We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will be tolerated and will be removed from our site.”
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.

IS IT TRUE that election day has passed us and for the most part ballots were treated according to the laws of the states that they were cast in meaning that any and all declared winners, won legally and lawfully?…the City-County Observer would like to congratulate the winners and thank their opponents for the role they have played in helping us choose how to govern our cities, counties, states, and nation going forward?

IS IT TRUE we certainly encourage the people of the United States to accept whoever is elected President as their duly elected leader?…the last four years have been defined by emotional reactions to the 2016 surprise from resistance, to dressing up like genitalia, to riots, to burning businesses, and aggressive driving boat and auto parades?…no matter who wins it is time for the childish behavior and tantrum-throwing to end? …that Democracies have survived and thrived all over the globe and will continue to do so as long as human beings are rational creatures who value common law over the fleeting whims of a crowd?

IS IT TRUE looks like some of the political pundits that predicted the day after the election that the COVID-19 virus would go away may have missed the mark?  …the Indiana Department of Health announced yesterday that 4,689 additional Hoosiers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 virus?  …that brings to 210,374 the total number of Indiana residents known to have the novel COVID-19 virus and the total of 4,383 Hoosiers to have died from COVID-19 virus?…it looks like the political pundits have egg on their faces?

IS IT TRUE that Vanderburgh County Commissioner Ben Shoulders just survived a strong  Republican orchestrated straight-ticket party voting strategy?  …the straight-ticket voting strategy forced Mr. Shoulders to make up a whopping 7,000 vote deficit? …we have been told that several Republicans wanted to retire Mr. Shoulders from politics because they are concerned that the popular Democrat may challenge Mayor Winnecke if he decides to run for a fourth (4) term?

IS IT TRUE that the voting a straight-ticket voting strategy proved to be a masterful political move by the movers and shakers of the Vanderburgh Republican party?  …that the local Democratic party candidates were 7,000 votes down which made it almost impossible for them to win?

IS IT TRUE that former Republican officeholder Mike Duckworth is seriously considering running again for the County Commission seat currently held by Democrat Jeff Hatfield?  …many people from both sides of the political aisle are pleased that Mr. Hatfield’s style of governess doesn’t include the practice of political patronage or pork-barrel politics?

IS IT TRUE we congratulate County Councilman Joe Kiefer for getting the most votes in his race?

IS IT TRUE that John Zody, the Chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party, has officially announced that he will be stepping down as head of the party after leading the State Democratic party to another year of big losses in last Tuesday’s election?  …many people feel that Mr. Zody is making the right decision for the State Democratic party?

IS IT TRUE we been told that some current and past Democratic party movers and shakers are highly disappointed in the results of the recent county elections?  …that County Commissioner Ben Shoulders and County Councilman Mike Goebel were the only Democrats in a contested county race that won? …we wouldn’t be surprised to see some much-needed improvements in media relations, fundraising activities, membership recruitment to be implemented by the Vanderburgh County Democratic Party in the very near future?

IS IT TRUE that County Commissioners Cheryl Musgrave and Ben Shoulders became the first two County Commissioners to be re-elected in the same year since Shirley Cox and Rick Borries in 1984?

IS IT TRUE that County Commissioner Cheryl Musgrave has now officially become the winningest county election official in Vanderburgh County history by winning her sixth (6th) county-wide at-large race?
IS IT TRUE that the political career of Republican Angela Koehler Lindsey has come to an abrupt ending last week because a fellow Republican received more votes than she did?  …we wish Angela only the best in the future and thank her for being a conscientious public servant over the years?
IS IT TRUE that many people are stunned that Amy S. Word was the top vote-getting in the Vanderburgh County School Board race?  …we predict that Ms.Word shall be an independent thinking voice that the Superintendant Of the Vanderburgh school system will have to reckon with?
IS IT TRUE we give five cheers (5) to the Honorable Superior Court Judge Leslie C. Shively for generating impressive complimentary votes from the voters of Vanderburgh County?
IS IT TRUE it is time for perpetual candidates who lose over and over by 60-40 margins to forget about politics and find some other way to save the world?
IS IT TRUE if people continue to conduct their personal business as they did in the past they could catch this deadly virus and could conceivably become very sick or even die?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?

IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?

Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Do you accept the results that Joe Biden Is officially the President-elect of The United State Of America?
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  1. It isn’t true that all elections were won fairly and honestly and it’s quite possibly it will be reversed,in 2000 Al Gore was declared winner and Supreme Court got involved and George Bush was the winner,oh by the way The state being questioned was Governed by Georges son Jeb

    • No. You are wrong.

      Trump is seeking personal donations.
      Nothing else.

      And because he knows YOU will send him money, why concede?

    • Jeb was George’s brother in that race. Both of them had a father that was also George Herbert Walker Bush

  2. Dream on Eviltaxpayer.

    Trump lost bigly.

    BIDEN 279
    TRUMP 214

    Biden 75,701,616

    Trump 71,287,077

    Biden is also winning Arizona and Georgia

    Biden 309
    Trump 214

    Trump and you are sore losers. Not very becoming in the political world.

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