3rd Ward City Council Candidate Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley Supports Vectren Petition


For Immediate Release Contact Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley (812) 499-3384
October 10, 2011

Candidate for City Council in the Third Ward Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley announced today that she too believes that hearings on rate increases before the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission should occur in Evansville. She also believes that rates for southwestern Indiana should be frozen until the rest of the state is paying comparable rates. Brinkerhoff-Riley stated that “the IURC is charged with equally balancing the interests of all rate payers against that of the utility, however it seems that all too often the utility and large industrial ratepayers are favored. Home owners and small businesses have been ignored for too long in their quest for affordable energy.” Brinkerhoff Riley believes that the answer is better representation on the IURC through electing the Commission members. Indiana is one of only three states where the board members are appointed by the Governor. Brinkerhoff-Riley related that, “the current members are not accountable to the public. Most of them are former lobbyists or enjoy cozy relationships with Vectren. Hoosiers spend more on their utilities than they do on state taxes. It’s a lot of money, and they deserve representation that they put in place through elections.”


  1. It’s nice to see another candidate speak out about this issue. There is no reason every candidate and elected official should not sign one of the petitions. Every single citizen needs to sign one. This is a no-brainer, who WANTS they’re rates to increase? I have heard some good things about Riley. The only things I know about the separation in the dem party is what I read on the threads on this sight. But she is doing her own thing and seems to be staying clear of the drama. I have seen her walking the ward a lot recently talking to the people in my parents neighborhood. And she came across very articulate and intelligent in an article about her in the C&P last week. The same day they ran an article about her opponent. He didn’t seem to say anything of substance. I’m not even sure what he looks like. No signs as far as I’ve seen. I just don’t see as much passion from this guy (sorry not sure how to spell his last name). I don’t live in that ward but I hope for my parents’ sake they get a rep that has put as much effort into her campaign as she has.

  2. Hard for her to put any effort into her campaign when she has to bail her campaign manager out of jail(which is a waste of money for those of us who donated to her).

    The young man, by the way, is our (the Democratic Party) Political Director. I was at the booth next door when an EPD officer came over and escorted the gentleman away. Not even sure what he did, but it looks bad for us either way. Probably the damn Republicans.

    On a side note, Stephanie’s opponent is Alan Leibundguth.

    • Another is right, he was released, so no bail money was necessary. And no time taken from her campaign. Besides, even if bail was needed, there is no way it would come from campaign funds so I’m sure your donation remains honorable.

      By the way, I did not mean to disrespect Mr. Leibundguth. He just hasn’t been very visible. If you drive around the second ward you could easily think that Riley was running unopposed.

  3. I thought they said he was released. Meaning no jail time thus no’ bailing out.

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