EVSC Kids Provide Meal for Salvation Army


What: Harrison High School’s Center for Family and Community Outreach
Partners with Salvation Army to Provide Meal and Bring Awareness to Salvation Army
(innovative use of regular English class uses Project Based Learning to teach
students practical applications of their knowledge, and help others in the process)

When: Friday, Oct. 21
11:30 a.m. (meal served)
(Other photo/video ops at different times listed below)

Where: Salvation Army
1040 N. Fulton Avenue

A student team comprised of three girls in Erinn Jankowski’s English 12 class at Harrison High School will be deep in chicken pot pie and cookies this Friday, as they see their dream project come to fruition.

The team is part of the Center for Family & Community Outreach that Jankowski started to help students truly engage with the subject of English and realize the practical applications of their learned knowledge, and then put it into action helping non-profit organizations in this community. This is a regular English class, taught in such a way as to incorporate all of the objectives of the English core curriculum, but in a very practical Project Based Learning environment. Last Friday, the student groups met with 11 non-profit organizations they have partnered with and did official presentations of what they would like to do for the organizations they had selected, after having performed site visits and interviews.

Now, the presentations are becoming reality. The students in this team said they went to the Salvation Army and were surprised at the many needs that they could help with. While there they cleaned, folded clothes, worked in the kitchen, and bussed tables – realizing that there are many ways to make a difference – but the biggest is to “give of their time.” Their desire with this project is to bring awareness to the Salvation Army, what it does, and what its needs are. Sandra Appler, director of development, after seeing the presentation to her organization last week said, “it was amazing how much they have done in nine weeks. One student said she learned ‘it’s not about cans (all the can drives that are done for their soup kitchen) it’s about people and giving of ourselves!’”

One of the students in the group has a desire to one day be a pastry chef, and she also attends culinary arts classes at the Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center. So, they decided to also partner with the students there to cook the food for the Salvation Army. All food was donated by the Fresh Market. For additional information go to: mrsjankowski.weebly.com

7:40 a.m.: Culinary Arts class begins preparation of the meal (1901 Lynch Road, Southern Indiana Career & Technical Center – contact there: Chef Ed Ellis)
10:15 a.m.: Culinary Arts delivers meal to Salvation Army location, 1040 N. Fulton Ave.
10:30 a.m.: Workers served lunch
11:30 a.m.: Lunch served to individuals and families coming to the kitchen