rendered the local Democrat party ineffective for the next few election cycles, or at worst Rick is solely responsible for the demise of the local Democrat party. Only time will tell which.

        Let’s forget for the moment, however difficult it may be to forget such things, that Rick Davis has concocted all sorts of wacky reasons to attack one Democrat incumbent after another, from the precinct committeeman level all the way up to the Mayor of Evansville. Let’s consider instead just Rick’s current mayoral campaign. On October 1, 2010, Rick Davis strutted into Mayor Weinzapfel’s office and pronounced, “I have to announce for mayor now before the election in order to garner support before Troy. So I’m going to announce right after the Fall Festival.” Right there you see Rick’s stated intent was to launch his campaign for mayor ahead of any other potential candidates, and in particular ahead of Troy Tornatta who at the time was still one month out from the November 2010 county election day.

        Now it might be a smart move to announce before your potential opponents do, especially if one potential opponent is waiting for Evan Bayh to decide whether he is running for governor and your other potential opponent is running for county commissioner and still one month out from election day. But there is more to smart politics than timing. There is such a thing as diplomacy and finesse (as in skillful handling of a potential volcanic eruption). Rick Davis is devoid of either.

        So the volcano erupted right there in the mayor’s office on October 1, 2010 and the hot ash hasn’t stopped falling yet. One thing lead to another, the situation deteriorated rapidly between Fall Festival 2010 and the February 2011 filing deadline, and no Democrat no matter how fantastic a mayoral candidate he or she would make would step into a political bear trap like the horrid mess that ensued. Anyone who would’ve made a better candidate than either Davis or Tornatta simply sat back and watched the three ring circus that now has mortally wounded the Vanderburgh County Democrat Party.

        If Dan Parker and the IDP think they can mend this mess, more power to them. But I think they’ll have their hands full next year trying to keep Indiana blue for Obama, and running John Gregg against Mike Pense. IDP only ever wanted Evansville for votes to anchor the 8th District and the money the can grub out of here anyway. I doubt there will be much of either for the IDP in 2012.

        • As an independent voter, party politics is just one big game of control and the rule for play is manipulating the citizens of Evansville. I have to say that I admire Davis for not playing politics but for running his own race from the start.

          It was mentioned above that it is the common person like me who appreciates the difference between Davis’ respect for our points of view and Winnecke’s strategy of playing to monied individuals and corporations. Winnecke is deal-maker, and a director of actors in live action dramas but these are not what I see as strong points for a mayor. These did however make him good at his previous jobs.

          I plan to vote for some republicans and some democrats because I see candidates in both parties whose views I share and whom I think are good people with balanced approaches. One of those democrats for whom I will vote is Rick Davis.

      • The most recent polls have Winnecke up by about 3 points.

        If the polls are that close going into election day, Davis will win by ~1000-1500 votes. Republicans always overpoll in Evansville elections due to straight ticket voting on the Dem side.

  8. Exactly.

    Davis and crew will have the last laugh on election day. Why? Because we are SICK AND TIRED of the nonsense. The so-called machine’s minions will be sent packing.

    I just hope Davis keeps the courage he has shown so far, and gets rid of every single one of them who stabbed him in the back thus far. There’s a long list!

  9. If Rick Davis wins this race and then GOVERNS the way he has campaigned, he will end up being the greatest mayor the city of Evansville has ever had.

    He will be almost single-handedly responsible for bringing down the Machine.

    • You are exactly right brother Vonkayel. Rick Davis is a power to be reckoned with and will make the democrat party alot stronger in Evansville especially when he puts his man Don Mosby in as party chairman. Don is a good union man and wont stand for any nonsense like whats going on now with Owens.

      • Owen and Weinzapfel are corporate whores. They do their song and dance for the unions, but their true masters are the money people.

        The exact same people who are backing Winnecke.

    • The conditions are right to tear down the machine for the first time in lot of years. The level of disgust with kickbacks and insider deals is way beyond where it has ever been. What I can’t understand is why Winnecke is embracing this self serving flock of vultures. If he has any sense at all he will reject their endorsements rather than putting his base in Davis’s camp. Do you have any idea how much Tea Partiers hate the machine regime?

      • Rev. Wright-

        It is simple–they own Winnecke, lock, stock, and barrel. He has no ability to reject their endorsements OR their orders. He is a footsoldier for the Machine.

        That is why he has never criticized Weinzapfel, never supported those few Republicans who stood up to the regime, and will never do anything about the blatant corruption of people like John, Robinson, etc.

  10. When Veracity says Davis “threw a wrench into the entire works”,what he is saying is the machine had it’s system compromised.
    Clearly, Owens and his crew had a pecking order and Davis was not a part of the game. What Owens (via Tornatta’s 18% point defeat) has found out, is that the voters are not interested in him picking the candidates. If we were, than there would be no need for the spring primary.
    When he says the democratic party will not be the same for the next few election cycles, what he means is those who think they control everything will no longer be under that assumption. I say great. I hope they get the same message Tornatta got. We do not want force fed candidates or office holders.
    Thank you Veracity for helping us understand what Owens has been up to.

    • So no one has to scroll way up to my post to discover that you are misquoting me, let me say right here that I did not say that the Democrat party would never be the same. I specifically sayd that Rick Davis’s antics have rendered the Democrat party ineffective. I could just as easily said Rick Davis has disabled the Democrat party completely and for some time to come.

      Stay tuned, the disability should become even more apparent tomorrow morning.

      • Dem party will never be the same? GOOD. That’s the best news I’ve heard all day. We already know our local dem party is ineffective(and that’s putting it mildly); they proved that with Tornatta’s butt-woopin in the spring.

        Let’s be very clear – it is NOT Rick Davis’ “antics” as you call them, that created this.
        If this community had any clue what Mark Owen and crew are doing every single minute of every single day to try and destroy Rick, his family, and his campaign, people simply wouldn’t believe it.

        You can continue to try and paint Rick as the villian, but it will not work. There are enough of us who know what’s really going on, and it’s sickening.

        Let’s HOPE the local party is never the same.
        Thank you, Rick.

      • My quote was word for word what you wrote about the wrench into the entire works. I may have not used your exact words about the not being the same vs. ineffective , by the point was made.
        What you refuse to acknowledge is people no longer want the democratic party as it is in it’s current form. That means that we do not want it ran the way Owens runs it. Our voices have gone ignored long enough. The only people who feel threatened by the thought of change are those who will lose their power. The voters are excited for the chance to reclaim power.
        It is clear that you are one of those folks that are trying desperately to hang on to your power. I know you are not getting your info from having lunch with a democrat friend like you claimed on a previous post. You have posted too much inside information over the past weeks to be getting anywhere but from your handlers mouth.
        The bottom line is this. The machine does not care about the “D” or the “R” next to someones name. All they can see is the “P”. POWER over party loyalty any day of the week.

  11. The Evansville Water Dept will STOP people from being Landlords……If the water dept would notify the landlords that the tenent is behind ,instead of leting it go for Three [3] months before shutting the water off would be a much fairepolicy. the water dept doesn’t Try to collect in court,but shuts water off on the other houses the landlord owns…MORE VACATE HOUSES Where is the Mayor on this driving landlords out of business >

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