We hope today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address rationally and responsibly.
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IS IT TRUE that a recent examination of the campaign contribution and expense reports for the candidates for Mayor of Evansville are quite different and raise questions about the candidates and who may “own” them?…the stunning thing about the reports is that Natalie Rascher raised $1,030,377 and spent nearly all of it, and lost to now Mayor Stephanie Terry whose campaign only disclosed raising $560,632 and spent only $484,522?…it is quite unusual to see one candidate outspend the other by over 100% and lose the election?…this would imply that there was something very wrong with the big spending candidate who lost the election?…a further analysis of where the money was coming from and where it was being spent may lead the people of Evansville to some conclusions or maybe leave them as flabbergasted as the Mole Nation is?
IS IT TRUE that the Rascher campaign was sort of unique in recent Evansville Mayoral elections in that most of the money came from people who have addresses in greater Evansville?…there were 205 pages of information in the Rascher disclosure meaning either donations or expenses from a total of 1,025 people or businesses?…the donors were made up of the usual real estate agents and brokers, attorneys, political gadflys, business leaders, perpetual patronage job holders, local businesses, and a large number of just citizens who opened their wallet for the Rascher campaign?…most of the donations were for under $10,000 and many that were disclosed were under the threshold of mandatory disclosure?…there were of course some big contributions from Big Indianapolis based political action committees (PACs) but not to the extent we have seen in the past?…the overwhelmingly largest donor to the Rascher campaign was none other than the “Friends of Winnecke”?…if any donor would have had an overwhelming influence over Rascher it would be former Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke and now CEO of ERep and his wife?…that when it came to expenses, we are sad to report that most of the money was spent outside of the Tri-State?…the largest expense reported was to a political consulting firm in Leesburgh, Virginia named Brabendon Cox LLC that recieved a whopping $655,992 from “Team Rascher”?…that is more on political consultants than all of the other candidates combined?…there must be some sorrow and surprise for people to have invested over a million dollars to elevate Mrs.Rascher to the office of Mayor of Evansville only to see her lose because an underfunded campaign took votes from her?
IS IT TRUE that the Rascher campaign spent nearly $145 for every vote they received at the ballot box?…that is nearly 3 times the price of a vote spent by Mayor Stephanie Terry who only paid $55 per vote?…the overwhelming winner in the dollars per vote contest was Libertarian Michael Daugherty who spent under $20 per vote for the 2,032 votes he received?…the other reality is that the Libertarian and Republican candidates did draw more votes than Mayor Terry meaning that she won with only a plurality of the votes cast as opposed to a majority?…it is clear that Mayor Terry does not have a mandate to govern as she did not get a majority?
IS IT TRUE that it is a darn shame that only about 17,000 people in a city of 115,000 bothered to cast a ballot in the race for Mayor of Evansville?…that is only 15% of the population and when it comes to the winner who got 8,679 votes to win the Office of the Mayor only received a vote from 7.5% of the citizens of Evansville?…that my friends is a far cry from an acceptable total to ever dream of a mandate?
IS IT TRUE that Mayor Terry campaign disclosures were much less interesting and more typical than Mrs. Rascher campaign?…not only did Terry bring in less than half of the total than Rascher did, but there were many fewer local donors?…the big money contributors to the Terry campaign were statewide political action committees like Act Blue Indiana that put up nearly $100,000 of the $484,522 spent by the Terry campaign?…they spent their money elsewhere too with an unexpected vendor from Berkeley, California called “Uplift” that CCO Mole #3 tells us is also associated with campaigns by some of the big national progressive Democrat campaigns like President Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and California Governor Gavin Newson to name a few well-known libel politicians?…we wonder if Mayor Terry is as practical as she seems to be if she will be listening to some of her big progressive donors that support the tax and spend policies that have contributed to the main reason why the United States in well over 34 trillion dollars in debt?

IS IT TRUE that the presence of a grossly underfunded (by personal choice) and a real Republican running as a Libertarian who was the most efficient campaigner when it comes to votes may have cost Rascher the election?…it should have been hers to lose and lose she did?…many people were expressing wonder why she let former Mayor Winnecke and his wife run her entire campaign and seldom let her speak for herself?…we and many others are concerned for the future of Evansville as it is now being ruled by a person who garnered 7.5% of the people and was bankrolled by big progressive money from outside the region?…that many people are also mystified about how many friends of former Mayor Winnecke are getting appointed to the Terry Administration?… Evansville once again it looks like a machine politics kind of town.


Please take time and read our feature articles entitled “OBITUARIES, BIRTHDAYS, AND HOT JOBS” posted in today’s City-County Observer.
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