IS IT TRUE? October 20, 2011 Special Evening Edition


Long May this Wave

IS IT TRUE? October 20, 2011

IS IT TRUE that today is a good day to be a citizen of the United States of America, a nation of laws and a nation the people can at least can agree the words “liberty and justice for all” are sacred and worth pursuing even when we don’t get it perfect?…that we elect our leaders and have never had a leader rise to the Presidency by the use of force?…that there are shenanigans with ballots, a dead person or two may cast a vote, and a chad may hang, but overall our constitution is designed very well?…that when we depart from our constitution that it usually is exposed and the pendulum swings back toward the ideals on which our nation was founded?

IS IT TRUE that the reason this is on the CCO’s mind today is because Moarmar Khadafi was finally found today and was disposed of as regimes that are born from oppression often are by the violent spilling of more blood?…that Khadafi rose to power with an iron fist and bloodshed and he fell from power the same way?…that between iPhones with cameras and the internet anyone who has been curious has already seen the last minutes of Khadafi?…that the public humiliation of a dead body is something that can only happen in a place where “liberty and justice for all” is neither the law nor the spirit of the land?…that Khadafi has now joined Saddam Hussein, and Mussolini as people who learned the hard way what can happen when your own people turn on you?…that we wish the Libyan people a rapid transition to a desired and stable form of government and a quick recovery from years of oppression?

IS IT TRUE that today we are thankful for our Republic and for the privilege to change our governing officials at the ballot box as opposed to at the end of a rope or the muzzle of a gun?…that as long as we take the time to think about our choices at the ballot box, to commit our Bill of Rights to memory, and maintain our ability and willingness to defend our freedoms we shall never see the day when the United States of America is reduced to barbarism to change leaders?

IS IT TRUE that Libya is a very rich country when it comes to natural resources?…that we and the other powers of the western world would be well served to cooperate to establish trade with the nation of Libya in a mutually beneficial way as rapidly as the provisional government of Libya will allow us to?

IS IT TRUE that speaking of establishing trade we have had several messages today from people who are of the opinion that there are no bids available to bid on with respect to the Ford Center?…that we actually believe that there is a process by which companies can bid for any remaining work that is needed for the Ford Center or any other City of Evansville project?…available projects are published frequently and that we encourage whomever sent that message to give it a shot?…that if this person runs into obstacles that we are as always interested in hearing about these obstacles?…that we know of several members of the Evansville City Council who are very passionate about doing whatever is possible so that small local firms are able to not only bid but to win and prosper from being a part of the public works process?


  1. Nicely written.We all sometimes get wrapped up in the minutiae of particular squabbles.
    As long as we can keep it, we are the shining city on the hill.
    Sometimes I think the Constitution was divinely inspired.
    How else could it be so perfect?

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