“IS IT TRUE” MARCH 10, 2020


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

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IS IT TRUE we noticed that the area hospitals and the Vanderburgh County Health Department are disseminating up-to-date medical advisories to members of the mainstream media concerning the deadly Coronavirus? …we respectfully ask that the media relations people working at the above medical providers to send the City-County Observer the same medical advisories that they are sending to members of the mainstream media?  …that the people that read the City-County Observer also have a right to be privy to the current up-to-date medical advisories sent out by area hospitals and the Vanderburgh County Health Department concerning the deadly Coronavirus?

IS IT TRUE if the deadly Coronavirus problem isn’t dealt with in an appropriate manner this issue has the potential of being a career ender for incumbent politicians and appointed healthcare official’s?

IS IT TRUE last week a CCO reader asked us if we believe that the Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr., CPA has paid all the city employees health care bills for this year?  …our answer was a resounding “HELL NO”?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the practice of not posting unrecorded accounts payable in a timely manner has finally come to an end?  …that Finra and the SEC now require cities with populations greater than 100k to submit the year-end financial report to the State Board of Accounts by using the accrual method of accounting?

IS IT TRUE that our newly elected City officials are the stewards of the public trust and so far they haven’t been acting like it?

IS IT TRUE at last night’s City Council meeting we got a big kick out of watching some of the newly elected City Councilmembers discussing the future funding by the City to numerous local not-for-profits?  …it was also obvious that City officials stacked last night’s City Council meeting with people that wanted to continue getting donations from the city coffers?  that sometimes in politics the names change but the games remain the same?

IS IT TRUE  that Vanderburgh County Commission continues to lead Vanderburgh County in the right direction with good public policy?  …members of the Vanderburgh County Commission has facilitated the ordinance for MBE/WBE contract?  …they also approved numerous county roads improvements, bridges hiking and riding trail projects, and a West Side lift station?  …we give five (5) cheers to Commissioners Musgrave, Shoulder and Hatfield for practicing “Good Public Policy”?

IS IT TRUE we recently posted that Mayor Winnecke is currently negotiating with several Riverboat cruise companies in order to convince them to begin stopping in Evansville?  …if this information is correct the Mayor should include elected members of Vanderburgh County to become involved in these negotiations since the County has invested over $3 million dollars to build the LST dock located at Marina Point?  …if the Riverboat cruise ships decide to come to Evansville they will have to dock at the County and City-funded dock located at Marina Point?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the practice of not posting unrecorded accounts payable in a timely manner has finally come to an end?  …that Finra and the SEC now require cities with populations greater than 100k to submit the year-end financial report to the State Board of Accounts by using the accrual method of accounting?

IS IT TRUE last week a CCO reader asks us if we believe that the Evansville City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr., CPA has paid all the city employees health care bills for this year?  …our answer was a resounding “HELL NO”?

IS IT TRUE the word on the Ellis Park backside is that the announced plans to expand the Turf Course to an additional 32 feet have been put on the back burner until next year?  …we now wonder if the new owners of Ellis Park are also going to renege on their promise to put lighting around the perimeter of the track so they can offer night racing?  …we been told that there may have been a change in the current make-up of the Ellis Park Board Of Directors?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville has made the national news again for something that is so ridiculous that we should all feel shame for what was done?…this time a Caucasian woman was counting on having a meal at the Olive Garden on Green River Road and refused to be waited on by an African American waitress?…instead of showing the woman the door the manager acquiesced to the demand and sent a white server to the table?…this sort of behavior is deplorable and does not reflect the spirit of the people of Evansville but it has tarred and feathered our fair city on the national stage?…this is one of the most hateful things possible and we hope the people of Evansville will support the waitress as a hard-working member of the community who had to deal with a bigot?…the City-County Observer believes in equal opportunity and respect for all and wishes that no one in Evansville would disgrace this city with blatant acts of racism?

IS IT TRUE that the former waitress of Olive Garden Restaurant-Evansville just hired the prestigious law firm of Danks and Danks to represent her for the deplorable treatment she received from a customer dining at this Eastside restaurant?

IS IT TRUE that the race for Vanderburgh County Council At-Large is shaping up to be very competitive?  …the local Democrat party has fielded a strong three-person Council At-Large ballot that includes incumbent County Councilman Mike Goebel, former County Councilman Ed Bassemeier and well known County Council At-Large candidate, Amy Back?

IS IT TRUE the Vanderburgh County Republicans party have two incumbent County Councilmen At-Large running again for re-election; Joe Kiefer and Angela Koehler Lindsay?… that high school teacher Jill Anne Harn and Rev. Billy Garrett are also running for the third spot on County Council At-Large seat?
IS IT TRUE we been told that the race for Vanderburgh County Recorder will be very competitive? …the incumbent County Recorder, Debbie Stucki, is running again for re-election?  …that the Democrat Party has fielded an impressive candidate for this race?…the Democrat candidate is the well-liked, Ken McWilliams?
IS IT TRUE that the Vanderburgh County Superior Court Judge Richard G. D’Amour is doing an outstanding job for the citizens of Vanderburgh County?
IS IT TRUE we would like to thank Kalah Hirsch, Records SpecialistAsst. and IDACS Coordinator with the Evansville Police Department for sending us the daily EPD Police report in a timely manner?
IS IT TRUE we would also like to thank Ray Simmons, Director of Athletic Communications at USI for sending current sports happenings at that fine University?
IS IT TRUE our “READERS POLLS” are non-scientific but trendy?
Today’s “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that the EVSC Administration should respond to Attorney Charles Berger’s request for financial information?
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  1. I watched the city council meeting last night and when the poor folks got up to talk it looked like Mosby was playing with her phone and Weaver was rocking so fast it looks like he is rocking too sleep. I’m proud part of my tax money goes to the arts and the poor.

  2. It is a test of magnanimity on how a society handles its very young, very old, very weak and those who cannot take care of themselves.  For the past dozen years…and more, the Evansville City Council has employed a fair, transparent, and inclusive process to give a little boost to aid a host of worthy causes… really not much in comparison to the many millions of dollars spent every year on all the other needs of our local government. 

    I saw no upside to have a selective committee, which would create yet another unresponsive layer between their constituents and City Council. decide who gets what crumbs are given.  I saw no benefit to have an A list of the special favored.  In fact, the recipients are often taxpayers too.  I am delighted that the present process of awarding money to non-profits remains as it.   And yes, I DO believe it IS the function of government to aid the needy…rather than leaving them out in a snow drift.   It is called having the milk of human kindness.

    If it ain’\t broke, leave it ! ….d

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