Occupy Evansville to March on Vectren Monday at 11:30


October 23, 2011

For Immediate Release:

Occupy Evansville and other community leaders are going to meet at he the Four Freedoms Monument at 11:30a.m. tomorrow (Monday October 24) assemble, walk to 1 Vectren Square and march around their building… We will have petitions for people to sign, which will go to the IURC on November 28th at the Centre at 6:00p.m…. Please come and help make a difference!!!

More info contact: Don Mottley 629-5202


  1. Instead of marching around the place, what if everybody decided not to pay one month?
    When does Vectren cut you off?
    Would they pay attention if their revenue was zero every other month?

    What if…hang on… what are those cars doing outside? Hey you can’t come in here—ow!

  2. In today’s (10-24-11) Evansville Courier&Press “Letters” section of the Editorial page Mr. Bob Poland makes an excellent suggestion concerning Vectren’s proposed rate hike.

    This partial quote by Poland strikes at the heart of the matter:

    * * * * * *

    “I submit the following proposal to the commission: Grant Vectren the option to place, temporarily, a separate line-item assessment on the utility bill.

    Vectren will be allowed to collect up to $32.million to finance the project. Vectren will submit itemized costs relating to the project.

    Upon collecting the maximum $32.million, the assessment will be removed from billing. Upon completion of the project an automatic 5 percent reduction in utility costs will be imposed and passed on to each Vectren customer.

    If the customer finances the project, then the customer should be rewarded for their investment.”

    * * * * * *

    Should the IURC find that Vectren is currently operating their A.B. Brown Generating Station steam generators #1 and #2 at maximum efficiency and can not achieve a lower rate for their customers without the addition of Dense-Pack technology, then I suggest that they take the advice of Mr. Bob Poland of Tennyson Indiana and structure their approved rate increase exactly as Mr. Poland has described.


    • Customers would be rewarded through lower fuel costs.
      Mr Poland’s proposal is essentially the same as things are now done.

      • Not quite. In Mr. Poland’s suggestion the 5% reduction in customer’s bills would be written into the IURC contract as “guaranteed” to take place as soon as the Dense-Pack technology was installed and would stay in place until all of the
        $32.million is paid back.

        I also wonder at how Vectren arrived at the $32.million figure. Does that figure cover Dense-Pack technology for both generator #1 and #2 at A.B. Brown?


  3. I want to thank those that marched yesterday, eventhough there wre only a dozen they were heard… Media coverage was good all three TV statiions walked with us all the way enterveiwing each marcher… Each had a different story to tell, from disconnections to why we can’t pay our bills downtown… Again thanks to everyone, Don Mottley…

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