“IS IT TRUE” AUGUST 17, 2023


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IS IT TRUE that right after Maui and Lahania were ravaged by the deadliest wildfires in more than a century, and as residents search and wait for word about their missing loved ones, low-life looters were trying to cash in on the tragedy? …that businesses were also looted for any remaining goods in the ruins? …that CCO staff says; “Arrest the looters and thugs and throw their ass– in jail and throw away the key?
IS IT TRUE that the City Of Evansville budget hearings have begun?  … that casual observers attending the budget meetings are hearing rumors that Evansville may have some financial challenges because our City officials may have maxed out on our Municipal Bonds borrowing capacity?
IS IT TRUE that if Evansville is really in a financial bind and can’t borrow anymore Municipal bond money for future capital projects we hope that they don’t resort to the questionable practice of having a Corporation fund and build the capital project for them and in return, the City signs a long term lease agreement with the builder?
IS IT TRUE that the main responsibility of a City Controller is to make sure that the Mayor and City Council members live within their budget restraints?
IS IT TRUE that we can guarantee that the City Controllers that worked for Mayors Jonathon Wienzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. ensured that the City officials lived within their budget restraints?
IS IT TRUE that former Evansville Mayors Jonathon Weinzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. not only lived within their budget restraints but when they left office they had comfortable cash balances in the “Rainey Day” fund to pass on to their successors?
IS IT TRUE that it’s time for candidates running for the Mayor and City Council positions in Evansville to start openly discussing issues that are affecting our quality of life?
IS IT TRUE that its time for the Evansville Mayoral and City Council candidates to publically discuss ways to correct some of the following issues within Evansville proper: spending beyond our means, uncontrollable drug addiction problems in Evansville, low employee morale, escalating murder, and crime rates, the neglect of our City Parks, crumbing streets and sidewalks throughout Evansville proper and needc to find a way to defer unexpected increases in our water and sewer rates?
IS IT TRUE that we have been told by a couple of people in attendance at the City Of Evansville budget hearings that they are pleased with the way that City Councilmembers Mosby, Weave, and Beane involved themselves in budget discussions?
IS IT TRUE that we wish that our locally elected officials, business leaders of this region, patriots, and Veterans groups would feel similar about the Veterans Memorial Coliseum as they do the LST? …its time that the citizens of this community demand that the Veterans Memorial Coliseum receive the same media attention and public financial support as the LST does? …its time that the community brings back the “Veterans Memorial Coliseum”  to its original grandeur?
IS IT TRUE that because of the personality conflicts between certain members of the Evansville City Council it has allowed Mayor Winnecke to craft a successful political strategy that ensured that his future capital projects plans become a reality?  …we are told that divide-and-conquer political strategies most always succeed?
IS IT TRUE that Mesker Park Zoo lost over $4 million dollars in revenue in the 2022 budget year?
IS IT TRUE that we are told that the FORD CENTER was several million dollars in the red for the 2022 budget year?  …that we expect this year’s Profit and Loss statement may yield similar results?
IS IT TRUE that the Ford Center needs $8 to $9 million dollars to spend on much needed maintenance and repairs issues?  …that the City needs to find the money to purchase a new multi-million dollar interior electronic scoreboard and also an exterior electronic display banner sign?  …we wonder why the FORD CENTER didn’t have a maintenance and repair account to take care of issues like these?
IS IT TRUE that the Executive Director of the AREA PLAN COMMISSION stunned members of the Vanderburgh County Council when he requested that this board increase his 2024 salary by $26,500?
IS IT TRUE that for many years the City of Evansville has had a serious financial shortfall in the City of Evansville employee healthcare plan?  …that we hope that the newly elected Mayor of Evansville will put out a public RFP request to area insurance carriers in this area to search for more affordable employee health care plans?
IS IT TRUE that our number one supporter Mark Chandler asks us why are the new city sidewalks on corner lots of Habitat homes in the Jacobsville area being constructed without handicap ramps? …that Mark also added the comment that this sidewalks project seems to violate the ADA?  …that we agree with him?
IS IT TRUE that the Regional Representative for the United States Senator Mike Braun is doing a credible job?  …that Steven W. Hammer is working extremely hard to carry the message to the masses that United States Senator Braun is a man of his word by following through with his campaign promises.  …we give five (5) cheers to Steve Hammer for doing a credible job for United States Senator Mike Braun?
IS IT TRUE to hear some American progressives talk about our social progress one would have to conclude that we are light years behind the Nordic countries which are capitalist economies with a stronger safety net than ours.
IS IT TRUE that we are told that several people are hoping that Democrat State Representative Ryan Hatfield will run for a Vanderburgh County Judgeship position when it becomes available? …we feel that Ryan Hatfield has the skills and ability to make a good Judge?
IS IT TRUE that our “Readers Poll” is non-scientific but trendy?  …our current “Readers Poll” question is:  If the general election was held today who would you vote for Mayor of Evansville”?
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  1. Ah, praise for Weinzaphel leaving office with a “comfortable cash balance”, but no admonishment for him leaving the Ford Center millstone around the neck of taxpayers for financial eternity?

  2. The blame game and finger pointing needs to stop. In 2013, Council Member John Friend spoke about the state of city finances. At that time no one seemed to care and by all accounts, no one seems to care now. No accountability, no fiscal controls. Who is left to clean up this mess? The taxpayers. In a recent interview with WEHT and Brad Byrd, Deputy Mayor/Interim Parks Director Steve Schaefer stated”it’s like spending bad money after good”. He summed up the past 12 years. Who will step up and be the voice?

  3. What department takes the hit for the Mesker Park loss?? Does this happen on a yearly basis? If so, it sounds like more money needs to be allocated to cover this loss. I’m no accountant, but it seems like whichever department takes the hit doesn’t have the funds to cover their own expenses. If it’s the park department, no wonder they can’t take of the city parks. Maybe that’s why the city keeps getting bonds (aka loans). I heard Evansville has nearly 200 Million in bonds. The city finances are a mess!!

    • The Board of Park Commissioners are in charge of Mesker Zoo. President: Jerome Stewart.
      They meet the first and third Wednesday of the month-noon – room 301 Civic Center. Public comments are allowed near the end of the meeting and Steve Schaefer usually gives a detailed report on parks issues.

  4. Is it true “Libertarian” candidate for mayor copy and pasted Raschers platform on his website even going so far as to doctor her logo

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