IS IT TRUE JULY 20, 2020

We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?
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We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.
IS IT TRUE when we love and care for each other all things are possible? ...during times like these please pray for our medical providers, first responders, law enforcement, fire fighting personnel, delivery people, grocery store clerks and stockers, food service cooks and servers, construction workers, and truck drivers?
IS IT TRUE we been told that the Republican governed State of Indiana has defunded the ARC of Evansville sheltered workshop?  …that the ARC sheltered workshop has provided jobs, given a purpose, and has created a sense of pride for more than 100 physically and intellectually challenged citizens of this region for decades?
IS IT TRUE ARC of Evansville has long been a community gem that has quietly but effectively helped the most vulnerable among us?  …the sad news is that services of ARC of Evansville sheltered workshop will end on August 14, 2020, unless a way can be found to refund it?
IS IT TRUE that many of our readers are wondering what is going to happen to our most vulnerable once the ARC workshop is closed?  …we are told that many movers and shakers of our community are outraged that the State of Indiana has decided to defund the ARC of Evansville sheltered workshop? …we urge our readers and the movers and shakers of our community to demand that our Governor, Lt. Governor, and area legislators find a way to refund ARC of Evansville so this community can continue to provide our most vulnerable with life skills in order to help them to become more independent?
IS IT TRUE last week the NIH Director Dr,. Francis Collins called the political divide over wearing masks “bizarre”?  …he also added that believes that not wearing a face-covering is no longer “optional”?
IS IT TRUE a pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”?  …that Globally, about 3.4% of reported COVID-19 cases have died. By comparison, seasonal flu generally kills far fewer than 1% of those infected.
IS IT TRUE  there is a major difference between politicians and political leaders? …the masses respect and listen to political leaders?
IS IT TRUE when it comes to taking the COVID-19 virus head-on we know that the scientists will get the job done, not the political types?
IS IT TRUE we hope that the powers should realize by now that the way they decide to handle the deadly COVID-19 virus is a medical decision not political?
IS IT TRUE if the Coronavirus pandemic surges and becomes a catastrophic event for our region we predict that many current offices holder’s future political careers are over?
IS IT TRUE according to the Evansville Courier and Press that only a few people attending last weekend National Ladies Softball Tournament held at Deaconess Sports Park wore protective masks or practiced social distancing?  …we hope that the sponsors of this event had the fans and participants sign a medical waiver that relieved them any legal liability just in case someone contracted the deadly void-19 virus while attending this event?  …if the sponsors of this well-attended sporting event failed to required the fans and participants to sign a legal waiver the sponsors could be liable for many hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses?
IS IT TRUE we are told that the CVB Director Jim Wood consulted with the officials of Deaconess Hospital-Evansville and received their blessings to hold the National Ladies Softball Tournament held at Deaconess Sports Park that attracted many thousands of people from all over the county??  …we were also told that Mr. Wood also claims that according to the Governor’s guideline that this event was able to be held? …we predict that this event could be a developing story if the people that attended this event contracted the deadly COVID-19 virus?
IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke Executive Order of July 14, 2020, shall expire in a few days?  …many people are watching to see if the Mayor will either make a politically prudent or a medically accepted decision for the good of the people who elected him? …we hope that Mayor Winnecke realizes that the kind of decision he makes about wearing protective face protection and social distancing will have a major impact on his political future?
IS IT TRUE that the one shining star during the last several weeks is the newly formed “Covid-19 Resource and Awareness Task Force”?…this task force got approved for $50,000 by the County Council they wasted no time and set up two (2) free drive-up testing sites in the 47714 neighborhood?…..that all 18 members of the Task Force all did their part in collaboration with both hospitals and the County Health Department by providing 100 free tests, donated hundreds of free masks and PPE material, food and water from local companies and business leaders from all over?
IS IT TRUE without fanfare the Evansville City Council recently approved a $400,000 housing grant for the non-profit Memorial Community Development Corp. to build 10  new homes in an economically deprived area of Evansville?  …the money from the grant came from the Evansville  Affordable Housing Trust Fund?  …to no ones surprise that Memorial CDC was the only bidder on this project?  …the homes will be built on vacant lots in the Glenwood, Tepe Park, Bayard Park, and Ballard neighborhoods?  ….we wonder how much money the Vectren Foundation and the Federal Home Loan Bank invested in this project?
IS IT TRUE that the Evansville DMD will recommend who will receive future  Evansville Housing Grant funds to build 40 more new homes in other economically deprived areas of the City?  …we are going to closely monitor how the officials at the Evansville DMD are going to write up the “Request For Proposal” criteria, how they advertise these projects, and determine the awarding of the remaining 40 homes to be funded by the Evansville Housing Grants?
IS IT TRUE City Council members Jonathan Weaver, Zach Heronemus, and Kaitlin Moore-Morley have found themselves in a political conundrum concerning a mandate that requires people to wear protective masks because it lacks an enforcement or penalty clause?
IS IT TRUE we are really pleased with the way the Vanderburgh County Treasurer Susan Kirk runs her office?  … Ms. Kirk is well respected among other county officials, the public, and her employees alike?  …if you see Ms. Kirk at the Civic Civic Center tell what a great job she is doing?
IS IT TRUE that we were impressed with a recent article written by Tom Langhorne over at the Evansville Courier and Press?  …Mr. Langhorne demonstrated his excellent reporter’s skills that reach a highly probable conclusion about the majority of fans attending the National Softball tournament didn’t practice social distancing or wearing a protected mask?
IS IT TRUE when the people fear the Government we have Tyranny!  When the Government fears the people we have Liberty?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?
IS IT TRUE over the last 15 plus years the CCO has published around 250 “IS IT TRUE” columns per year?  …each column had an average of seven (7) “IS IT TRUE” statements posted in it?  …our guesstimate is that the City-County Observer has written and posted around 26,250 “IS IT TRUE” statements over the last 15 plus years?

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  1. Governor Holcomb and Lt Governor have some explaining to to do about the tragic defunding of the ARC sheltered workshop. This is completely unacceptable to take away the saftey and security it provided for the over 100 of our most vulnerable and disabled. I am very upset by this boneheaded action by the State.

    • The funding for ARC is minimal at best. They haven’t worked in months and probably won’t for the foreseeable future. The fact that the governor defunded it should be an indication that we are really in trouble financially. Maybe we should demand that our taxes be increased. Simple math and a watchful eye on the business situation in Evansville should indicate to the astute that we are in trouble. Evansville has been 3 months short for years, the collect tax is normally used up in 9 months. Evansville has already borrowed 2 million from the state. The $400,000 to Memorial apparently had a higher priority than ARC.

  2. It is shameful the the State refusued to fund the ARC sheltered workshop. Peole need to really speak out about this.

  3. Why did the council approve a $400,000 grant? The council has spoken before that money will be tight for the next couple of years due to the Pandemic. Is it politics? The Memorial Community Development is part of the Memorial Bapist Church. Rev Adrian Brooks is the lead pastor for that group. Is it politics? Did someone or some group threaten them?

  4. Department of Metropolitan Development executive director Kelley Coures made his appearance at the zoning variance hearing July 16 to make sure they did what they “have” to do for his North Main Projects. They did ask him about the grocery first thing and his reply was “Did you know grocery stores don’t make any money on food? They only make it on lottery tickets and cigarettes. Nobody will do it.” So the grocery desert is going to get a 180+ HUD complex instead and the City Council has already approved $2.25 Mil.

  5. evansville is a bought and paid for union demoncrat/marxist run city………… will only get worst……………see the shootings every week………………yes evansville is BROKE………….and heading for the gutter……………………….more than likely lower……………….

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