written by staff

MAY 13, 2024

Most of the 12,839 Vanderburgh County Republican party voters who showed up at the polls last week were focused on the big races like Governor, Congress, or County Commission. However, the races at the end of the ballot for Precinct Committeeman (PC) or Convention Delegate were where the real power struggle in the Republican party took place.

The tug of war for control of the Vanderburgh County GOP pits the establishment, long-term party members, and moderates against the most conservative wing of the local Republican party. Many in the conservative wing members, sometimes labeled as “MAGA Republicans,” rose over a decade ago as the “Tea Party.” They cling to Freedoms and Rights as laid out in the Constitution of the United States, and they are pro-life, pro-gun, and believe in less government. This constituency is so powerful that “conservative” was the most used word in political advertising in the 2024 primary races.

This year, a record number of people filed to run for PC in most counties across Indiana. Word circulated among county chairmen that people were coming for the chairmanship. In most counties, the chair challenged as many candidates as possible using the two primary rules for disqualification.

In Vanderburgh County, GOP Chair Mike Duckworth and the county election board disqualified a few candidates. The only candidate who successfully appealed the disqualification was Michael Daugherty, who ran an extremely impressive campaign as a Libertarian for Mayor of Evansville.

Mr. Daugherty has called for Duckworth to resign and may be planning a run for the County Chairmanship when the seat opens. Duckworth’s term ends in March next year, but many conservative Republicans want him to resign now. Others in the party have started counting to see if they have the two-thirds of the PC votes needed to unseat Duckworth early. 

Daugherty won his PC race with an impressive 72% of the precinct vote and won a convention delegate seat. Duckworth barely won a three-way race by only three votes.

One of the biggest surprises in the PC races was the defeat of former Vanderburgh GOP Chairman Wayne Parke by conservative Kent Brasserie. 

Two former members of the Winneke administration faced off in a PC race where former Deputy Mayor Steve Schaeffer got a political thrashing by former Evansville Mayor and  City Controller Russell Lloyd Jr. 

Michael Boatmen challenged Maytes Rivera’s candidacy, who was given a waiver from qualifying for the two-primary rule. Boatman lost the challenge, but he beat her in the election by a whopping 2 to 1 margin and won a delegate seat.

Former Secretary of State Holi Sullivan was voted out of office by conservative delegates at the 2022 convention; she won a four-way battle for her precinct with over 50% of the vote.

Wendy MacNamara pulled 83% of the vote. Jill Hahn won with 54% in a way battle.

Conservative Alan Leibundguth pulled a stunning upset by beating Vanderburgh County Council Attorney Jeffrey Ahlers by a mere two-vote margin.

Former Central Committee members E Lon Walters and Hobart Scales both lost. 

Steve Hammer took back the seat Duckworth ousted him from when he supported Democrat Stephanie Terry for Mayor. 

Vanderburgh County will send a mix of conservative and establishment delegates to the GOP State Convention. Of the 46 local representatives attending in mid-June, 17 are committed to supporting Micah Beckwith, the Noblesville pastor who has been campaigning for Lt. Governor for the past year.

Johnny Kincaid, former radio personality, current podcaster, and City-County Observer contributor, is among the delegates committed to Beckwith. Other Beckwith delegates include Pastor and former mayoral candidate Steve Ary, former mayoral candidate Michael Daugherty,  and Seek and Find Consignment owner Ken Colbert. 

Other notable delegates include former city controller Russel Lloyd Jr., State Representative Tim O’Brien, former State Representative Thomas Washburne,  Vanderburgh GOP vice chair Dottie Thomas, Vanderburgh GOP chair Mike Duckworth, former Secretary of State Holi Sullivan, and former county clerk Marsha Abel Barnhart.

The election of new PC members could likely change the Vanderburgh County Republican Party for many years.

We are told that the conservative challenger’s mission is to bring the party back together to develop a sense of unity.


  1. .
    I would STRONGLY disagree that MAGA Republicans are “conservative.”

    In fact, it is a error for the CCO to write a column describing them as “conservative.”

    Actual real Republicans, actual conservative Republicans, support:
    1. Smaller government
    2. Lower taxes.
    3. Putting a stop to deficit spending, using “new debt” to pay for things.
    4. Supporting the literal rule of law, including Cops, Officers and the American Legal System.
    5. Supporting a strong national defense, our Military, and the fight for our Constitutional Democracy over dictators, including the worlds strongest dictator: Putin of Russia.

    MAGA Republicans follow Trump. Whatever Trump wants.
    You call that “conservative?” GROW UP. UNTRUE. NO EVIDENCE OF THAT.
    Trump loves increasing the national debt, and loves the use of more debt.
    Trump loves Putin, and is pro-Putin, and is pro-Russia.
    Trump has no respect for the rule of law. None.

    I ought to insult you for failing to define “conservative” properly.
    But I won’t. I am asking you to please be honest about this, however.

  2. Steve Schaefer and Russ Lloyd running for the same PC election. What a clown show. Both need to move on from politics. Enough damage has been done by both of them.

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