“IS IT TRUE” JUNE 30, 2023 working Draft

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language and insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE that we are told that the majority of voters participating in the upcoming Evansville general election are going demand that candidates address the following issues that loom over our fair city?  …that the issues that should be addressed in the upcoming General election are: the city cash flow problems; excessive bond indebtedness; finding money to repair our crumbling streets and sidewalks; curtail the excessive water and sewer rates; find an affordable way to renovate our city parks; correct the serious financial shortfall of the City Of Evansville City Employee Health insurance costs;  improve the morale problems at the Evansville Poice Department and find a creative way to stop the serious losses at the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE that we hope political officeholders are aware that Tortious interference? … also known as intentional interference with contractual relations, in the common law of torts? …that torts occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else’s contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm?  …when individuals colluding with each other to get a third party to interfere in a way that a business is damaged for the reason of enhancing the blissful existence of a small number of privileged people could be considered Tortious interference?

IS IT TRUE that small businesses all across the nation are experiencing difficulty in hiring people to accept jobs that are open and available?…the principal reason for this is the unemployment supplement of $300 per week that was passed by the United States Congress and signed by the President of the United States?…this $300 per week supplement conveniently calculates to $7.50 per hour in addition to the regular unemployment benefit that can be as high as $480 in some states making sitting at home on one’s backside pay the equivalent of nearly $20 per hour?
IS IT TRUE that when management in the private sector is faced with a severe financial challenge they come up with creative solutions to correct it?  …when a governmental entity has a serious financial shortfall they either issue bonds, reappraise our property value, or raise taxes?
IS IT TRUE that when politicians reappraise our home value earlier this year they in essence increase our annual property tax payments?
IS IT TRUE that the taxpayers work very hard to earn their money? …that taxpayers have to work twice as hard to keep their money because of overzealous bureaucratic rules and regulations?
IS IT TRUE that is time for our local government leaders to learn the meaning of cognizant thought and only do what is mandatory and necessary to provide the services that a city is obligated to provide? …that does not include political patronage and pork barrel projects?
IS IT TRUE that incumbent politicians should campaign while they’re in office and not when they are running for re-election?
IS IT TRUE that Evansville Property Owners and Managers Association (POMA) membership is fired up over 3rd Ward Councilman Zac Heronemus’s filing of an ordinance to inspect every rental unit in the city?
IS IT TRUE that 3rs Ward Councilman Zac Heronemus also drafted an ordinance that could take money from the “Affordable Housing Trust Fund” by wanting the city to start and run a not-for-profit whose overhead will take up about 60% of the city’s contribution to the fund every year to help those who need those funds?
  1. This is the same councilman who spent $50,000 on a redistricting plan with no public input and shoved it through to vote in the 11th hour.
  2. The airport board and director, Nate Hahn, recently met with most Evansville City Council members to ask them to approve a $250,000 request some they can increase their marketing activity to increase air travel into and out of Evansville/Vanderburgh County.
  3. IS IT TRUE that 3rd Ward City Evansville Councilman Zac Heronemus
is trying to amend the current City Of Evansville “RENTAL REGISTRY” so that every rental unit in Evansville will be forced to have a “MANDATORY INSPECTION”?   …that every rental unit in the City Of Evansville will be charged a $50 inspection fee for each unit per year?  that there are a few exceptions where the better rental properties in Evansville can be self-certified by the owners at a one-time cost of $75 per unit?
IS IT TRUE that we have been told that between 50% and 60% of the people living in Evansville live in rental properties and only a handful of City inspectors do a compliance check on the rental properties within the City limits?  …we wonder where Evansville City Council is going to get the additional many thousands of dollars to hire extra employees needed to inspect the many thousands of rental properties in Evansville proper if they pass Mr. Heronemus’s “Mandatory Inspection Ordinance”?
IS IT TRUE that we are also told that the President of the Evansville City Council member Zac Heronemus is planning to submit a document to amend the current “RENTAL REGISTRY” to the City Council sometime in late June or July?
IS IT TRUE that 3rd Ward Councilman Zac Heronemus is running for re-election and is facing stiff competition from a well-known individual with diverse experience in both the private and public sectors?  …we look forward to seeing if Republican Joe Kratochvil will take Councilman Heronemus to task concerning his overreaching bureaucratic amendments to the City Of Evansville’s “RentalL Registry”” and the “Affordable Housing Trust Fund”?
IS IT TRUE that government shouldn’t do for people what they can do for themselves?
IS IT TRUE the CCO has always said, “Evansville is a baseball town at heart”?…we do love our Evansville Otters?  …that over the years there have been fifteen (15) pro baseball teams that called Evansville home that no longer exists?… the best and most professional were the Triplets which were an AAA farm team for the Detroit Tigers? …the other failed baseball teams in declining order were the Outlaws, White Sox, Braves, Bees, Hubs, Pocketeers, Little Evas, Black Sox, Evas, Yankees, Strikers, River Rats, Blackbirds, and Hoosiers?  … all we can say is support the Evansville Otters