Governor appoints Brenden Davidson student trustee


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Indiana Governor Mike Pence has appointed Brenden Davidson of Worthington to the University of Southern Indiana Board of Trustees. Effective July 1, he will serve as student trustee for two years.

Davidson is a Presidential Scholar with a cumulative GPA of 4.0. He is entering his third year at USI as a political science major with a minor in business management.

He serves as a University Court justice and previously was representative-at-large within the Student Government Association. He has held a variety of positions within Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, including president, scholastic chairman, member of the executive committee, and International General Assembly Delegate. He also serves as a senior delegate on the USI Interfraternity Council.

He was valedictorian of the White River Valley Junior/Senior High School Class of 2011.

“The students named today to our state universities’ boards of trustees represent some of Indiana’s best and brightest,” Pence said. “Their insights, experience and guidance, coupled with those of their fellow trustees, will further enrich higher education in Indiana and will benefit each state university accordingly throughout the duration of their terms.”

The student trustee, a voting member of the nine-member USI Board of Trustees, brings a student’s perspective to the governing board. The student trustee must be a full-time student, a U.S. citizen and resident of Indiana, have a 2.5 GPA or above, and have completed 24 semester credit hours at USI.