“IS IT TRUE” MAY 23, 2019


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way.

IS IT TRUE that today’s “IS IT TRUE” character drawing is none other than the ‘Chief Of Staff ” of the City-County Observer “Mole Nation?” …we call him “Mole #1”? …that “Mole #1 is in charge of 143 “CCO Moles?”  …that members of the “Mole Nation” are the one who tells us what going on in area politics and business?

IS IT TRUE that the City Of Evansville Computer Information Technology budget is approximately $4 million dollars per year? …we been told by credible sources that the Mayor’s 2020 budget request may recommend the total removal of all of the Computer Information Technology costs from the City of Evansville Departments budgets? …if this budget request is approved by City Council all the City Of Evansville Departmental Computer Information Technology costs will be transferred to the Evansville Water & Sewer Utility Department? …if this proposal is approved does this mean that County residents will be helping Evansville to pay for Computer Information Technology costs?

 Is IT TRUE we wonder why should the Evansville Water And Sewer Department be responsible for paying the Computer Information Technology work done at city departments?  …we also wonder who is paying for the Computer Information Technology costs at all of the Vanderburgh County departments?

IS IT TRUE that the City of Evansville receives around $7 million dollars a year from the not-for-profit Water and Sewer Utility Department for in lieu of property taxes payments?  …is this why some people at the Civic Center call the Evansville Water and Sewer Department a “cash cow”?

IT TRUE that the Democrats now only how a 4 t0 3 majority on the Evansville City Council? …the Evansville City Council now have two (2) politically non-partisan members serving on City Council?

IS IT TRUE that SEC and Finra has a  new requirement that Cities over 100,000 population must be using the accrual method of accounting as of December 31, 2019? …until that date, Evansville would remain on the cash method of accounting system which allows the City Controller to present a less than accurate financial report to members of City Council?

IS IT TRUE that at the end of this year the ability for the City of Evansville to continue the financial manipulations of city funds will come to an end? …that all of the hundreds of millions of dollars of debt that have been accumulated by the City of Evansville over many years will have to be consolidated because of the change from the cash to an accrual method of accounting?  …that this new State mandate requirement is referred to as the “481 Accounting Adjustment” program?  …that Evansville is the third largest city in Indiana and is the last to convert into the State mandated the accrual method of the accounting system?

IS IT TRUE that we are told that a recommendation from a Florida Golf Professional consultant was to close two (2) of the City’s golf courses? …that McDonald’s Golf Course and Wesselman’s Par 3 may be on the 2020 budget-cutting chopping block?

IS IT TRUE we are told that our local hospitals may be getting more proactive about the collections of overdue hospital bills?

Todays “Readers’ Poll” question is: Are you pleased with the overall progress of Evansville since Mayor Winnecke took office?

Please go to our link of our media partner Channel 44 News located in the upper right-hand corner of the City-County Observer so you can get the up-to-date news, weather, and sports.
We are pleased to provide obituaries from several area funeral homes at no costs.  Over the next several weeks we shall be adding additional obituaries from other local funeral homes.
Please scroll down the paper and you shall see a listing of them.  If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com.
FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.




  1. They can avoid the mandate for accrual based accounting if they de-annex enough to take the population below 100,000. It would be a desperate move but it is possible.

  2. The removal of the Computer Information Technology expenses from the City department budgets and transfering them to the EWSU is probably another of Little Lloyd’s shenanigans to make his books look better and to find another source of funding for an underfunded city.
    Soon, City and County residents can expect to see another line item on their monthly EWSU bill, “Mandated Computer Information Technology Charge”.
    It’s also known as “Robbing Peter to pay Paul”.

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