Halloween is just a couple days away, and kids will soon be trick-or-treating in amusing and “scary” costumes throughout our community. It’s always great to see everyone out and about with their kids, enjoying the autumn weather and getting some sweets!It preparation for Halloween, there are some important safety precautions to consider in order to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable time.
- Plan a safe, well-lit route for trick-or-treating.
- Trick-or-treat in a group or with a trusted adult and try to stay on the sidewalk when walking to and from different houses.
- It’s always a good idea to have some food before trick-or-treating! When your kids return, be sure to inspect their “good bags” in case the candy has been tampered with or looks unusual.
- Costume accessories such as swords, knives, etc. should be short, soft and flexible to avoid accidents.
- For homeowners, make sure to consider your pets. Consider bringing them inside or crating them for the evening and make sure they don’t get into your candy stash.
Check the listings here for some fun Halloween events in our area, and remember that the Eastland Mall is hosting their annual Safe Trick-or-Treating event from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday.
Have a fun (and safe) Halloween!