IS IT TRUE? October 16, 2011


The Mole #??

IS IT TRUE? October 16, 2011

IS IT TRUE that in the contract that Hunt Construction has to complete the construction of Ford Center there is an interesting line item in Exhibit F, Item 1?…that the line item of which we speak has to do with a reduction in bonus and reads exactly as “if Owner still is able to hold its first event on or before November 1, 2011, earn a reduced incentive of $125,000”?…that the allowing of non-profits to hold events for free in the Ford Center during the month of October may be the best example of brilliant planning to secure that $125,000 bonus ever concocted?…that local non-profits get the use of a nice venue (though not yet finished) AND we the taxpayers get to give Hunt Construction $ 125,000 incentive money whether a the Ford Center is finished well enough to host a revenue producing event on time?…that now that the public announcement has documented that the first event has already been held that Hunt will most certainly qualify for the $125,000 bonus?…that this seems like more SNEGAL tricks to us and that we would like to suggest that this bones should be distributed equally among the Evansville based charities like the Dream Center who unknowingly helped so secure this bonus for Hunt Construction?

IS IT TRUE the new $128 million arena has already become a pigeon roost? That over 100 pigeons can be seen in late afternoon at the top of the arena on the 6th street side of the building? That this does not bode well for the appearance of the Ford Center as the new gem of downtown Evansville?…that we wonder if the hawks that have done such a good job of controlling pigeons by eating them have gone on strike?…that we wonder if some of these Ford Center Pigeons may have relocated from the McCurdy which is so close to having construction crews busy on the building if Centre City Properties can really close their loan this time around?…that the bats can’t be far behind?…that pigeons and bats give new meaning to the words “downtown loft”?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Department showed up on yesterdays EPD Activity Report as a victim?…that someone went into the Civic Center and paid their water bill with two counterfeit $20 bills?…that this may be a crime but that it may just be a consumers way of protesting the counterfeit water and the counterfeit sewer that happens from time to time here in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that the folks at Vectren have another legal notice published today under the signature of Brad Ellsworth that we really need a translator for?…that legal notice excluding the introductions reads as follows?

“Vectren Energy filed with the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission in Cause No. 44093 their Verified Emergency Joint Petition requesting approval of necessary and temporary alterations to the alternative regulatory plan under which Vectren Energy operates the Universal Service Program pursuant to Indiana Code 8-1-2-113 and extension of said alternative regulatory plan beyond its current termination date pursuant to Indiana Code 8-1-2-72 and 8-1-2.5-6(e)”

IS IT TRUE this is some fancy words coming from the former Vanderburgh County Sheriff who was known for a good down to earth demeanor and language that most Evansvillians can understand?…that seems to just be a request to request for a small change and an extension?… that a simple explanation would be appreciated?…that this reminds us of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz when he proved that he finally had a brain?


  1. Is there actually someone calling themselves an editor who really thinks it’s hawks that keep the pigeon population under control in Downtown Evanville? Someone who believes that grain harvests each year this time, and transport of that grain into elevators, and spillage from grain trucks does not attract huge flocks of pigeons to repopulate nearby downtown roosting venues? Someone who believes that a few hawks have sufficient appetites to devour thousands of pigeons over a period of sixty or ninety days? Someone who hasn’t the investigative initiative to discover whether or not the city has a contract with someone whose expertise is employed in trapping pigeons? Come on …

    • IS IT TRUE that yes there is a pigeon man under contract?…that he has traps on tops of several buildings in the downtown and that he is supposed to transport captured pigeons alive to a new home so far from Evansville that they never come back?…that looking at the pigeon population we must need hawks, owls, and an army of pigeon consultants if this is to ever be controlled?

      • The man to whom you refer is the best trapper I have ever known. I’ve seen him in action many times and on many species. His methods are intuitive and creative. Downtown Evansville cannot support a hawk population sufficient to put even a small dent in the pigeon population. I happen to know how many pigeons this man traps per year, and the numbers are astounding. Pigeons repopulate downtown Evansville seasonally, and it’s due to season activities associated with grain farming, grain storage, and shipping grain. I guess you just needed another reason to point a finger at the Arena. Yes we all would be disappointed if the exterior was streaked with pigeon droppings, but that’s not going to happen so long as this fellow has the trapping contract.

        • What is the annual cost to the City of this Trapper John; and why has that cost not been disclosed ?

  2. Concerning Hunt’s “bonus” of $125K, I would expect nothing less of our esteemed mayor. Totally predictable.


  3. Stay tuned for the next episode of EVANSVILLE MYSTERY THEATER!

    Who knows what diabolical schemes the dastardly villain has in store for his unsuspecting victims?

    Musical accompaniment here:

    Go full screen and crank up the volume.


    • Press: very impressive music for Evansville Mystery Theater. That Jonny Bach has a great future ahead of him !

  4. (regarding bonus): Another fine example of the folks in charge at the Civic Center “asleep at the switch”.

  5. Editor: re: the absence of hawks at the Arena: I had an e-mail from the hawks a while back . . . they said they would not be going to the Arena–they have standards and dignity to uphold.

  6. also: didn’t Chef John Friend skewer and then grill Kish-Ka-Bob on this very topic at the City Council meeting of 9/12/2011 ? In frame of reference, this was the second Council meeting involving racing pigeons. BTW, pigeons seem to be coming up often when discussing the Arena. An omen for the citizens ?

  7. How dispecible is it to use an organization like the Dream Center to pull off their little charade? This is a new low for the administration.


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