LETTER TO EDITOR: Local Republican Candidates O’Brien And Ledbetter Declined Invitations To Debate


    LETTER TO EDITOR: Local Republican Candidates O’Brien And Ledbetter Declined Invitations To Debate

    by Kaitie Rector

    October 15, 2022

    Voters need to hold Republican candidates, and Indiana GOP leadership, accountable for their failure to participate fairly in the democratic process. Public debate and appearance in a public forum is a cornerstone of democracy.

    Posted below are Republican candidates who have declined the invitations to such opportunities:

    71% Of State Senate Republican Candidates Surveyed:

    Dan Dernulc (SD 1)

    Jeff Larson (SD 11)

    James Buck (SD 21)

    Spencer Deery (SD 23)

    Mike Gaskill (SD 25)

    Scott Alexander (SD 26)

    Alex Choi (SD 29)

    Kyle Walker (SD 31)

    Gary Byrne (SD 47)

    Mark Messmer (SD 48)

    75% of State Representative Republican Candidates Surveyed:

    Dale DeVon (HD 5)

    Jake Teshka (HD 7)

    Julie Olthoff (HD 19)

    Donna Schaibley (HD 24)

    Fred Glynn (HD 32)

    JD Prescott (HD 33)

    Dale Basham (HD 34)

    Elizabeth Rowray (HD 35)

    Gerald Torr (HD 39)

    Mark Genda (HD 41)

    Alan Morrison (HD 42)

    Bob Heaton (HD 46)

    Joanna King (HD 49)

    Dave Hall (HD 62)

    Edward Clere (HD 72)

    Jennifer Meltzer (HD 73)

    Cindy Ledbetter (HD 75)

    Tim O’Brien (HD 78)

    Martin Carbaugh (HD 81)

    David Jones (HD 82)

    Chris Jeter (HD 88)

    100% Of State Representative Republican Candidates Surveyed:

    Rudy Yakym (2nd)

    Jim Banks (3rd)

    Victoria Spartz (5th)

    Greg Pence (6th)

    Larry Bucshon (8th)

    Erin Houchin (9th)

    FOOTNOTE: Not AbleTo to Confirm If The Candidate Was A No-Show.


    Kaitie Rector

    Evansville, Ind.

    FOOTNOTE: This letter was posted without bias or opinion or editing.


    1. Who is Katie Rector? Hopefully she knows Buschon isn’t running for state representative, nor are any of those she listed with him. Could she be a Democrat, possibly?

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