Home archived-iit “IS IT TRUE” MARCH 20, 2020

“IS IT TRUE” MARCH 20, 2020


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

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IS IT TRUE that the Center For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) is the final authority for Public Health and not politicians?  …we are told that the general public is getting really tired of elected officials upstaging of our medical professionals when they attempt to give accurate and detailed updates concerning the CORONAVIRUS to the masses?

IS IT TRUE the CORONAVIRUS virus is only 4 months old, and scientists still have a lot to learn about it?

IS IT TRUE the CORONAVIRUS survives a long time on steel and plastic (~3 days); it doesn’t last a day on cardboard, and only 4 hours on copper?

IS IT TRUE five  (5) cheers for the Governor of Florida for declaring to the many thousands of college students enjoying their spring break that the party is over?  …when the students get back home they should get tested, stay away from their grandparents, parents, siblings, neighbors, and friends and to voluntarily quarantine themselves?

IS IT TRUE that we give five (5) cheers to Dr. James Porter President of Deaconess Hospital for being candid about the current status of testing for the Coronavirus locally?  …we now waiting for the CEO at St. Vincent/Ascension to make a similar declaration?

IS IT TRUE if Coronavirus is contained the politicians will take all the credit for it?  …if the virus can’t be contained then the politicians will blame the medical professionals for the failure?  

IS IT TRUE if the deadly Coronavirus is allowed to get out of control it will be a career-ender for many incumbent politicians?

IS IT TRUE in order to survive the CORONAVIRUS  crisis we shouldn’t let it manage us but we should manage it?   …in order to get a grip on the CORONAVIRUS, the authorities need to test, separate and then treat?

IS IT TRUE one of the reasons why CORONAVIRUS is considered to be deadly is because currently there are no known vaccines to protect us against it?  …its a known fact it could take a 6 months to year to develop an effective and safe CORONAVIRUS vaccine?

IS IT TRUE it’s a known fact when more Coronavirus tests are done it will produce more positive Coronavius results?  …many tests have now being conducted and thats way we are seeing more positive test results?

IS IT TRUE we are getting tired of hearing politicians referring to the Coronavirus as the Chinesevirus?  …we find this kind of remarks to be insulting, divisive and a blatant act of racism?  …the Coronavirus is no longer a foreign disease but is now an American disease?

IS IT TRUE we find it extremely interesting that politicians have forgotten that the money the Federal Government is using to bail out big corporations is our hard-earned tax dollars?

IS IT TRUE that elected officials are the stewards of the public trust and so far some in Washington, D. C. hasn’t been acting like it?

IS IT TRUE one of the reasons why Coranvius is considered to be deadly is because currently there are no known Vaccines to protect us against It?

IS IT TRUE  the Coronavirus fight has entered into a new phase this week? …top U. S Health Officials just warned that it has moved past the “containment”  stage and into the “mitigation” stage?

IS IT TRUE that the Coranvius doesn’t discriminate against natural origin, race, color, creed, educational background, gender, blue or white-collar workers, religion, political affiliation, age, sexual preference, rich or poor, type of neighborhood you live in, or mental or physical challenges?

IS IT TRUE if the Evansville water and sewer rates keeping going up the cost of a gallon of water will be more than a gallon of Jack Daniels?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge Richard G. D’Amour is doing an outstanding job for the citizens of Vanderburgh County?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank a long-time supporter and friend Joe Wallace for his help with the City-County Observer during the time that our publisher was facing serious health problems?  …that Joe Wallace is a shining example of what true friendship is all about?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Kalah Hirsch, Records Specialist Asst. and IDACS Coordinator with the Evansville Police Department for sending us the daily EPD Police report in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE we would also like to thank Ray Simmons, Director of Athletic Communications at USI for sending current sports happenings at that fine University?
Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Who do you considerer the most effective spokesperson concerning given updates on the Coronavirus?
Please take time and read our newest feature articles entitled “LAW ENFORCEMENT, EDUCATION, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS” posted in our sections.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.
If you would like to advertise in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.
EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.
City-County Observer Comment Policy. Be kind to people. No personal attacks or harassment will not be tolerated and shall be removed from our site.
We understand that sometimes people don’t always agree and discussions may become a little heated.  The use of offensive language, insults against commenters will not be tolerated and will be removed from our site.



  1. I haven’t heard “Chinesevirus” as much as “China Virus”, which denotes it’s origin, much like previous pandemics. Those who consider it racist to label something what it is are easily offended by truth, eh?

    • Perhaps we should call it the communist virus. Also I don’t understand with all the problems right now the pc police are all concerned what it’s called.

  2. Everyone be well and be safe. Only watch about an hour of the news. dont overdose on the bad news… Call a friend….text a friend… talk to your neighbors.. We will come through this crisis.. Just think about 6 months from now we’ll will look back at the crisis and be happy/proud that we came thru this crisis and kicked its butt.

  3. May God bless you soulcasserole you hit it on the nail we need to trust inGod and let this all flow over us then we will be graceful for all our blessings I’m 68 yrs old and so blessed I pray for you all sick and well and rember me in your prayers Love to all Carolyn

  4. It seems that anything a conservative says is racist according to liberals. If not for President Trump shutting our borders to flights from China we would be in greater harm. The Chinese did not give it a second thought to shipping this virus all over the world. I wonder if sleepy Joe and other domestic enemies=liberals still think it was racist of Trump to restrict Chinese from enter this country. So tired of white liberals hating on white conservatives for being Americans. The greatest existential threat this country faces is not global warming or even china, it’s liberals, domestic enemies of the constitution.

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