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IS IT TRUE that we are pleased to see that several candidates running for the Mayor and City Council positions in Evansville are beginning to point out issues that are affecting our quality of life? …some of the issues that our Mayoral and City Council candidates are starting to bring out for the general public to discuss are: spending our tax dollars beyond our budgets, uncontrollable drug addiction problems in Evansville, political patronage practices, escalating murder, and crime rates, and the neglect of public infrastructure such as City Parks and Golf courses,  major blight problems throughout the City and dilapidated streets and sidewalks throughout Evansville proper?
IS IT TRUE that we are told because of the serious philosophical and personality conflicts between elected City Council members that Mayor Winnecke is able to craft a political strategy that has ensured that his future big-ticket capital projects plans become a reality?  …we are told that divide-and-conquer political strategies most always succeed?
IS IT TRUE that a past Harvard Business School study that assesses the competitiveness of the United States of America?…in this study, it states that in 1964 a full 77% of the population trusted the federal government to do the right things to make progress happen and that today around 17% of Americans trust the federal government?…that has increased from a low of 15% in 2009?…one could almost surmise that with that low of a number trusting the federal government that it can’t go much lower since roughly 15% believe silly things like Elvis is alive and well and Hitler is living in Argentina plotting a return to power?
IS IT TRUE that we wish that our locally elected officials, business leaders of this region, patriots, and Veterans groups would feel similar about the Veterans Memorial Coliseum as they do the LST?  …its time that the citizens of this community demand that the Veterans Memorial Coliseum receive the same media attention and public financial support as the LST does? …its time that the community brings back the “Veterans Memorial Coliseum”  to its original grandeur?
IS IT TRUE that for many years the City of Evansville has had a serious financial shortfall in the City of Evansville employee healthcare plan?  …that we hope that the newly elected 8city Officialsaof Evansville will put out a public RFP request to area insurance carriers to search for more affordable employee health care plans?
IS IT TRUE that one of the most important missions of the Media is to call out the failure of our elected officials for choosing fun and games over substance, exposed idiocy, and self-serving squandering of taxpayer dollars in search of votes?
IS IT TRUE that the EPD SWAT team to delete their Instagram because they received more followers then the EPD?
IS IT TRUE that the responsibility of a City Controller is to make sure that the  city officials  stay within their budget restraints?  …that we can guarantee that the City Controllers that worked for Mayors Jonathon Wienzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. made sure that the City officials lived within their budget restraints?
IS IT TRUE that former Evansville Mayors Jonathon Weinzapfel and Frank McDonald Jr. not only lived within their budget restraints and when they left office they had impressive cash balances and “Rainey Day” funds?  ….when Mayor Winnecke leaves office we hope we can say the same about him?
IS IT TRUE, that in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industrial Regulatory Authority (Finra) all cities and towns with populations of greater than 100,000 will be required to report their financial status by using the accrual method of accounting for the year ending December 31, 2019? …that Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, and South Bend have been using the accrual accounting method for many years? …over the years Evansville has been receiving adverse opinions from the SBOA in regards to overdrawn accounts? …that past financial reports by the City weren’t compiled by using the accrual method of accounting?  …we are pleased to announce that the Winnecke Administration is now forced by the State Board Of Accounts to report all their unrecorded liabilities including leases that the Bond rating of the City will be greatly affected?
IS IT TRUE that the good news for Indiana taxpayers is that the State Board Of Accounts (SBOA) passed a new State Law several years ago that gives Governmental entities six (6) months to find a remedy to correct the problems of overdrawn city accounts?
IS IT TRUE that GuideStar is a publication that collects legal information on all of the non-profit organizations in the United States?…GuideStar collects financial, organizational, performance, and management information on all of the non-profits nationwide?…based on the information that is public plus information that is voluntarily submitted to GuideStar by the non-profits, each organization is assigned a transparency grade from Nothing to Bronze, to Silver, to Gold, and only the best of the best or 0.5% of the non-profits nationwide get the coveted Platinum rating?of the 345 non-profits registered in Evansville, Indiana only 1 has been awarded a Platinum ranking for transparency? ...most have no rating at all which means they are not submitting information to the GuideStar public database?  …if you find an active non-profit organization with NO Rating all we can say is beware?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Region Representative of the United States Senator Mike Braun is doing a credible job?  …Steven W. Hammer is working day and night carrying the message that the United States Senator from Indiana Mike Braun is a man of his word by following through with his campaign promises.  …we give five (5) cheers to Steve Hammer for doing a credible job for United States Senator Mike Braun?

IS IT TRUE when small-town politicians that preside over an increasing crime rate and a mediocre economy get national attention, every pissant politician who rides in parades hearing “Hail to the Chief” in their own mind catches “Buttigieg Derangement Syndrome”?…that this political disorder may be contagious enough to infect the thinking of current elected officials?
IS IT TRUE that it would be extremely interesting if a local historian would give the outgoing Evansville City Council members a performance review concerning how they addressed “Good Public Policy” issues over the last four years?
IS IT TRUE to hear some American progressives talk about our social progress one would have to conclude that we are light years behind the Nordic countries which are capitalist economies with a stronger safety net than ours.
IS IT TRUE that we are told that several people are hoping that Democrat State Representative Ryan Hatfield will run for a soon-to-be vacant Vanderburgh County Judgeship position when it becomes available?
IS IT TRUE that our “Readers Poll” is non-scientific but trendy?  …our current “Readers Poll” question is
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stopped on-May 14 2020