IS IT TRUE? October 3, 2011 Part 2


IS IT TRUE? October 3, 2011

IS IT TRUE that it was reported today in the Wall Street Journal that the Pritzker family is in the midst of a 10 year plan to divest of their holdings including a large stake that they hold in Hyatt that Pritzker patriarch Jay Pritzker founded?…that it has not been very long since the Pritzker name had been bantered about in the City of Evansville as a potential investor in the proposed Hyatt Place hotel slated for downtown Evansville?…that investing in a young hotel chain like Hyatt Place in a new market like Evansville seems somewhat out of character for a group that is pursuing a long term plan to divest of that very family of brands?

IS IT TRUE that from a consolidation perspective that the battle lines are being drawn and local leaders are starting to take sides?…that the next couple of months will be a time of putting together marketing strategies for each side?…that on the side seeking to pass consolidation the lead role looks to be assumed by the president and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce Matt Meadors?…that the opposition looks to be shaping up as a group of efforts led by de-facto leaders of some vastly different demographics?…that the African-American Community will see leadership coming from the Reverend Adrian Brooks who opposes the consolidation proposal?…that out in the county a gentleman from Darmstadt named Bruce Ungetheim is poised to lead the opposition in the county?…that while Mayoral Candidates Rick Davis and Lloyd Winnecke agree that meth and litter are bad that they could not be separated further on consolidation with Winnecke supporting it and Davis openly stating that he himself will be voting against it?…that this may even become a peripheral proxy issue in the Mayoral race?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel is seeking attention at the state level by sending out a message urging financial support of Democratic candidates for campaigns statewide?…that his special emphasis was placed on the Indiana State races of 2012 and Mayoral races for Indiana cities?…that during the same week that Mayor Weinzapfel was pumping the state for some dollars for Democrats he was on Evansville television expressing how hard he has been trying to stay out of the endorsement game for his soon to be former job?

IS IT TRUE that the comments kept rolling in all day yesterday regarding the litter problems that were exposed for the umpteenth time in yesterday’s CP and CCO?…that this is a topic that really have a large number of people expressing disgust with the extent to which littering is in our community?…that unlike articles that come out against smoking there were exactly ZERO comments on either site from the PRO-LITTER contingency?…that it seems as though there really is no one that is stupid enough to assert their RIGHT TO LITTER?…that maybe it is time to get nasty with these litterbugs?…that maybe it is time to do as Cory Wells of Three Dog Night did once and gather up the litter thrown from a car and catch them at a stop sign and then throw their litter back into the car from which it came?…that maybe it is time to call these slop hogs out every time you see them do such a thing?…that maybe shunning these slop hogs will work?…that it really is time to enforce littering laws and hit these slop hogs right in the pocket and fine the daylights out of them?…that maybe an hour in an orange jumpsuit cleaning the streets for each piece of litter one is caught tossing out is appropriate?…that this litter issue is one that has no opposition, costs nothing to fix, and will make a lasting change in civic pride?…that the people of Evansville who will not get on board and stop this littering should just move away?…that there is no place for garbage anywhere but certainly not here?