Braun on HHS Pick : “The Perfect Wingman For Bernie Sanders On Healthcare”


Braun on HHS Pick : “The Perfect Wingman For Bernie Sanders On Healthcare”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Braun appeared on Varney & Co. to discuss President Biden’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra.


Beside the fact that he’s spent a career in Congress and has very little healthcare experience, I think he’s going to be the perfect wingman for the Bernie Sanders approach to healthcare. 

I come from Main Street. I took on the healthcare industry in my own business: stressing transparency, getting rid of barriers to entry, getting my employees as healthcare consumers engaged in their own well-being. My main reservation is why would you not want to reform the broken healthcare system before you get the government more involved with it?

That’s what happened with Obamacare. It turned into the Unaffordable Care Act because you had big health insurance and big government together: that never sounded like a good remedy to me. 

I’d really like to see Becerra embrace reform measures before you embrace the Bernie Sanders approach of getting even more government involved in a broken system. 


  1. .
    This kind of article makes me sick, BECAUSE IF TRUMP WASN’T A TOTAL LOSER,

    we could have had a ACTUAL REPUBLICAN and beat Joe Biden.

    The GOP would be in the White House if it weren’t for Trump being the worst ONE TERM PRESIDENT in US History.

  2. What ever happened to Trump’s wonderful health care plan?

    Braun has no standing on healthcare.

    He and Trump did Nothing! No proposal, no plan, nada.

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