IS IT TRUE that we have been told by several people that the $150,000 paid to renovate and erect the North Main welcome sign could have been better spent on more important things such as fixing sidewalks and paving streets throughout Evansville?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council quietly passed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy back in 2022 by a vote tally of 9 to 0 without it drawing much attention? …that information concerning Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) should have been front-page news on every news outlet in Evansville?  …it may have been more realistic for this game-changing decision made by members of the Evansville City Council to openly discuss the pros and cons of the DEI before voting on it?…every time an elected body ignores the will of the people it comes back to bite them on the backside?
IS IT TRUE that the reality of what happened was that the Evansville City Council approved forming a DEI Council to advocate for DEI initiatives for hiring and making decisions about who gets jobs at the City of Evansville ?…many people feel that DEI started with honorable and reasonable aspirations but has morphed into what some are now calling reverse discrimination?…we been told that the new DEI Advisory Council was approved by the City Council was just supposed to advise but this is not how things have been going with the early adopters?
IS IT TRUE we have been told that in large progressive cities on the coasts, DEI has become a discriminatory set of programs that are already being canceled due to the realization that it is removing merit from the hiring process, resulting in unqualified people being placed in jobs due to appease the vocal proponents of DEI, and further dividing people while fanning the flames of entitlement?
IS IT TRUE the City of Evansville according to the Census Bureau been losing population for decades and even with annexation we are down to 115,749 people and dropping by the day?… It appears from looking at the websites for the City of Evansville and its Fire and Police Department websites that about 1,000 people are toiling in the public payroll?…there is no information on these websites about the demographic makeup of the employees so we can’t tell if the goal of promoting diversity REFLECTIVE of the City of Evansville is happening with city staff?…the City of Evansville is made up of 78.4% white people, 13.6% African Americans, 3.5% Hispanics, 1.3% Asians with the balance being mixed race or other?…if the goal of the DEI Gods is to impose a reflective workforce across the city payroll, the numbers employed should reflect those percentages?…it would be very interesting to learn if Evansville is already reflective or not because it may not be an issue at all outside of the world called POLITICAL VIRTUE SIGNALING?
IS IT TRUE that under the duties of the DEI Council, there are indeed three articles that promote quotas and the third one extends to private workforces?…this policy mimicked policies adopted by failing cities on the coast that can’t seem to see reality over ideology?…this whole DEI thing will probably turn out to be a fad as merit is ignored and services are challenging to deliver due to obsessing over DEI before competence?…the nine members of Evansville City Council who voted for this ordinance should consider repealing it and getting on with the business of governing for prosperity and growth?…we ask what will these leaders do when the John Galts of the Tri-State take their talents elsewhere?


IS IT TRUE that some of the recent appointments made to some boards of directors controlled by the City of Evansville make one wonder if there has been a new Mayor sworn in?…in at least one case, and an appointment was made that is Straight out of Winnecke Land and it is as easy to see a red light in the rearview mirror?…it almost looks as though a coalition government has been formed between the former Republican Mayor who now heads EVRep and a group of traditional powerful Democrat allies?

IS IT TRUE that in some cases that have been documented across the nation, elected officials have blunted the efforts of potential competitors to raise their friend’s or relative’s businesses or consulting prospects into single bidder or sole source situations?…when sole source situations happen, the taxpayers lose?…it would be a shame if sole-source service contracts for parties related to elected officials have ever happened with the nomination and vote of that elected official?…like with Gold Bar Bob of New Jersey, such an action would be seen by the taxpayers as self-serving, potentially compromising, and certainly inappropriate?
IS IT TRUE that some of the recent appointments made to some boards of directors controlled by the City of Evansville make one wonder if there has been a new Mayor sworn in?…in at least one case, and an appointment was made that is “Straight out of Winnecke Land” and it is as easy to see a red light in the rearview mirror?…it almost looks as though a coalition government has been formed between the former Republican Mayor who now heads EVRep and a group of traditional powerful Democrat allies?…such a happy arrangement is both unlikely and unexpected while leaving the door open to holding lots of backroom meetings like the one back in 2008 when such a coalition conspired to take away the Homestead Tax Credit?…luckily that was headed off by the City-County Observer at the pass before it could be snuck in?…that some of the same characters involved in the Homestead Tax Credit fiasco are in power today?

IS IT TRUE that the entities known as the City of Evansville, the Vanderburgh County Commissioners and Council, EVRep and predecessors, and Visit Evansville have never been politically aligned so the business they do has been farmed out to many entities from suppliers to servicers?…it will be interesting to see if the supposed new cabal in town will do things that consolidate the suppliers and providers to the respective entities creating a favored group of sole source contracts?

IS IT TRUE that over the years people living in the JIMTOWN area of Evansville say when there is a change of the political guard at the Civic Center the “Names Have Changed but The Political Games Remain The Same”?… this phenomenon is not exclusive to Evansville and was memorialized by Cinderella in their song “the more things change, the more they stay the same”?…the Mole Nation asked the question, “why would salt of the earth working people believe positive change will ever happen when shenanigans like this are commonplace”?

IS IT TRUE that former Evansville City Council member and fiscal conservative Justin Elpers-County Commissioner said: “that the city’s health insurance plan is supposed to be self-funded by employee premiums, copays, and deductibles?…what the reality has been over the last five years is that the self-funded plan is not self-funded” at all?…that County Commissioner Elpers realized this long ago simply by paying attention to the arithmetic associated with budget analysis?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville Employee health insurance program has been hundreds of thousands of dollars in the red each year for many years? Mayor Terry should consider putting the City Employees Healthcare package out for a formal competitive bid in hopes that it will be more affordable?…doing this in a very visible way could buy her instant credibility with the overwhelming majority of the population that does not benefit from this largesse.

IS IT TRUE that the Ford Center has been million dollars in the red since the day it opened?…former Mayor Jonathan Weinzaptel did what all ambitious politicians with a need to build something to grease the unions did and paid a consultant to opine that the Ford Center would pay for itself from operating cash flow?… Mayor Terry should consider the Ford Center to be a prime candidate for a forensic audit so she can find out how to make it at least cover expenses or maybe eke out a small profit.



IS IT TRUE that a large majority of the Vanderburgh County voters surveyed by the CCO are extremely pleased to hear that County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave is planning to run for County Commissioner?…that she is sometimes controversial, often opinionated, and less than a perfect County Commissioner for those who want to attach puppet strings on her?… Cheryl is also extremely smart, honest, dedicated and hardworking to the point of exhaustion?… Musgrave has managed to weather several unfounded, insulting remarks aimed at her during her recent Republication primary race for Mayor of Evansville?…several members of the mole network associated with the CCO have expressed the opinion that Commissioner Musgrave is running for re-election as the Vanderburgh County Commissioner?…that it has also been disclosed that many of her loyal supporters are not going to sit idly by and observe any person wrongly insult or mistreat Commissioner Musgrave during her re-election bid for Vanderburgh County Commissioner?… it looks like a couple of political hacks in the local GOP have awakened a sleeping giant?

IS IT TRUE that many people feel if Republican Mayoral candidate Natalie Rasher was allowed to personally talk on her Television and Radio commercials about her vision for Evansville, she would have generated many more additional votes?…it was always confusing as to why Rasher allowed others to articulate things for her rather than practice the leadership quality of running her narrative for the campaign?…perhaps if she had done so, she would be Mayor today?

IS IT TRUE that it has been rumored that a locally elected official didn’t attend an official meeting because of health concerns about the COVID-19 virus but he did attend a political fundraising event on his behalf that evening?…that last year several elected officials took advantage of taxpayers by not attending meetings and still receiving full pay?…the quality of candidates across the nation is low and the City of Evansville is no exception to that bubbling catastrophe?

IS IT TRUE that three years ago our publisher experienced unexpected post-surgery complications from his spine surgery?…he “coded” three times before the medical team at Vanderbilt was able to bring him back to life and stabilize him?…after spending 9 days in a medically induced coma he miraculously started to function on his own?…last week he went under the knife at St. Vincent/Ascension-Evansville for another complicated spine surgery and things went very well for him? …thanks are offered to Steve Hammer for helping Ron negotiate some of his physiological challenges right after surgery?… We also thank the “Prayer Warriors” for their divine intervention on Ron’s behalf.

IS IT TRUE that the “National Search” for the replacement of EREP CEO/President Tara Barney has been concluded …Mole 3 predicted accurately that on January 8, 2023, Mayor Lloyd Winnecke would replace her and that no national search was completed and no outside candidates were considered?…this is another example of the more things change, the more they stay the same and may have squandered an opportunity to upgrade the local talent pool?…we wish Ms. Barney well and thank her for a job well done?…we also wish Mayor Winnecke only the best in his new career while encouraging him to find the right talent for the things that need to happen to keep Evansville off of the list of the worst run cities in America?

IS IT TRUE that newly elected Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry’s “Inaugural Ball” is this coming Friday evening at the OLD NATIONAL BANK PLAZA?   …that this event is a sellout and is reported that around 800 people will be attending this POLITICAL GALA?   …that we have been told that between 10 to 12 tables have sold for a whopping  $10,000 each?
IS IT TRUE that on further examination of the leading contributor to the campaign that succeeded in securing the Office of Mayor of Evansville for Stephanie Terry, an interesting trend is revealed?…when researching the website for ActBlue Indiana that was the overwhelming largest donor to Terry’s campaign, we discovered an admitted far left fundraising firm that touts having raised $12.8 Billion for Democrat candidates across the nation?…it was easy to find four fundraising efforts for Mayor Terry including the Gala (Coronation) that is happening at the Old National Events Plaza on Saturday night?…along with the fundraising efforts for Mayor Terry are fundraising efforts for San Francisco Representative Nancy Pelosi, Senator Bernie Sanders, the controversial and alleged ant-Semite Rashida Talib, Minnesota Squad Leader Ilhan Omar and even the much maligned but always entertaining AOC?…if there is one thing that a town that filled the Ford Center twice for President Donald Trump does not want to see in a Mayor it is extreme left wing progressive actions?

IS IT TRUE that over the years people living in the JIMTOWN area of Evansville say when there is a change of the political guard at the Civic Center the “Names Have Changed but The Political Games Remind the Same”?… this phenomenon is not exclusive to Evansville and was memorialized by Cinderella in their song “the more things change, the more they stay the same”?…the Mole Nation asked the question, “why would salt of the earth working people believe positive change will ever happen when shenanigans like this are commonplace”?

IS IT TRUE that over the years people living in the JIMTOWN area of Evansville say when there is a change of the political guard at the Civic Center the “Names Have Changed but The Political Games Remind the Same”?… this phenomenon is not exclusive to Evansville and was memorialized by Cinderella in their song “the more things change, the more they stay the same”?…the Mole Nation asked the question, “why would salt of the earth working people believe positive change will ever happen when shenanigans like this are commonplace”?

IS IT TRUE that the Ford Center has been million dollars in the red almost the day it opened?   ….. many taxpayers are watching to see if Mayor Terry will consider the Ford Center to be a prime candidate for a forensic audit so she can find out how to make it at least cover expenses or maybe eke out a small profit?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville Employee health insurance program has been hundreds of thousands of dollars in the red each year for many years? many taxpayers feel that Mayor Terry should consider putting the City Employee’s Healthcare package out for a formal competitive bid in hopes that it will be more affordable?…doing this in a very visible way could buy her instant credibility with the overwhelming majority of the population that does not benefit from this largesse?

IS IT TRUE that the Ford Center has been million dollars in the red almost the day it opened?  …Mayor Terry should consider the Ford Center to be a prime candidate for a forensic audit so she can find out how to make it at least cover expenses or maybe eke out a small profit?

IS IT TRUE that many people feel if Republican Mayoral candidate Natalie Rasher was allowed to personally talk on her Television and Radio commercials about her vision for Evansville, she would have generated many more additional votes?….perhaps if she had done so, she would be Mayor today

IS IT TRUE that it has been rumored that a locally elected official didn’t attend an official meeting because of health concerns about the COVID-19 virus but he did attend a political fundraising event on his behalf that evening?

IS IT TRUE that a large majority of the Vanderburgh County voters surveyed by the CCO are extremely pleased to hear that County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave is planning to run for County Commissioner?…that she is sometimes controversial, often opinionated, and less than a perfect County Commissioner for those who want to attach puppet strings on her?… Cheryl is also extremely smart, honest, dedicated, and hardworking to the point of exhaustion?… Musgrave has managed to weather several unfounded, insulting remarks aimed at her during her recent Republication primary race for Mayor of Evansville?…several members of the mole network associated with the CCO have expressed the opinion that Commissioner Musgrave is running for re-election as the Vanderburgh County Commissioner?…that it has also been disclosed that many of her loyal supporters are not going to sit idly by and observe any person wrongly insult or mistreat Commissioner Musgrave during her re-election bid for Vanderburgh County Commissioner?… it looks like a couple of political hacks in the local GOP have awakened a sleeping giant?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville City Council passed a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Policy back in 2022 by a vote tally of 9 to 0 without it drawing much attention?…this sort of thing happens regularly these days in local politics since the pillars of mainstream media have been financially challenged to the point that they can’t provide adequate coverage of what is going on of importance at the Civic Center?…this should have been on the front page of the flagship newspaper in Evansville, and it may have been more realistic to take such a game-changing decision to a vote of the people?…every time an elected body ignores the will of the people it comes back to bite them on the backside?
IS IT TRUE that the reality of what happened on September 12, 2022 was that members of Evansville City Council approved forming a DEI Council to advocate for DEI initiatives not only in making decisions about who gets jobs at the City of Evansville but also extends into private businesses?…DEI started with honorable and reasonable aspirations but has morphed into what some are calling reverse discrimination?…the new DEI Advisory Council that was recently  anonymously approved by the City Council is just supposed to advise but this is not how things have been going with the early adopters?…in big progressive cities on the coasts, DEI has become a discriminatory set of programs that are already being canceled due to the realization that it is removing merit from the hiring process, resulting in unqualified people being placed in jobs due to appease the vocal proponents of DEI, and further dividing people while fanning the flames of entitlement?
IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville according to the Census Bureau been losing population for decades and even with annexation we are down to 115,749 people and dropping by the day?  …It appears from looking at the websites for the City of Evansville and its Fire and Police Department websites that about 1,000 people are toiling in the public payroll?…there is no information on these websites about the demographic makeup of the employees so we can’t tell if the goal of promoting diversity REFLECTIVE of the City of Evansville is happening with city staff?…the City of Evansville is made up of 78.4% white people, 13.6% African Americans, 3.5% Hispanics, 1.3% Asians with the balance being mixed race or other?…if the goal of the DEI Gods is to impose a reflective workforce across the city payroll, the numbers employed should closly reflect those percentages?…it would be very interesting to learn if Evansville is already reflective or not because it may not be an issue at all outside of the world called POLITICAL VIRTUE SIGNALING?
IS IT TRUE that under the duties of the DEI Council, there are indeed three articles that promote quotas and the third one extends to private workforces?…this policy mimicked policies adopted by failing cities on the coast that can’t seem to see reality over ideology?…this whole DEI thing will probably turn out to be a fad as merit is ignored and services are challenging to deliver due to obsessing over DEI before competence?…the nine members of the 2022 City Council who voted for this city ordiAnce , should consider repealing it and getting on with the business of governing for prosperity and growth?…we ask what will these leaders do when the John Galts of the Tri-State take their talents elsewhere?
IS IT TRUE it would be most appropriate tf the three strong proponents of the DEI City Of Evansville ordinance schedule a public hearing to give a detailed presentation why they feel that Evansville needs move forward with an ordinance without discussing the Pros and Cons of the DEI proposal the could be amended into a meanful Civil Rights
IS IT TRUE that on further examination of the leading contributor to the campaign that succeeded in securing the Office of Mayor of Evansville for Stephanie Terry, an interesting trend is revealed?…when researching the website for ActBlue Indiana that was the overwhelming largest donor to Terry’s campaign, we discovered an admitted far left fundraising firm that touts having raised $12.8 Billion for Democrat candidates across the nation?…it was easy to find four fundraising efforts for Mayor Terry including the Gala (Coronation) that is happening at the Old National Events Plaza on Saturday night?…along with the fundraising efforts for Mayor Terry are fundraising efforts for San Francisco Representative Nancy Pelosi, Senator Bernie Sanders, the controversial and alleged ant-Semite Rashida Talib, Minnesota Squad Leader Ilhan Omar and even the much maligned but always entertaining AOC?…if there is one thing that a town that filled the Ford Center twice for President Donald Trump does not want to see in a Mayor it is extreme left wing progressive actions?
IS IT TRUE that many people feel if Republican Mayoral candidate Natalie Rasher was allowed to personally talk on her Television and Radio commercials about her vision for Evansville, she would have generated many more additional votes?…it was always confusing as to why Rasher allowed others to articulate things for her rather than practice the leadership quality of running her narrative for the campaign?…perhaps if she had done so, she would be Mayor today?
IS IT TRUE that some of the recent appointments made to some boards of directors controlled by the City of Evansville make one wonder if there has been a new Mayor sworn in?…in at least one case, and an appointment was made that is straight out of Winnecke Land and it is as easy to see a red light in the rearview mirror?…it almost looks as though a coalition government has been formed between the former Republican Mayor who now heads EVRep and a group of non-traditional political allies?


IS IT TRUE that a large majority of the Vanderburgh County voters surveyed by the CCO are extremely pleased to hear that County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave is planning to run for County Commissioner?…that she is sometimes controversial, often opinionated, and less than a perfect County Commissioner for those who want to attach puppet strings on her?… Cheryl is also extremely smart, honest, dedicated, and hardworking to the point of exhaustion?… Musgrave has managed to weather several unfounded, insulting remarks aimed at her during her recent Republication primary race for Mayor of Evansville?…several members of the mole network associated with the CCO have expressed the opinion that Commissioner Musgrave is running for re-election as the Vanderburgh County Commissioner?…that it has also been disclosed that many of her loyal supporters are not going to sit idly by and observe any person wrongly insult or mistreat Commissioner Musgrave during her re-election bid for Vanderburgh County Commissioner?… it looks like a couple of political hacks in the local GOP have awakened a sleeping giant?

IS IT TRUE that over the years people living in the JIMTOWN area of Evansville say when there is a change of the political guard at the Civic Center that the “Names Have Changed But The Political Games Remind The Same”?  …that we hope that the good people of JimTown are wrong this time?

IS IT TRUE that it has been rumored that a locally elected official didn’t attend an official meeting because of health concerns about the COVID-19 virus but he did attend a political fundraising event on his behalf that evening?

IS IT TRUE that we have been told that last year several elected officials took advantage of taxpayers by not attending meetings and still receiving full pay?
IS IT TRUE that it has been rumored that a locally elected official didn’t attend an official
meeting because of health concerns about the COVID-19 virus but he did attend a political fundraising event on his behalf that evening?…that last year several elected officials took advantage of taxpayers by not attending meetings and still receiving full pay?…the quality of candidates across the nation is low and the City of Evansville is no exception to that bubbling catastrophe?
IS IT TRUE that in some cases that have been documented across the nation, elected officials have blunted the efforts of potential competitors to raise their friend’s or relative’s businesses or consulting prospects into single bidder or sole source situations?…when sole source situations happen, the taxpayers lose?…it would be a shame if sole-source service contracts for parties related to elected officials have ever happened with the nomination and vote of that elected official?…like with Gold Bar Bob of New Jersey, such an action would be seen by the taxpayers as self-serving, potentially compromising, and certainly inappropriate?
IS IT TRUE that newly elected Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry’s “Inaugural Ball” is this coming Friday evening at the OLD NATIONAL BANK PLAZA?   …that this event is a sellout and is reported that around 800 people will be attending this POLITICAL GALA?   …that we have been told that between 10 to 12 tables have sold for a whopping  $10,000 each?
IS IT TRUE that a few elected officials in Vanderburgh County to order avoid putting out a “REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL” is to sign a “SERVICE AGREEMENT” so they don’t have to put contracts out for bids so their friends will be awarded the contracts without submitting a formal bid?

IS IT TRUE that over the years people living in the JIMTOWN area of Evansville say when there is a change of the political guard at the Civic Center that the “Names Have Changed But The Political Games Remind The Same”?

IS IT TRUE that former Evansville City member and fiscal conservative Justin Elpers-County Commissioner said: “that the city’s health insurance plan is supposed to be self-funded by employee copays and deductibles, but what we have seen over the last five years is that the self-funded plan is not self-funded” …that County Commissioner Elpers comment is spot on?

 IS IT TRUE that the City Of Evansville Employee HealthCare insurance program has been hundreds of thousands of dollars in the red each year for many years?that Mayor Terry should consider putting the City Employees Healthcare package out for a formal competitive bid in hopes that it will be more affordable?
IS IT TRUE that the Ford Center has been many million dollars in the red for many years and Mayor Terry should consider it a prime candidate for a forensic audit so she can find out how to make it more profitable?

IS IT TRUE that we are told that it is estimated that the Evansville Water and Sewer Department’s current debt is $730 million and increasing every day?

IS IT TRUE that we are told the current outstanding debt of the City of Evansville is around $300 million and increasing daily?

IS IT TRUE that many Vanderburgh County voters are extremely pleased to hear that County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave is planning to run for County Commission?  …that she’s sometimes conversational, opinionated, and less than a perfect County Commissioner, extremely smart, honest, and hardworking?  …that Cheryl Musgrave has managed to weather several unfounded, insulting remarks made against her during her recent Republication primary race for Mayor of Evansville?  …we are told that Commissioner Musgrave is running for re-election as the Vanderburgh County Commissioner.  …that we have been told that many of her loyal supporters are not going to sit ideally by and observe any person wrongly insult or mistreat Commissioner Musgrave during her re-election bid for Vanderburgh County Commissioner?  … it looks like a couple of political hacks in the local GOP have awakened a sleeping giant.

IS IT TRUE that many people feel if Republican Mayoral candidate Natalie Rashner was allowed to personally talk on her Television and Radio commercials about her vision for Evansville she would have generated many more additional votes?

IS IT TRUE that it has been rumored that a locally elected official didn’t attend an official meeting because of health concerns about the COVID-19 virus but he did attend a political fundraising event on his behalf that evening?

IS IT TRUE that last year several elected officials took advantage of taxpayers by not attending meetings and still receiving full pay?

TRUE that fiscal conservative Justin Elpers said: “that the city’s health insurance plan is supposed to be self-funded by employee copays and deductibles, but what we have seen over the last five years is that the self-funded plan is not self-funded”. That’s why we see the imbalance.” is spot on.

IS IT TRUE that three years ago our publisher experienced unexpected post-surgery complications from his spine surgery? …he “coded” three times before the medical team at Vanderbilt was able to bring him back to life and stabilize him.  …after spending 9 days in a medically induced coma he miraculously started to function on his own?  …last week he went under the knife at St. Vincent/Ascension-Evansville for another complicated spine surgery and things went very well for him.  …thanks are to Steve Hammer for helping Ron negotiate some of his physiological challenges right after surgery?…we also thank the “Prayer Warriors” for their divine intervention on Ron’s behalf.
IS IT TRUE that the “National Search” for the replacement of EREP CEO/President Tara Barney has been concluded?  …we been told that on January 8, 2023, Mayor Lloyd Winnecke will replace her?  …we wish Ms. Barney well and thank her for a job well done.  …we also wish Mayor Winnecke only the best in his new career.