“IS IT TRUE” JAN 25 , 2020


IS IT TRUE on December 4, 2019 at high noon at the Civic Center the Board of Park Commissioners is scheduled to approve and execute the Board Recommendation for Wesselman Par 3 Golf  Course?  …that  Commissioner Stewart will be presently the bad news to those in attendance?


IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased to hear that the Mayor has decided to to pay down the serious shortfall in the employee health plan this year?  …it’s time for him to put out a RFP request to area insurance carriers for a more affordable employee health care plan?

IS IT TRUE we hope that former Democratic Party Chairman Scott Danks  replacement isn’t a big supporter of all things that result in higher taxes and more free stuff?…we predict this narrative will not play well in Evansville and that the decline of the Vanderburgh Democrat Party will continue if the Democratic party of Vanderburgh County adopted a liberal tax and spend philosophy?

IS IT TRUE when former CCO editor and celebrated innovation CEO from Palm Springs, California was asked about the CCO publishing a printed newspaper his answer was surprising?…Mr. Wallace quickly pointed out that newsrooms across the country that are delivering print products are on a 20 year shrinking spree with most newsrooms having less than half of the reporters they had 10 years ago and many are down to 10% of their peak that came in the 1990s?

IS IT TRUE in 1998 the Teamsters Local 215 established a Taft-Hartley Scholarship Fund? …the Trustees of the fund are Chuck Whobrey and Rick Voyles as employee Trustees and two Employer Trustees? ..since 1998 the fund has awarded over $3 Million Dollars in Scholarships to sons and daughters of Teamsters members whose employers contribute to the fund? …we look forward to publishing what worthy students will be awarded this scholarship for this year? …the CCO gives five (5) cheers to the Teamsters  Local 215 for establishing the Taft-Hartley Scholarship Fund?

 IS IT TRUE that the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus (IBLC) will conduct a town hall from noon to 2 p.m. local time Saturday (July 13) at the CK Newsome Community Center, located at 100 Walnut Street #1 in Evansville?  …that the IBLC town halls is designed to review the work of the Indiana General Assembly during the 2019 session and get input from residents on issues that should be pursued in the 2020 legislative session?

IS IT TRUE that another CCO staff member went to “AMY’S ON FRANKLIN” last Friday night and was impressed by his incredible steak, service, and atmosphere? …he predicts that “AMY’S ON FRANKLIN” will quickly become one of the area’s favorite places for people to take their family and friends to wine and dine?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Are you pleased with the direction of Vanderburgh County or the City Of Evansville ?

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