IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011 What the CCO Polls Indicate


IS IT TRUE? October 13, 2011 What the CCO Polls Indicate

IS IT TRUE that the poll being run today indicates and has indicated since we put it up that about 5% more people believe that Lloyd Winnecke won last night’s mayoral debate?…that if that is an indication of the outcome of a general election that the margin would be 52.5% to 47.5% in favor of Mr. Winnecke?…that we are certain that the margin of error for our non-scientific poll is greater than 5% and that the election is still too close to call?

IS IT TRUE that yesterday’s poll titled “The real story behind the FloatGate handcuffing of Alex Jarvis is…” drew a lot of opinions?…that of the opinions offered the leading vote getter was that the Democratic Central Committee did some dirty tricks followed closely by the Davis campaign did some dirty tricks?…that about half that amount thought the police were just doing their job, and a few attributed it to the planets aligning against Mr. Jarvis?…that the only things we are sure of about FloatGate is that a puppetmaster was involved and that the Vanderburgh County Democrats turn into the Hatfields and McCoys when they eat Fall Festival food?…that we can’t wait till next year?

IS IT TRUE that the voters in our polls are so fed up with the delays and incompetence exhibited in trying to Vet the two bidders to do the downtown Convention Hotel that they voted by a 50% margin to just let the next Mayor of Evansville do this because the decisions of the current Mayor have yielded negative and embarrassing results?

IS IT TRUE that our voters reject the concept of putting an indoor tennis center in Wesselman Park by a 3 to 1 majority?

IS IT TRUE that our voters by a 20 to 1 margin support a petition to attempt to force the Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission to hold any hearings that involve a Vectren rate increase in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that our voters by a 90 to 1 margin support Councilmen John Friend and Dan McGinn’s efforts to get full public disclosure of the legal bills of the City of Evansville?…that this is the largest majority that we have ever seen in any poll that the CCO has conducted?…that this indicates that our readers are four times more upset about the lack of transparency in the legal expenses of the City of Evansville than they are with a Vectren rate increase?

IS IT TRUE that in our last recent poll and the one that has drawn the most votes that an overwhelming percentage of the voters (66%) think that both Lloyd Winnecke and Mayor Weinzapfel are being less than honest regarding what really happened with the secret meeting where the Homestead Tax Credit was indeed taken away?…that in Mr. Winnecke’s defense his was deemed to be honest by a 4 to 1 majority over the number of voters who expressed the opinion that Mayor Weinzapfel was being honest?…that every time this comes up that a little more information comes out and it is finally becoming clear?…that we have had several messages stating that they think that Mr. Winnecke and the other Republicans in the meeting really did get bamboozled by the all Democratic contingency from the Evansville City Council led by Mayor Weinzapfel?…that like FloatGate and BoothGate we may never really know for sure?


  1. I’m honestly not sure which would be worse: collaborating with Weinzapfel to eliminate the homestead tax credit or being so gullible and trusting of Weinzapfel as to get bamboozled by him over it…

    Neither scenario reflects well on Winnecke, imo.

  2. Collaborating would be much much worse that getting tricked. Aiding and abetting a crime is a crime. Getting tricked is just getting tricked. I think he has learned from it. Last night he stopped just short of naming the mayor as the ringmaster of the whole tax credit circus. Sometime in the next three weeks I predict that Winnecke will call Weinzapfel out for tricking him and others. Only when he confronts that demon publicly can he really be free of the albatross that covering Weinzapfel’s tracks has place around his neck. I hope he does it. Then you will know that he has really learned from his mistake.

    • The problem is that Winnecke was (and is) so eager to “collaborate” with Weinzapfel that he was willing to put aside good sense and principle. That is not a good indicator of leadership abilities.

      Any sensible person would have:

      a) Refused to have a closed door meeting without studying the agenda first, and/or

      b) Emerged from such a meeting complaining loudly about the attempt to steal the homestead tax credit.

      Winnecke was silent until the whole gang got caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

  3. And now for those of you who appreciate truth, and who still remain deluded by Rick Davis’s false claim to be independent of insider politics, now hear this: The Davis campaign hired Chris Sautter, DC-based political consultant and Barack Obama’s first media consultant to coach Rick for last night’s debate. Sautter was in the studio to prompt Rick with his answers during the dabate.

    Chris Sautter also produced Barack Obama’s first campaign ads, so you staunch Rick Davis fans may look forward to Hope and Change commercials in the near future!

    Truth is, political consultants like Sautter don’t come cheap. Who has the deep pockets that paid for Sautter’s services, and what is Rick’s promised repay?

    • C’mon, man.

      “A politician hired a debate consultant! Stop the presses!!!”

      Dan Adams probably paid for it.

      • Not so much that but who. And why bring in big time D.C. consultants? I thought Rick Davis was a homegrown, hometown, save us from machine politics reformist. This looks like same old same old, Chicago style (Sautter started out working with Chicago-based David Axelrod & Associates), machine politics as usual to me.

        • Here is a review of Sautter’s movie: The King of Steeltown. It hits pretty close to home. Take a minute and read it.

          * * * * * * * * * *

          User Reviews

          An excellent political documentary
          23 March 2006 | by Terinije (United States) –

          The King of Steeltown, the story of Mayor Pastrick’s renomination campaign against challenger Stiglich, is an excellent and thought-provoking synopsis of what could very well be the last urban political machine in the nation. Despite only having a population of 30,000, politics in East Chicago, Indiana is anything but a small-town’s game, as this Democratic stronghold faces the most serious Democratic Primary battle in decades between a long-term, though allegedly corrupt, mayor and the county Democratic chairman who is constantly described as nothing more than power hungry. For anyone interested in politics in the least bit, this is an absolute must-see. However, democratic purists will most likely be disgusted at the below the belt tactics and the heavy use of money within the Pastrick campaign. This is the level of excellence that all political documentaries should aim for, though the visual quality is slightly sub par.


        • Isn’t Davis pretty much bought and paid for by Danks and Danks these days? Danks already has a couple of judges, why not add a mayor and the 1million dollars City Attorney gets you.

          • YES! Can you imagine a Danks as a city or county attorney? I’m sure that is what they have been promised!

          • TomTucker aka houseoforder = Democrat HQ & Central Committee that won’t support their own office holder and candidate for Mayor. Why? Because Chairman Owen and the Central Committee didn’t give Mr. Davis permission to run for Mayor. Now they will slander anyone who supports Mr. Davis as they view that as direct challenge to the power they have worked so hard to obtain and will do anything to keep.

    • Well he did not get his money’s worth. He could have hired any high school debate coach in Evansville for what he did last night. He was okay but crap, he certainly was not speaking like Barry Obama. Maybe he will endorse Obama next year. Wouldn’t that be a payback?

      There is a hope and change group setting up camp on the riverfront Saturday. Maybe he can rehearse down there.

      Did they actually allow a human teleprompter in the studio last night? I do not believe that.

  4. Hell, it sounds like last nights debate may have really been Mortimer Snur vs. Charlie McCarthy. They both had more crib notes than a short order cook. They looked like the NFL coaches with those waffle house menu play charts up there.

  5. Anybody else think a town that has a river and an interstate close by that can’t attract business might have a leadership problem?

  6. I do not appreciate JoeBiden’s accusation that TomTucker and I are are the same simply because we are both disturbed by the Davis+Danks association.

    The CCO requires an email field – even though YOU can’t see it.

    • None of our readers have access to the email addresses. JoeBiden is most certainly not on the list of only three people who can see the emails. We don’t even know who he is.

  7. CCO your poll is flawed as Rick Davis is currently in the lead. I have tried numerous times to participate in this poll and it finally accepted my vote a couple minutes ago. This is not the first time I have experienced problems trying to vote on a question you have posted.

    • Is it possible that someone has already voted from your computer. We filter by IP address so in most cases that is one vote per household. We are taking it down tonight anyway. It has been tight the whole way. Who would you like to vote for? I can manually enter your vote with your name and email if you like.

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