Business Resilience Planning – For the People that Depend on Your Business


Business Resilience Planning – For the People that Depend on Your Business

By Jesse Kauffman, Lead Consultant, Everyday Business Resilience Group

The tornado that hit our area on December 10th was a tragic demonstration of nature’s power and a grim reminder that life can change for any of us in an instant.  It speaks to the strength and resilience of our communities to see how quickly they responded to the devastation to begin helping those in need.  Watching the events unfold that evening, and watching the response in the aftermath, is a great reminder of why improving business resilience is such a vital part of any organization’s process.  Business resilience is all about making sure the people that depend on your organization are taken care of no matter the circumstance.

But who are those people that depend on your business or organization?  Too often, it’s easy to say it’s just your customers, so as we wrap up 2022, this is a great opportunity to walk through all the ways businesses and organizations impact their communities, and the people that depend on them.  As we grapple with the aftermath of the tornado and come to the end of another challenging year, I hope this helps show how much we all matter and help each other.  While I often refer to three areas of focus in my writing, People, Process, and Place, there’s a reason that I always start with People first, because at the end of the day, everything we all do impacts, other people.

Customers and Clients:  We’ll start here since all businesses and organizations depend on customers and clients to survive.  Your business or organization exists to provide a good or service to other people.  If you’re succeeding, that means that people find what you provide value.  They want what you contribute to their world!  What a gift to be able to provide something that other people want!  You are making a difference in the lives of your customers and clients.

Employees:  If your business or organization is successful to have employees, you are providing tremendous value to them.  Work is more than just a paycheck, it’s a way to contribute, to give value to other people who need what they’re providing.  Every employee is an opportunity for your organization to provide someone with both purpose and a way to live the life they want to live.  You are making a difference in the lives of your employees. 

Stockholders or Donors:  Stockholders for businesses and donors for non-profits have invested in your organization because they believe in the good or service you’re providing.  They see the value in what you do and want to help you do more of it!  What an honor to find support from others for what you bring to your community.  You are making a difference in the lives of your stockholders and donors.

Suppliers and Vendors:  I’ve yet to meet a business that doesn’t depend on the goods or services provided by at least one other organization.  They’re in business for a reason, and you as a client are that reason.  Thanks to your trust in them to provide the goods and services you need for your own business, they are able to positively impact their own community.  You are making a difference in the success of your suppliers and vendors.

Community and Non-Profit Organizations:  Chances are your organization contributes to the efforts of other community and non-profit organizations through donations of time, money, labor, goods, and expertise.  You see a value in what they do, and want to be part of making it possible for them to do it.  Your contributions enable more people to be reached by the organizations whose missions you believe in.  People that without your help would not otherwise have the opportunities they need.  You are making a difference in the success of your community and non-profit organizations.

The community (or communities) you’re in:  Your organization is part of the community you’re in.  If you have multiple locations, you could be part of multiple communities, perhaps around the state, country, or even the world.  You are part of the network of humanity in that area, part of the lives of the people that live there.  Part of their routines, their rhythms of life.  You are there through the ups and downs, the successes and tragedies that all communities face.  You are making a difference in the resilience of those communities, making them better for all of the people that share them with you.

You, the Owner/Leader of the Organization:  You went into business for a reason.  There was something missing in your community that you thought you could provide, and you stayed in business because other people wanted what you provided to the community.  Your talents, skills, and energy are being directed towards something you believe in and that your community believes.  You are making a difference not only for others, but for yourself, and I for one am grateful to be part of such a community full of people trying to make a difference in the best ways they know-how.

As we wrap up 2022, I want to thank you for letting me share my own knowledge, ideas, and skills with you, and I hope it has helped you on your journey through the ups and downs of your business life.  I look forward to continuing to share with you in 2023, and to help our community in any way that I can.  Have a Happy New Year!

FOOTNOTE:  Jesse has 17+ years of experience in industries including, appliances, plastics, nutrition, and pharmaceuticals, across all aspects of business operations.  He is currently helping companies ranging from large global corporations to and small local businesses improve their business resilience.  He and his wife, Josi, are proud parents of 3 wonderful kids and are trying their best to put their talents to work for their community, family, and friends

If you have questions about any content in this article please contact Jesse at 812-568-0515 or