Indiana District 77 State Representative Gail Riecken Joins Petition Drive to Stop Vectren Rate Increases


State Representation Gail Riecken

Indiana State Representative from House District 77 Gail Riecken today has announced that she is joining Evansville City Councilman John Friend in his recently announced petition drive to bring all Indiana Utilities Regulatory Commission meetings to discuss any rate increases that Vectren requests to Evansville for their hearings.

Representative Riecken also joins Councilman Friend in requesting that the IURC refuse to consider any rate increases in Vectren’s favor until the rates for all of the immediate areas around Evansville have increased until Vectren’s rates are equal with the utilities that are very close to Evansville.

Councilman Friend as Chairman of the City of Evansville Budget had disclosed earlier in his announcement that the City’s electricity budget has increased by at least 20% in the last year.


  1. Lookie Lookie… there no end to the list of public servants steppin’ up for the people, you’d think there was a election just around the corner, hope Vectren doesn’t send in their mouthpiece Mr Ellsworth…Gail might have to flee back to Illinois for another extended stay.



    • Just for the record…Rep. Riecken was publicly opposed to, and vehemently argued against, Vectren’s last rate increase request early last year. Riecken has been a champion for her constituents on the issue of Vectren’s ever expanding monopolistic tendencies.

      • For the record… A “champion” implies winning or victory.

        To date, everyone that has been in favor of holding rates or against rate bumps, has been a repeat loser.

        While she may have been vocal, I don’t see any evidence she’s been effective on the topic at all.

  2. After reading in another thread here on the CCO that Reicken was opposed to Vectren’s outrageous rates, I sent her an e-mail asking her to join the petition as a co-sponsor this morning. Regardless of what one thinks of her on other issues, I’m glad she’s with us on this one. Let’s try to keep this topic non-partisan. We can all benefit by joining together on this issue.

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