

  1. As a fairly new reader, I find your editorial “cartoon” to be especially disturbing. To suggest that someone who loves their country, supports the constitution especially the second amendment, believes in the Bible, and/or thinks the government is too big and spends too much is “brain damaged” is repugnant. Love him or hate him, Karl Rove is a driving force in American politics; a “power behind the throne” type of guy. Ms Clinton is also a powerful person in politics but like Rove is now carrying a lot of “baggage.” There is an old saying that “the higher the monkey climb the tree, the easier it is to see its butt.” Love your newspaper though, will give you the benefit of the doubt and just maybe the next “cartoon” will lampoon the other party. I have been amazed to find so much information in your columns that the C&P seems to have missed.

    • Want some cheese with that whine? The majority of TPers are lunatics. Case closed. Karl Rove isn’t even a TPer he’s just a hired gun to help the corporate welfare nipple flowing.

    • Old Turdblossom isn’t a driving force in anything. He’s not a ‘power behind the throne’ he’s a power on the throne (he’s banned from using public toilets in 6 states). He is an out of touch doofus who spends millions of other people’s money losing races. Yet he still has his acolytes.

      If you don’t like the cartoon, don’t look at it.

  2. I almost didn’t recognize the artist rendition of the door mat without her pantsuit on……

  3. In response to Tom Joad: “The majority of TPers are lunatics. Case closed.” Really? Because you say it doesn’t make it so. You know (or should know) what they say about opinions. I’m glad that you want to pay more taxes and I’ll be glad to allow you to pay mine if you so desire. I’m “someone who loves their country, supports the constitution especially the second amendment, believes in the Bible, and/or thinks the government is too big and spends too much” but that’s just my opinion too. I have noticed a trend of some responders to not have an honest response, just ridicule for others who do. I always enjoy hearing other people’s ideas, even when I don’t agree with them, but to dismiss a well-written statement because of a misspelled word (as I have seen some do) doesn’t advance intelligent discourse or civility.

    • There is no need to respond to the Spirit of the Murderer, Moonpup. He’s nothing more than a troller trying to “Goad” more intelligent life forms into joining him in the sewer.

  4. I don’t agree with everything Rove says, heck most of it really. However, with preliminary chatter about the her running for president there is nothing out of line with questioning her health.

      • If heart attack Cheney snuck through, anyone should be able to make it.

        And speaking of brain problems, how in the world did Cheney’s bossman slide through?

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