Agenda Of Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners 

civic center

AGENDA Of Vanderburgh County Board of Commissioners For April 30, 2019

at 3:00 pm, Room 301

  1. Call to Order
  2. Attendance
  3. Pledge of Allegiance
  4. Permission to Open Bids for VC 19-04-01: Melody Hills Subdivision Street Repairs
  5. Action Items 
    1. Second/ Final Reading of CO.05-19-005: Amending Title 17 Land Use and Zoning
    2. First Reading of CO.05-19-006 Amending 15.20.090: Fencing and retaining walls in drainage easements
    3. First Reading of CO. 05-19-007 Amending 16.04.010: Parcelization of Lots
    4. First Reading of CO. 05-19-008 Amending 16.04.040: Illegal Split
    5. First Reading of CO. 05-19-009 Amending 16.08.060: Hearing Before Commission- Primary Approval
    6. First Reading of CO. 05-19-010 Amending 16.12.020: Required Improvements- Sewers
    7. First Reading of CO. 05-19-011 Amending 17.12.150: Illegal Nonconforming Use of Land or Structure
    8. Resolution CO.R-04-19-006: Defining Use of Clinics for Vanderburgh County Employees
    9. County Employee Anthem Health Insurance Renewal 
    10. County Auditor: County Employee Direct Deposit Directive
    11. Superintendent of County Buildings: Old Courthouse Lease Agreement with Aaron Tanner and Jordan Barclay
    12. County Clerk: Collective Bargaining Agreement
    13. County Prosecutor: Collective Bargaining Agreement 
    14. Amendment to IT Support Contract with ANCS
  6. Department Head Reports
  7. New Business
  8. Old Business
  9. Consent Items
    1. Approval of April 16, 2019, Meeting Minutes
    2. Employment Changes 
    3. County Commissioners: Letter to Vanderburgh Redevelopment Commission Regarding TIF Funds
    4. Area Plan Commission: Travel Request
    5. County Highway: Annual Operations Report
    6. Superintendent of County Buildings: Old Courthouse Fire Alarm quote 
    7. Weights and Measures Monthly Report: March 16- April 15 2019
    8. County Clerk March 2019 Report
    9. County Treasurer March 2019 Report
    10. County Auditor: Claims Voucher Report for April 15-April 19 and April 22-26
    11. County Engineer: 
      1. 1.  University Parkway TIF Pay Request No. 46 for $653,183.16
      2. 2.  US 41 Expansion TIF Pay Request No. 58 for $10,726.00
      3. 3.  Department Head Report
  10. Public Comment
  11. Rezoning 
    1. First Reading of VC-3-2019
  12. Petitioner: Anlene, LLC
  13. 12715 Petersburg Rd
  14. Change from Ag to R-2 with UDC
  15. Adjournment