Matt Redd was a passenger in the car with Clinton Keown when the tragic accident happened on an Illinois highway. While our deepest sympathies and prayers go out to the Keown family, we also pray for miraculous healing for Matt Redd.

Matt’s wife, Andrea, posted on Facebook with a sincere plea for prayers for Matt, their boys, and Andrea. We believe that her words will touch you like they touched us, and you will want to drop to your knees immediately to pray for this family.

Here’s the request in Andrea’s words:

Lord, I know you are being flooded with prayers right now, and we are grateful that you hear them. Myself and My boys are asking that you receive them as well, and as we are on our knees praying, we ask that you not separate our family just yet. By your blessings and grace, my husband and I are one, and with our boys, we are a complete unit.  We still need him, the rest of our family, and the community still needs his good deeds.

As it may be a selfish prayer we are not forgetting that another family is suffering a great loss as they are mourning their son, brother, husband, and father.
As it was your will to call Clint home from the accident we are keeping them in our thoughts and prayers as well, especially his wife and young children. Lord send them an angel of comfort at this time.

Many have already heard the awful news but I wanted to post for myself and our boys to ask for prayers we are in dire need of them. Matthew needs them. We do not know the cause of the accident but what we do know is that somehow control was lost causing the car to hit a guardrail rolled multiple times and landed in a ditch. Luckily someone saw them, the Tesla signaled emergency and first responders were there fast.  Matt was alert waving his arm for help when they arrived and from the pieces we are putting together we do not believe he was ever without oxygen. But the trauma is extensive. He has severe brain injuries, skull fractures, severe swelling, neck fractures, facial fractures, and loss of a lot of blood. Blood in his stomach and lungs, a broken rib, and a punctured lung. His extremities are good. If you are not familiar with a Tesla the roof is a sheet of glass. The car hit a guardrail flipped over it and rolled multiple times into a ditch filled with large rocks. The roof was shattered which exposed Matt and Clint.  We do know Matt was conscious until first responders arrived then he lost consciousness and was on a ventilator. They wanted to airlift him to the hospital but weather conditions would not allow it. He was taken by ambulance and his dear friend had a police escort meet the ambulance and get him to the hospital sooner.  Right now we are letting Matt rest. We need his brain to rest and the swelling to go down.

Current condition:

This morning the Dr was able to get Matt to react on his right side with a nerve test. Matt was swatting him away. That is a good sign. His left side is not reacting due to the collapsed carotid artery. So that artery affects the opposite side of the body.  He has 4 major arteries going to the brain, 2 of them are completely blocked but we can’t do anything about it at this time due to his brain bleed. His oxygen is better today than it was yesterday. He had a CT scan this morning and there are no changes.
This evening they were able to take him off the blood pressure medicine. His oxygen is at 37% so he is doing the other 67%.  The focus is on the swelling going down and not letting him get agitated.


Thank you for your continued prayers. We are beyond grateful for the outpour of prayers, comfort, and support we are receiving.  This will be a long, hard-fought battle, but if anyone can do it, Matty Redd can. You are my world, Matthew William …..You are my everything.


Please keep praying for Matt Redd’s recovery and continue to look over and protect his family.

The City-County Observer management and staff are currently working to find an appropriate time and location to gather For a prayer vigil for Matt Redd and his family.

Please contact Johnny Kincaid at 812-589-2476 for more information concerning the prayer vigil.


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