
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.

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IS IT TRUE that a couple of weeks ago a member of the CCO staff was harassed and threatened?  …that after the upcoming general election, the document will be turned over to the appropriate agency for review and hopefully an indictment.
IS IT TRUE if you were The Chairman Of The Board Of Directors of a 480 million dollar Corporation looking for a CEO/President to run it for you would you hire anyone currently serving on the Evansville City Council?  …that the City Of Evansville is a 480 million dollar not-for-profit corporation?
IS IT TRUE that when politicians are smarter than members of the media the political news is controlled by the politicians?
IS IT TRUE that United States Senator Mike Braun recently caused himself a serious political problem by endorsing Donald Trump for President of The United States?  …that many of his supporters wonder why a law and order arch-conservative would support someone who has been charged with trying to overthrow the Government of the United States Of America and also charged with other crimes too numerous to mention?
IS IT TRUE that credible sources have told us that the newly adopted 2024 City budget has the following monies earmarked for 9 (nine) members of the Evansville City Council: $192,158 in salaries, $212,090 in health insurance, $10,000 in travel and 0 in the past, and $32,541 in PERF?  …we are told that many taxpayers are irate that members of the Evansville City Council feel that they are worthy of this impressive stipend for their part-time gig?  …did we say that current members of the Evansville City Council were responsible for making this financial decision

IS IT TRUE that we are told that several members of the local Chamber Of Commerce are wondering how much of the membership money their Board of Directors spent on the “National Job Search” to replace the outgoing CEO/President of the Chamber?

IS IT TRUE that Warrick and Posey Counties contribute $60,000 a year to EREP?  …that the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County each donated $300,000 this year to EPEP? …we have been told that many taxpayers feel that our local elected officials shouldn’t do for EREP what they should do for themselves.

IS IT TRUE we are extremely disappointed that the Evansville City Controller and the President of the Evansville City Council both called Mayoral candidate Micheal Daughty a lair during a recent political gathering?  …that all we can say to both individuals is that figures don’t lie especially when Mr. Daughty got his figures from the Controller’s office?

IS IT TRUE that we are told that several members of the local Chamber Of Commerce are wondering how much membership money their Board of Directors spent on the “National Job Search” to replace the outgoing CEO/President of the Chamber?

IS IT TRUE that Warrick County contributes 60,000 dollars a year to EREP?  …that the City of Evansville and Vanderburgh County donates $300,000 a year to EPEP?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Redevelopment Commission’s “Potential Projects Lists” for 2023 and beyond are: • 4th and Main Park and new Affordable Housing Developments • Riverside Drive Pedestrian and Transportation Improvements • Historic Lighting – continued in Arts District • Development of Bond Street property – new Affordable Housing Project • Assist with potential READI Grant Projects • Burkhardt Road TIF area infrastructure development?  …that we wonder where the Evansville Redevelopment Commission is going to get the money for the above-projects.

IS IT TRUE that we are told the voters all over America are in the mindset to get rid of the tax and spend politicians?  ..we will be seeing four (4) new faces on the 2024 Evansville City Council because of the way some members mishandle the 480 million dollar city budget?

IS IT TRUE that we are told by a couple of political movers and shakers after members of the Evansville City Council voted 9-0 on the 2024 City Budget with little discussion? …that is the main reason why we will be seeing four (4) new faces on the 2024 Evansville City Council?

IS IT TRUE that the CITY-COUNTY OBSERVER’s first monthly “Speaker Of Forum” luncheon was the extremely popular Vanderburgh Sheriff Noah Robinson?  …that Sheriff Robinson did a masterful job?  …we give five (5) cheers to Co-Chairpersons Steve Hammer and Ben Shoulders for doing an excellent job in planning this most worthwhile community event?
IS IT TRUE that our “Readers Poll” is non-scientific but trendy?  …our current “Readers Poll” question is: HOW DO YOU RATE PUBLIC SAFETY IN EVANSVILLE?
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