Letter To The Editor: We need to relight the torch of liberty


We need to relight the torch of liberty

Freedom, Indiana – July 24 2023, Andrew Horning, seeking the Libertarian Party of Indiana’s nomination for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2024, made the following statement:

Ours is not a free nation.  We do not have constitutional rule of law.  This is not a republic.  We have no cohesive sense of justice or law, and we have no plan for either peace, or war.  Our nation certainly doesn’t embody our founders’ best ideas, or follow its foundational principles or laws.  Our government is so corrupt it is more accurate to call it a crony crime ring puppet show than anything like a legitimate government.  And, by now, most of us know it.

Yet we are so inundated with lies and gaslighting in overt chest-pounding tribalism, that We The People are, as a collective culture, effectively paralyzed in hopelessness, fear, anger and partisan contempt.  Some of us, sadly, are radicalized to militancy by the lies disgorged from our elected officials, media, entertainment, information, and education systems.

Worse, we’re denied information that would certainly change our attitudes, viewpoints, and critical, choices on Election Day.  Cover-ups are worse than lies.  As a Libertarian candidate for office, I’ve experienced how lack of coverage is vastly worse than even the most insulting, deceitful reporting.  With lies and bad information, at least we’re given something to think about, look into, and judge for ourselves.  We can’t judge what we can’t even see – not even in shadows or false images.

Just one example is the blinders we wear about vaccines since the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, which transferred all liability for injury, from vaccine manufacturers to taxpayers, and created a vast system of bad science, damaging vaccines, political corruption and global secrecy, as well as catastrophic damage to our herd immunity and overall health, that’s only worsening over generations.

The good news, and bad news, is that we chose this.  Around 90% of us, both voters, and those who let others choose for us, chose all of this, and keep choosing it.  That 90% won’t choose anything else.  This is bad because we’ve been choosing badly, and we’re only beginning to feel the results of our collective and transgenerational errors.  On the other hand that’s good, because in proving we had the power to mess it up, we should be able to see that we have the power to choose better.  And that’s very good because some truth is starting to leak out, against all the efforts of our political information machinery.

We have the power of peaceful revolution.  We can tear down this unconstitutional, inherently divisive and destructive, self-appointed and surprisingly recent “Two Party System” on a single day.  …If we want to.

My job, as a candidate, is to offer that choice on the ballot, and in print.  I am doing that.  The next move is yours.

Liberty or Bust!

Andy Horning

Freedom, Indiana
