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    We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, or insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
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    IS IT TRUE that there is no greater ambassador of goodwill than a homegrown non-partisan community newspaper?  …that local newspapers can serve as a “Community Watchdog” by sounding the alarm when the citizen’s rights are being violated? …we realize that a community can have no greater ambassador of goodwill than one that keeps its citizens informed about their accomplishments, failures, and triumphs.
    IS IT TRUE that a late great professor from the University of Evansville once said, “Come to the revolution all of this $%#! will cease?”…the obsession with fun and game spending is what has led the sheep to this unsustainable abyss?
     IS IT TRUE that we have been told by several of our financial wizards that the incoming Mayor of Evansville should immediately hire an out-of-state Accounting firm to do a Forensic Audit so that she won’t have any major cash flow issues or financial deficit surprises when she takes office?
    IS IT TRUE that we hope that a rumor circulating during the recent city election that Evansville has over 1 billion dollars in encountered debt and growing by the day is false?
    IS IT TRUE that fiscal conservative and former Evansville City Councilmen and current County Commissioner Justin Elpers said: “that the Evansville health insurance plan is supposed to be self-funded by employee copays and deductibles, but what we have seen over the last five years is that the self-funded plan is not self-funded,”  …that now Vanderburgh County Commissioner Elpers also commented, “That’s why we see the imbalance in the City’s employee Insurance Plan”? …that the CCO feels that now Vanderburgh County Commissioner Elpers’s comments concerning the above Evansville Employee Healthcare plan are spot on?
    IS IT TRUE that when a City is in a serious financial bind and can’t borrow any more Municipal Bond money for future capital projects it resorts to the questionable practice of having a Building Contractor guarantee the project?  …that in return, the City signs a long-term Lease/Rental Revenue Bond
    agreement with the builder?
    IS IT TRUE that we can guarantee that the City Controllers
    who worked for Mayors Jonathon Wienzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. to ensure that the City officials lived within their budget restraints? …that former Evansville Mayors Jonathon Weinzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. not only lived within their budget restraints but when they left office they had comfortable cash balances in the “Rainey Day” fund to pass on to their successors?

    IS IT TRUE that when a Chairman of a political party sweeps an election he or she takes total credit for this accomplishment?  …when a Chairman of a political party loses he or she blames everyone else for the loss.

    IS IT TRUE that one of the most serious impending health crises facing America today is the possibility of the reinsurance of the COVID-19 virus?  …that we hope that the majority of our elected officials and medical experts are prepared for a possible impending health crisis?
    IS IT TRUE that we find the campaign style of the outspoken Libertarian Mayoral candidate Michael Daughty to be conservative, sometimes politically unorthodox, idealistic, sometimes lacking a little tack, refreshing honest, and direct?  …that Mr. Daughety has a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and an MBA in Business from Purdue and a bright future in local politics?
    IS IT TRUE when well-credentialed scientists cannot make predictions better than a dart-flinging monkey, what is an intellectually challenged elected official to do?…the answer is to panic and make edicts that are then overturned time and again because most politicians are literally in way over their heads?
    IS IT TRUE that the Executive Director of the AREA PLAN COMMISSION recently stunned members of the Vanderburgh County Council when he requested that this board increase his 2024 salary by $26,500?  …we give 5 cheers to members of the Vanderburgh County Council for sticking to their conservative values by rejecting this unreasonable raise request.
    IS IT TRUE that we are told that several people are hoping that Democrat State Representative Ryan Hatfield will run for a Vanderburgh County Judgeship position when it becomes available? …we feel that Ryan Hatfield has the skills and ability to make a good Judge?
    IS IT TRUE that our “Readers Poll” is non-scientific but trendy?  …our current “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that EREP leadership not allowing Libertarian Michael Daugherty to participate in their upcoming Mayoral debates is unacceptable?
    If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com