Home Community News CITY OF EVANSVILLE Board Of Public Safety  Meeting

CITY OF EVANSVILLE Board Of Public Safety  Meeting


CITY OF EVANSVILLEBoard Of Public Safety  Meeting Civic Center Complex, Room 301 

Building Commission – Ron Beane Transportation & Services – Todd RobertsonCity Engineer’s Office – Brent Schmitt

Police Department – Chief Billy Bolin

Business with Representatives:

Departmental Reports:

A. Police Department – Captain Stephanie Cox


August 14th, 2019

~ Pledge of Allegiance ~

  1. Request approval for the transfer of the following equipment from the Evansville Police Department Foundation to the Evansville Police Department:
    12 Pairs of Boxing Gloves
    77 Ballistic Helmet & Vest SetsComponents to build seven (7) in-car Surveillance Systems (Viper Unit)
  2. Request permission to surplus 180 Digital Ally body cameras with accessories (cords, batteries, etc.) and two (2) multi-unit uploading docks. With permission, the equipment will be given to the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Department in exchange for a lower fee for a joint software purchase (Freedom App).
  3. Evansville Police Pension Board notifies the board on Monday, July 8th, 2019, the Police Pension Board conducted a hearing regarding the request from Officer Ryan M. Winters to determine if Officer Winters had a “covered impairment as defined by I.C. 36-8-8-12.5. The board unanimously determined that Officer Winters did not have a covered impairment as defined by I.C. 36-8-8-12.5.

Fire Department– Chief Mike Connelly

Michael Retter, President Kayce Zeller, Vice President Richard Hubbard, Member Mike Luttrull, Counsel Attorney


c. Alvord Blvd., west side of the road between Pollack Ave. & Fairlawn school south

entrance – Install “Bus Parking Only on School Days 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM”. Requestedby EVSC

d. (Correction from 7-23-2019 meeting) – Eastbound Bob Jones Way @ SE 3rd St. SE 4TH St. – Install a “Right Turn Only” sign and “Right Arrow” road markings dueto the new one-way road design.

E. Special Event Permit – Sgt. Michael Gray

  1. Line Street Church of Christ requests approval for the “GOSPEL PRAISE IN PARK” beginning August 24th, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. and continuing until 4:00 p.m. Closing Line Street between E Gum Street & E Chandler Street. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED***
  2. Haynie’s Corner Arts District requests approval for the “FRONT PORCH FEST” beginning August 31st, 2019 at noon and continuing until midnight. Closing Second Street between Jefferson Ave & Adams Avenue intersection; Adams Avenue between Second Street & public parking entrance. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED*** (Samantha Buente)
  3. Highland Challenger League requests approval for the “PEACE, LOVE & GIVE WITH a HEART” beginning September 6th, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. and continuing until September 7th, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Closing SE 9th Street between Main Street & Locust Street; Locust Street between Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd & SE 9th Street. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED*** (Jana Neuhoff)
  4. Central Instrumental Music Boosters requests approval for the “C.H.S. MARCHING BAND COMPETITION” beginning September 7th, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Closing Old Post Road between Berry Lane & First Avenue. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED*** (Michelle Cox)
  5. Riverwalk Communities requests approval for the “CRUISE IN & CAR SHOW – 50’S WEEK”beginning September 13th, 2019 from 3:00 p.m. and continuing 9:00 p.m. Closing SE 6th Street between Liberty Way & Walnut Street. ***BARRICADES REQUESTED*** (Dorothy Spaulding)


Michael Retter, President Kayce Zeller, Vice President Richard Hubbard, Member Mike Luttrull, Counsel Attorney