While the Paint Dries:Â
EVPL monthly recommendations
Each month the Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library will be recommending art-related books, films, and other materials specifically for the Arts Council newsletter. So while the paint is drying, pick up one of these recommendations at your local library branch and learn new techniques (or maybe some old ones), innovative concepts, or watch an informative documentary. If you have any questions, please contact the EVPL at (812) 428-8200.
Picture This! Activities and Adventures in Impressionism./ Raimondo, Joyce
Inspires children to explore their world while trying out some of the working methods of impressionists. Colorful pages, well written instructions and nice reproductions of artists’ paintings contribute to this must see book for art loving children or for parents and teachers who like to share art with children. Artists included in this book: Monet, Renoir, Degas, Pissarro, and Cassatt. Catalogue Listing
The Boy Who Drew Birds/ Davies, Jacquelne
A Story of John James Audubon. Davies’ biography is a fresh look at this important artist. It focuses on Audubon’s curiosity regarding migration. Melissa Sweet created lovely illustrations in collage and watercolor and make this book interesting to anyone fascinated with birds, drawing or painting. Catalogue Listing
Herb & Dorothy (Documentary)
In the early 1960s, Herb & Dorothy Vogel a postal worker and librarian began purchasing the works of unknown Minimalist and Conceptual artists, guided by two rules: the piece had to be affordable, and it had to be small enough to fit in their one-bedroom Manhattan apartment. They proved themselves curatorial visionaries; most of those they supported and befriended went on to become world-renowned artists. HERB & DOROTHY provides a unique chronicle of the world of contemporary art from two unlikely collectors, whose shared passion and discipline defies stereotypes and redefines what it means to be a patron of the arts. Catalogue Listing
A Minute with MiguelÂ
Join the Arts Council in welcoming a new segment in our newsletter with AC Intern and local artist/designer, Miguel Latorre. A Minute with Miguel will feature an AC member’s work and quick interview to help the community learn more about the all of the talent of Evansville and the surrounding areas. Interested artists can contact the Arts Council at (812) 422-2111 or info@artswin.org.
February Guest: Jason Mooney
 1. Your photography seems to delve strongly into using worldly scenarios and turning them into something otherworldly. Has this always been the focus of your creativity? Yes, growing up I loved Sci Fi and fantasy movies and still do, so surreal images are great to me because they tend to be something you don’t see in everyday life. To be able to take photos with my camera and create something out of the ordinary with them opens new doors and allows me the creative freedom of art that I love.
2. How long have you been shooting?
I’ve been shooting for around 2 ½ years now. Studying at Ivy Tech and learning from photographer friends.
3. Do you shoot digital, film, or a bit of both? I mostly shoot digital, but still love to shoot a roll of film here and there.
4. When we met you mentioned work as a mechanic and do photography on the side. Is it hard to juggle the demands of a job and your photography? I don’t really do any client work, so only shooting for myself balances out well. While I’m at work I’m thinking of new shoots I would like to work on for the weekends. Of course, you have those perfect days for a photo shoot and your stuck at work on those day’s. I would say yes.
5. I notice you shoot both in Black and White and Color. Prior to shooting, do you envision which of these two your shot would look best in? Rarely, I normally make that decision once I start editing them.
6. If you could pick one famous photographer to collaborate with (living or dead), who would it be? What kind of a project would you would work on?
That would be Jerry Uelsmann, and anything surreal.
7. You use models in many of your shots. Do you usually pick your models based on a certain feeling you want to convey in your images? Yes, my friends are kind enough to model for me, so when I have an idea for a shoot I contact which friend will work well with the scene.
8. Do you prefer shooting in an urban environment or a rural one? I noticed your images are a pretty good mix of both. Both are great, and by mixing them up it keep’s images from looking like you’re using the same studio background for every image.
9. Being a fan of skateboarding, I couldn’t help but notice you’d taken some really cool shots of longboarders shooting down hills. Was it a challenge getting good action shots when you yourself were stationary? I’m fairly good at panning shots, but they are small subjects going very fast down those hills so it was a bit of a challenge and a lot of fun to shoot.
10. Have you considered doing a solo show locally? Or have you done this already? Feel free to plug any upcoming events you have here.
I haven’t yet, but that is one of my goals for this year. With this winter I’ve had time to sit back and think of new ideas for spring and summer shoots, and work on learning some new things in Photoshop. I’m hoping to have enough images to do this soon.
11. If there is one thing you would like non-photographers to understand about photography it would be ____________. Photography doesn’t stop with the push of a button on a camera, we spend countless hours editing images, learning new methods and improving those methods we’ve learned.
12. If photography ceased to exist tomorrow, what artistic endeavor would you pursue? I would go back to creating images in Poser a 3D model program 😉
Check out these samples of Jason Mooney’s work below or stop by the Arts Council to see his award-winning piece in the Art Noir exhibit!
Grant News
Jon Siau, center, representing the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana, was on hand at Culver Learning Center to witness preschoolers enjoying new rainbow colored mats provided by the council. He also presented a check to Children’s Center for Dance Education President, Sally Olsen, on his left, that will benefit Joshua Academy students. CCDE outreach dance instructor Sadia Brimm, far right, and two Culver teachers look on as the children prepared to tumble.
February Brown Bag Performance Schedule
2/5/14 @ 12pm |
Eykamp Quartet
2/12/14 @ 12pm |
Gina Moore, Bob Green, Monte Skelton |
2/19/14 @ 12pm |
Cara Dailey & Marc Zyla |
2/26/14 @12pm |
Sean Holleran |
AC Gallery Hours:Â
Monday: By appointment only
Tuesday – Friday: 10am – 4pm
Saturday: By appointment onlyÂ
Promote the Arts:
If you have an arts-related event that you’d like to see in our newsletter, please email
February 5, 2014
Newsletter   Â
December 15 – March 2
East/West/North: A Collaboration
January 2 – February 7
Mary Ann Michna, “Towns”
Michael Dunn Gallery
Oakland City University
(812) 749-1426
January 6 – February 28
Twila Black Solo Exhibit
Palestine Art Center
110 S. Main St.
Palestine, IL
January 7 – February 28
Jan. 7, 6-7:30pm Reception
Let Freedom Resound: The African-American Fight for Freedom from Reconstruction to the Civil Rights Movement
Pen and Ink Drawings of William F. Brown
January 11 – February 22
Reception: Feb. 22, 3-5pm
Infodumps and Datafills by Leticia Bajuyo
January 13 – February 7
Reception: Feb. 7, 12-1pm
inflocks by Martina Nikova & Nishiki Tayui
Shircliff Gallery of Art
Vincennes University
January 19 – March 16
Posing Beauty in African American Culture
January 21 – March 16
Department of Art Faculty Exhibition
February 6, 10:30am
Storytime Spot
February 6, 4pm
Coffee Hour
Melvin Peterson Literary Hour
February 7 – March 16
Reception: Feb. 7, 5-8pm
Late Winter Reflections by Amy Delap and Andrew Jendrzejewski
February 7, 12-1pm
Brown Bag Lunch & Learn Series
Urban Living Center
February 7, 2pm
Evansville Museum Public Opening
February 7, 5:30pm
Poetry Bout & Cocktail Hour with Matthew Graham and Marcus Wicker
February 7, 7-11pm
I Heart Art
Go Red
RSVP only
February 7 DEADLINE
Individual Artist Program Grant
February 8
Evansville Museum’s Opening Gala
February 8, 7:30pm
Two Brothers
February 8, 7:30pm
The Official Blues Brothers Revue
February 8, 7pm
Mardi Bras
February 8, 7pm
The Really Big Show
Evansville ARC
February 9, 10am-5pm
14th Annual Old Post
Bluegrass Jam
February 9, 7pm
Bring It On: A Musical
February 9, 1-7pm
Be Your Valentine & Open House
S.K. Rhoades
Call (812) 204-7901 to register
February 11, 7:30pm
Faculty Recital
February 11-12, 7pm
Blue Man Group
February 12, 7pm
Swing Dance Fundraiser
February 13, 10:30am
Storytime Spot
February 13, 5:30-6:30pm
Master’s in the Making
February 14-16
The Glass Menagerie
February 15, 7pm
Romeo & Juliet
February 16, 7:30pm
Guest Artist: James Dunham & Michael Kannen
February 18, 7pm
The Banjo and the American Experience: Looking Behind the Mask of America’s Instrument
February 18, 7:30pm
Faculty Recital
February 20, 10:30am
Storytime Spot
February 20, 1-2:30pm
Home School Art Club
February 20-23
The Mercy Seat
February 21-23
The Mountaintop
February 21-28, T-S: 7:30pm, Sunday: 2pm
By Robinson Jeffers freely adapted from Euripides; Directed by Elliot Wasserman
February 21-23, 28 & March 1,2
February 21- March 2
Compleat Female Stage Beauty
February 21, 6pm
Ballroom Dance Event
February 22, 9:30am
New exhibit “Fantastic Plastics”
February 22, 10am-2pm
Celebration of Art
February 22
One Special Night with The Letterman
February 22, 1-4pm
Letters for Literacy Scrabble Tournament
February 22, 3:30pm
Charlotte’s Web
February 23, 2-3:30pm
Mardi Gras Concert
February 23, 4pm
Jazz Guest Artist Series
February 23, 3pm
Lightwire Theater: The Ugly Duckling and The Tortoise & The Hare
February 25 – March 17
Symphony of Color Art Contest Exhibition
February 25
Symphony of Color
February 25, 7:30pm
Wind Ensemble
February 26 DEADLINE
Reception: March 5, 10am-2pm
2014 Veteran’s Fine Arts, Applied Arts and Craft Competition
VA, Evansville Health Care Center Lobby
February 27
Winter Soiree
@ Evansville Museum of Arts, History & Science
February 27, 12-1:30pm
Salad, Soup and Style
February 27-28
Forever Plaid
February 28 DEADLINE
Hoosier Women Artist Contest