“IS IT TRUE” MARCH 1, 2019


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE on February 7, 2019, we wrote an “IS IT TRUE” stating the following: “IS IT TRUE” last year it was announced that the National Gridiron League newest addition will be the Indiana Firebirds from Evansville, Indiana?  …it was also announced that the Indiana Firebirds of Evansville Indiana will play there indoors arena football home games at Ford Center beginning in March of 2019?  …that last year Scott Schoenike, the Executive Director of the Ford Center told the Courier and Press; “that he has been in conversations with several leagues during the past few years but waited for the right match.”  that Schoenike also said; “that the city believe they have found one in the National Gridiron League”? ….that a lot of people are looking forward to watching Arena Football at the Ford Center?….we wonder why we haven’t seen any advanced marketing effort by the Ford Center in promoting the Evansville Indiana Firebirds first home game this month at the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE that this post is a follow-up concerning the current status of the Indiana Firebirds-Evansville member of the National Gridiron League? …we wonder if it’s time for members of the mainstream media do an investigated article not only concerning the current status of the Indiana Firebird-Evansville and but also the National Gridiron League?  …we have just been told that the artificial playing field, the player backer boards, goal posts for the Ford Center haven’t been ordered? …it’s been rumored that the Firebirds-Evansville team uniforms and practice or playing equipment hasn’t been ordered as of this date? … we have also been told that the rent for the business office of the Indiana Firebirds hasn’t been paid since the day they moved into this office? …just in case a cub reporter from a mainstream media outlet would like to verify the current status of the Indian Firebird-Evansville of the National Gridiron League we recommend that they contact Scott Schoenike, the Executive Director of the Ford Center?

IS IT TRUE we would hope that a cub reporter from the mainstream media would ask his boss permission to do an investigative article concerning the current status of the twelve (12) National Gridiron League teams?  …we suggest that he contact Lousiville, Kentucky attorney, Ron Shelly Henry who is allegedly representing several employees of the twelve (!2) teams of the National Gridiron League for non-payment of salaries?  …this is a developing story?

IS IT TRUE we are told that the lawmakers of the State of Indiana are trying to set the stage that all of the state agencies will be getting more casino tax dollars if “Sports Books” gaming is approved?   …the chances of passage of “Sports Books” in Indiana are quite good?. …we hear that Kentucky is trying to do similar?  …we are told that the chances of Kentucky passing “Sports Book” legislation this year could be slim?  …we are also are told that the newly elected legislator from the Henderson area is strongly opposed to the expansion of gaming in Kentucky?

IS IT TRUE that it was recently pointed out that Indiana has slipped behind Kentucky in a statistic that it has always led our friends across the river in?…it isn’t basketball or any other trivial matter?…the thing that Indiana has fallen behind Kentucky in is educational attainment?…for the first time ever, in 2018 Kentucky has a higher percentage of its population that has a bachelors degree from college than Indiana has?…we are not certain what caused this but when you look at the 30% high school graduation rates in the City of Indianapolis you begin to understand how this fall from grace when it comes to education happened?

IS IT TRUE  a couple of days ago we posted the following statement in the CCO?  …we stated the following: “we have been told when local GOP party Chairman Wayne Parke took an At-Large City Council candidate to task for attending the 1st Ward Democratic candidate official filing event at the Civic Center it caused a split in the Vanderburgh County Republican party”?  …that that local GOP Chairman, Wayne Parke posted his response to the above “IS IT TRUE” in our comment section?  …Mr. Parke stated the following: “Republican Chairman Parke is not aware of any split in the Republican Party because he will not be supporting Alex Schmitt.”  “Alex Schmitt filed to run as a Republican in a City Council At-Large position. Then Alex Schmitt turned right around and supported a Democrat candidate running for a City Council position. Republican Chairman Parke believes if your running as a Republican you should be on the “Republican Team” and support Republicans–not Democrats. Republican Chairman Parke suggest voters support the 3 other Republican At-Large Candidates (Ron Beane, David Christmas, and Zane Clodfelter) and not vote for Alex Schmitt.”

IS IT TRUE the other evening we witness a monster political fundraiser on behalf of the 1st Ward City Council candidate Ben Trockman?  …we can’t believe how many movers and shakers attended this event?  …we were extremely impressed with Ben’s speaking abilities?  …this guy is extremely charismatic and well-spoken?  …it’s obvious that Ben’s campaign manager County Commissioner, Ben Shoulders had Mr. Trockman well prepared in expressing the issues facing the City in the coming years?

IS IT TRUE that CCO contributing author Joe Wallace has been writing an extremely exciting book during the last several years?  …we were sent a for-your-eyes-only draft copy of his book and must say his reference to the City of Evansville was spot on? …we predict that Mr. Wallaces will be well received among those who have a passion of starting an “Angel Fund” and thinking outside the box?

IS IT TRUE that we are pleased in the ways that our three (3) Vanderburgh County Commissioners are conducting the people’s business?  …we commend County Commission President Ben Shoulders, Vice Chairman Jeff Hatfield, and member Cheryl Musgrave for studying the issues and making “Good Public Policy” decisions?

IS IT TRUE that Governor Eric Holcomb recently admitted that he smoked marijuana when he was younger? …now the jaded Indiana Governor is against the legalization of the wacky weed? …all we can say about this is “Who Cares”?

Todays“Readers Poll” question is: Should marijuana be legalized in Indiana?

Please go to our link of our media partner Channel 44 News located in the upper right-hand corner of the City-County Observer so you can get the up-to-date news, weather, and sports. We also highly recommend that you scroll down to the bottom of the CCO and you will find a current list of obituaries?

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us at City-County Observer@live.com

FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Republicans continued to lie in their questioning of Michael Cohen during Wednesday’s hearing. It’s a bizarre thing to watch a bunch of men lie while calling someone a liar

    I guess he missed Trump’s nominee for special envoy to Venezuela, Elliott Abrams—a convicted liar and war criminal—having his own hearing in front of Congress … less than two weeks ago

    Rep. Stephen Lynch, probably sick of having to listen to Republicans like Hice and probable sexual assault cover-upper Rep. Jim Jordan blather away about how no one should be allowed to testify, broke down exactly why we are having these hearings today. We are having these hearings today because the Republican Party didn’t do its job

    Rep. Lynch: Let me pick up on those last comments. Want to talk about a low point? Mr. Papadopoulos pled guilty, another indicted for obstruction of justice. For two years, you want to talk about an agenda, my friends on the other side of the aisle refused to bring anyone up before the committee. Today, we have one witness who voluntarily is coming forward to testify. Your side ran away from the truth. We are trying to bring it to the American people. So Mr. Cohen, thank you for voluntarily coming before the committee to testify


    • To Ronald Reagan:
      Why do you not use your real name and not hide behind an assumed name. In my view, it would help add credibility to your comments.

      Wayne Parke

      • Wayne

        Nothing personal, but I have absolutely no trust that political operatives such as yourself would not malign or otherwise cause issues for me and my friends. I’ve seen you in action, and I do not trust you based on past actions

        Time for another jelly bean

    • The Cohen hearing is a farce and sheds light on how destructive the liberals really are. More than all else it is a realistic indicator of how intent liberals are on destroying this country and democracy. I am super pleased with what is happening in the democrat/socialist/ communist party and I credit this to AOC, the most honest democrat since Johnson. She has effectively created a great shift and split in the party that will force moderate democrats to realize they are more in line with conservatives than liberals. Maybe most union workers will realize that the intent to make union wages the new minimum wage. This will be lost on most union workers of this highly educated liberal segment of our society who are unable to negotiate their own salary.

      • There was nothing destructive about how the Democrat party stood proud and tall to show that the two years of pandering and excuses by the GOP for Trump are over. A president who talks like a mob boss got protected by his GOP mob-boss wannabes. Cohen, a former Trump enforcer himself, made them all look ludicrous and vulnerable

        Cohen and his congressional testimony before the House Oversight Committee did not reflect well on the character of Trump. Cohen testified of Trump of committing crimes while in office, lying to the public about his business dealings in Russia and tacitly encouraging Cohen to do the same, and ordering Cohen to bully Trump’s alma maters out of releasing his school records

        It’s an obvious paradox that GOP representatives on the Oversight Committee are taking issue with Cohen over filling out forms incorrectly and being financially opaque as part of their effort to protect a president who emits provable falsehoods daily.

        The GOP characterized Cohen as a bully, which is apparently now a bad thing to be in their eyes. The GOP is operating as if this were merely a random person of low character assailing the unimpeachable dignity of a president, rather than one of the many criminals in this particular president’s close personal orbit impugning this particular president for crimes he did on the president’s behalf

        The GOP is pretending that the last two years didn’t just happen. We all know that the president is a liar, a serial sexual harasser, a business cheat, the plutocrat’s plutocrat. Trump is a man who flouts American political norms and even laws, who flaunts his ties to dictators like North Korea’s Kim Jong-un and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, a man who talks and acts disconcertingly like a mob boss. The corruption of the president and the men (and a few women) around him is obvious and demoralizing. The scandals break so frequently, we’re becoming inured to them

        Laughably, as the House Oversight Committee hearing began, GOP ranking member Jim Jordan and Freedom Caucus wingnut Mark Meadows did all they could to smear Cohen and shut it down, ostensibly because the committee received Cohen’s written testimony later than required. Chair Elijah Cummings and his fellow Democrats thwarted them by declaring “The days of this committee protecting the president at all costs are over”

        Exactly! Elections have consequences. and Trump and the GOP are learning that

        The minor GOP mafiosi never ONCE question ANYTHING about Trump, they used all of their time, all day, to defend Trump and demean Cohen, as well as Cummings and the Democrats, but they ultimately failed. Every time they smeared Cohen as a liar and a fraud, they implicitly reminded us that Trump employed this liar and a fraud as an attorney for 10 years. It was not a good look for them

        The country got to see its new Democratic House majority in action, including the three new women on the Oversight committee, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, and Rashida Tlaib. Ocasio-Cortez raised sharp questions about how Trump dodged taxes, Pressley drilled down on Trump’s racism, while Tlaib called out Meadows using black Trump aide Lynne Patton as a prop during the hearing to disprove Cohen’s claim that Trump is a racist

        On one level, the day felt like practice for long-overdue impeachment hearings. Our long national chronic illness, this mysterious antidemocratic infection we’re enduring, well, it’s not over. But we can maybe imagine a cure

        • The democrats took congress but not at the level expected, as a matter of fact, they were less successful than previous mid terms with first term presidents. Trump still has a solid base with high support numbers and there’s not one democrat that has a chance of beating him. Liberals may make a lot of noise but for the most part they are turning off Americans, liberals have made the terrible mistake of claiming they have a monopoly on brains because they graduated from Ozian U. I predict a second term for Trump and a continuation of implosion of the democrat party.

  2. See no reason to keep MJ illegal, it’s a dangerous drug but seems to bring joy to liberals and their off
    springs who managed to escape planned parenthood. Marijuana is a life saver for fast food, hospitality industry and other low skilled jobs that do not require a drug test. All the good jobs are reserved for those who have good pee.The downside of marijuana is well documented, such as the amotivational factor. Most recovering addicts will tell you about the joys of marijuana and then how it betrays you. Most intelligent people will try MJ a couple of times and realize that if you are somebody going somewhere besides prison MJ cannot be part of your lifestyle. The governor probably realized this early on. Legalizing MJ is a major promise the liberal democrats have made to their constituents. If you want to keep your children under your roof tell them smoking MJ is A OK.

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