Evansville Neighborhood Sees Up-Tick in Vandalism During Spring Break


Evansville Neighborhood Sees Up-Tick in Vandalism During Spring Break


A week out of the classroom, but not out of trouble.

Thursday evening, Police were called to an alleyway off of Oregon St. where a group of four was spotted throwing a brick at a parked car.

Captain Andy Chandler of the Evansville Police Department says “a group of juveniles had been walking in alleys presumably from friend’s houses or their own to Delaware School to play basketball, and when they were traveling back and forth between those areas they were just being mischievous.”

Police tracked them down outside Delaware School and one instantly responded: “I did not throw the brick.”

Just a few blocks away on Maryland St., the same thing happened Tuesday evening. This time it was caught on camera.

A home surveillance camera caught two boys walking by a truck parked on the curb, and one turns around just to throw a brick into the windshield. They both ran away right after.

But not only have windshields been broken, just a block away on Lafayette, neighbors say multiple cars have had their tires slashed as well.

Police say the school calendar can play a huge role in this pattern. “When they’re out on spring break, out on Christmas break, when they get out for summer vacation, you’ll typically see a spike in juvenile activity,” says Chandler.

The trend could continue without any extra help.

Chandler says “when there’s no structure at home, they don’t have any good mentors in their home, a lot of times they don’t have a father figure teaching them right from wrong, they don’t have school activities to keep them involved and out of mischief so you’ll see a lot of this happening during these particular times.”