IS IT TRUE we hear from extremely creditable sources that a possible Democratic candidate for Mayor of Evansville will have a couple of political heavy hitters joining her campaign team if she decides to run?  …if State Representative Gail Riecken decides to run for Mayor she will be naming two outstanding individuals to be her campaign Chairman and Treasurer?  …we hear that a group of Conservatives Republicans are talking about organizing a “Republicans For Riecken for Mayor Committee if she decides to run for Mayor? …more details will be forthcoming in the first part of January,  2015?

IS IT TRUE that Tom Bozikis, Vice President of the Tri-State Better Business Bureau will challenge City Councilman Dan McGinn for the 1st Ward seat? ….we are very impressed with Mr. Bozikis political stance that “the government that governs best governs least”? … we find Mr. Bozikis’ political views are in line with traditional Conservative Republican values of governance? … we totally agree with Mr. Bozikis statement that he believes business should be less regulated by government so the free market can regulate itself?  …he also believes that the free market can take care of itself through self regulation.?

IS IT TRUE that 1st Ward City Council candidate Bozikis also plans to reduce city government spending and lower local taxes, where possible?.  … Mr. Bozilis  believes that tax cuts would have to be done carefully so that all necessary services that protect the city and improve infrastructure would remain intact?

IS IT TRUE we are hearing that some members of the area Libertarian and Teaparty groups are seriously  considering supporting Mr. Bozilis over tax and spend City Councilmen Dan McGinn?

Please take time and vote in todays “Readers Poll”.

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    • No kidding. People cannot be trusted to self-regulate, hence the need for laws and law enforcement. Ditto for things run by people (like businesses…).

  1. I thought what Mr. Bozikis said was, that the forces of the marketplace would weed out the losers from the winners,
    —that is to say take your business where ever you want to Ghost, ,–it’s your choice,–and government cannot, and should not, try to cover every decision you make when you enter the Market Place, either as a producer or a consumer.

  2. It’s time for McGinn to go, he’s part of the liberal elite that has weaseled himself into the conservative movement. He knew he couldn’t win as a liberal so he fooled some white voters into electing him. He does not live in the world of the common person.

  3. Watched Anthony Bourdain ‘Parts Unknown: DETROIT’ on Christmas Evening.


    1) 80,000 vacant buildings in the 140 Square Miles city limits (no typing error, 80,000);

    2) Due to all the vacant buildings, the Fire Dept. gets, ON AVERAGE, 14 (fourteen) arson runs per day, each and every day !

    3) When the City starting reducing services, in one day they announced that 72 (seventy-two) parks were being shut down to save money. They picked up the trash cans, stopped mowing. A group of citizens dubbed the Lawn Mower Gang, six guys on riding lawn mowers, now try to keep up with rough mowing only;

    4) Another group wanted to take several contiguous vacant lots and start an urban garden. It took the City two years to deed the land over to them. The head of that group said the City “couldn’t figure out which nail to hang the request on”.

    FINAL WORD: As Anthony Bourdain prophetically noted, ” Detroit’s problems are America’s problems”. Start looking locally for symptoms of this decay.

    • C&P has spent a lot of column inches describing Evansville’s urban decay/vacant houses. We have read a lot about the cumbersome process, etc., and a lot about the various grants, etc. received which enable a handful of vacant houses to actually be demolished. C&P even said they were preparing a registry of all vacant homes in the City.

      I do not recall ever reading a TOTAL number of vacant buildings + houses in Evansville which would compare to Detroit’s 80,000 number. Does anyone know Evansville’s number ?

    • In Detroit, there are 88,000 street lights. There are 40 % of these lights which are not working, or about 35,000 street lights out. Imagine the impact on public safety ! The City has already had several bond issues which were supposed to address this situation, but all of the money was spent on additional policemen. Talk about a Catch-22 situation !

      • It was recently reported that there are 10,000 abandoned houses in Evansville. It was reported last year that there are 78,000 taxable houses in Vanderburgh County.

        • pov,

          Nice statistic, in that 78,000 ‘taxable houses’ in Vanderburgh County means that ALL of them would have to be vacant to approximate the 80,000 abandoned homes in Detroit. That is truly unbelievable to visualize.

        • The CCO reported the 10,000 number first in 2010. Our source was then Director of Metropolitan Development Tom Barnett. He took us on a tour of the dying parts of town and it was every bit as bad as anything Detroit or Chicago has to offer when it comes to squalor. His stat was 10,000 homes that needed over $100k each in repairs to be habitable. The problem with that is after $100k of work not a one of them would sell for half of that.

  4. Is It True……”we hear that a group of Conservatives Republicans are talking about organizing a “Republicans For Riecken for Mayor Committee if she decides to run for Mayor? ”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    It seems to be the right thing to do for the local republican party. This way they can repay the democrats and Jonathan Weinzapfel for their critical assistance in dragging Mayor Winnecke across the finish line in the last mayoral election.

    Here is the guy in the dark pants warming up his candidate for the next election. You will notice that we never get a look at his face.


    • We know that guy in the dark pants. Same one as always. Never shows his face but you know he’s watching from the paid crowd. He’s there at every shovel scoop and quaffing at every uppity wine sip. His soul is as dark as industrial sludge. Blend In is not what he does it’s who he is. He uses hi-test fishing line and, though we sometimes voted them in, they jump to his twitches.

      • I never could understand an ego so big, or an intelligence so small, that after witnessing 8 years of reckless spending that was taking the city to the brink, some republican would want to be the guy in office when all the payments come due, and even further revelations of misrepresentation if not outright fraud come to light.

        It is no small wonder why Winnecke was being helped into office by the democrats. When Weinzapfel decided he did not want to be the guy in office when all the bills came due and the lies were exposed, the democrats were slapping each other on the back that Weinzapfel was able to get Winnecke to run. They knew what was coming. I said at the time, before Winnecke even announced his intention to run for mayor, that anyone contemplating taking over that job would have to be a glutton for punishment.

        I noticed that Weinzapfel cohort Curt John grabbed a bar of soap and made a clean getaway prior to Weinzapfel handing in the keys. He probably did not want to be around when the revelations about the city’s financial ledgers were exposed. Amazing how Winnecke and Russ were able to sit on that information for so long after taking office.

        • I predict that Winnecke will eventually gut Weinzapfel for what he has done in the upcoming election. That is the only way to target Riecken effectively by tying her to Weinzapfel. If Winnie can tie her to his idol Weiny, and out him for all of his schemes he may beat Gail. If not he is toast.

          • who, in their right mind, would want another 4 years of Lloyd Winnecke? It is time for another republican with a track record of actually accomplishing something in their life to step up in the next republican primary.

            Then we can see if Wayne Parke has the cojones to pull a Mark Owen and stab a successful republican primary challenger in the back.

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