Central Committee:
Wayne Parke, Chairman
Mary Jo Kaiser, Political Director
Dottie Thomas, Vice Chairman
Lon Walters, Secretary
News and Upcoming Events Tuesday, February 19, 2019
 This past Saturday several Republican candidates for City Council attended the VCRP monthly breakfast. Those that addressed the gathering spoke of being part of a “team” that will work together with Mayor Winnecke to keep Evansville moving forward. It was also mentioned that as Republicans each individual would also work to help one another get elected this Fall. This is an important point to keep in mind when selecting which candidates will run under the Republican banner.
As a Party, we need to support candidates for office that have themselves supported other Republicans, either by action or acclamation. When voting in the upcoming Republican Primary contested races, cast your ballot for the candidate(s) that have supported the Republican party and its candidates in the past. Do not let anyone tell you that voting for an ‘R’ or a ‘D’Â in a local contest doesn’t matter. It does.
The local Parties, and the offices they hold, are the foundation upon which the national Parties stand. Every local race has national ramifications by virtue of either strengthening or weakening that Party. Looking ahead to November, it is important that Republicans support Republicans in every race. A vote for any Democratic candidate helps to advance a party that has embraced socialism, infanticide, open borders, and a ‘New Green Deal’ fantasy.
 Several candidates for Evansville City Council attended the February 16, 2019 VCRP Breakfast. Pictured (L-R) Ron Beane (At-Large), Tim O’Brien (Ward 1), Carol McClintock (representing Mayor Lloyd Winnecke), David Christmas (At-Large), Steve Melcher (Ward 3), Archie Carter (Ward 4), VCRP Chairman Wayne Parke.
  Vanderburgh County Lincoln Day Dinner 2019:
You are Invited to Join the Vanderburgh County Republican Party for our 2019 Lincoln Day Dinner
When: Thursday, March 21, 2019
       3810 Stringtown Rd., Evansville
Keynote Speaker: the United States Senator Mike Braun
Special Guests:Â
Indiana Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch
8th District Congressman Larry Bucshon
Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke
Doors Open: 5:30 pm
  Reception: 5:30 – 6:30pm
    Dinner: 6:30pm
Single ticket price is $100 dinner <> $150 dinner & reception.
Mark your calendar to join the VCRP on Thursday evening, March 21, 2019 for our annual Lincoln Day Dinner. This year’s featured speaker will be Indiana Freshman Senator Mike Braun. Additional information will be provided soon.  Contact Mary Jo Kaiser if you have any questions at 812-425-8207 or beamerjo59@gmail.com.Â
Nominations for 2019 Republican of the Year
The VCRP is currently accepting nominations for Republican of the Year. The Republican of the Year Award is presented annually to a local Republican who gives a lot of his or her time and money to make the local Republican Party the best it can be to serve the voters of our area. If you know of someone deserving

of this honor please forward his or her name to Mary Jo Kaiser, VCRP Political Director (phone 812-425-8207 or Email beamerjo59@gmail.com). The Republican of the Year Award will be presented March 21, a the end of the 2019 Vanderburgh County Lincoln Day Dinner.
VCRP has MAGA Hats:
The VCRP has a limited number of Make America Great Again hats available for $20 each. If you are interested in a MAGA hat, contact Mary Jo Kasier at 812-425-8207 or Email beamerjo59@gmail.com
 City Council Meeting-  Date: Monday, February 25, 2019
   Time: 5:30 PM
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
EVSC Board of School Trustees Meeting-
 Date: February 25, 2019
       Time: 5:30 PM
 County Commission Meeting-  Date: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville
VCRP Central Committee Meeting -Â Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Location: GOP Headquarters
815 John Street, Evansville
Meetings are open to all Vanderburgh County Precinct CommitteemenÂ
 County Council Meeting- Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2019
   Time: 3:30 PM
        1 NW Martin Luther King Blvd, Evansville


Learn about emergency housing services and the Commission on the Homeless.
Meet your Legislators Meeting-
Date: Saturday March 9, 2019
Time: Doors open at 9 am. Sessions start at 9:15 am and end at 11 am.
200 SE Marin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Evansville, IN 47713
Local state legislators are invited to make themselves available to answer questions on the second Saturdays of each month during each year’s legislative session.
Cracker Barrel Meeting–
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2019
Time: 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location: Warrick Co. School Corp. Center Service Building
930 West Main Street, Boonville, IN
The Posey County, Vanderburgh County and Warrick County Farm Bureau Inc. join the Southwest Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Warrick County Chamber of Commerce to host the Cracker Barrel sessions on the third Saturday of each month during the 2019 Indiana Legislative session. Join local state legislators in the third of four scheduled public forums Saturday, March 16, 2019.
Voter registration for the 2019 Primary Election ends April 8, 2019.
Join Indiana Republican Party for the 2019 Spring Dinner March 11, 2019 at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis.
Special guests Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie.
Supporting Hoosier Teachers:
(from February 15,Newsletter)
Teachers play an integral role in our community and state by helping prepare our kids for success. While teacher pay is set by local school boards, this session, the Senate is considering several measures to support Indiana teachers and teaching candidates.
 One proposal would increase Indiana’s school-supply tax credit for teachers from $100 to $500. Expanding this credit is projected to save Hoosier teachers $6 million to $15 million a year.
Another proposed effort would streamline our current patchwork system of training requirements for school employees by requiring trainings on topics such as bullying prevention and gang activity to be offered on a multi-year cycle, with teachers completing one each year.
An additional measure, which I authored, would require the State Board of Education to replace Indiana’s current teacher licensing exams, which have high failure rates, with new nationally administered teacher licensing exams. This change would remove an obstacle that has prevented qualified teaching candidates from entering the profession.
At the Statehouse, we know how critical good teachers are to the future of our state, and these bills respond to concerns brought forth by Hoosier educators.
Stay in touch with GOP state legislators representing our area by clicking the links below.
Follow Bills introduced for the 2019 legislative session HERE.
Presidential Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Southern Border of the United States (issued February 15, 2019)
In order to secure more funding for a wall on the U.S southern border President Trump issued a Proclamation of National Emergency last Friday, February 15, 2019. The President felt it necessary to take this action after open border Democrats in congress refused to provide funding for a border barrier needed to protect American citizens by securing our southern border.
 Read the Presidential Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency HERE.
Watch President Trump’s full speech declaring a national emergency for border wall funding HERE.
“Hoosiers have made it clear that they want border security. While I’m glad an agreement was reached to fund the government, I am disappointed that Democrats refused to fully commit to securing our border. Under the Constitution of the United States, it is the responsibility of Congress to fund border security and fix our broken immigration system. I will continue to urge my Democratic colleagues to put politics aside and come to the table.”
 “Government shutdowns need to stop, but I cannot support our dysfunctional system of out-of-control government spending through a broken process: it would never work in the private sector and it certainly doesn’t work in Washington. This legislation did not sufficiently address the humanitarian and security crisis on our southern border and left President Trump with no other option than to declare a national emergency, which I support.”
Stay in touch with GOP members of Congress representing our area at these links:
       Visit the Vanderburgh GOPÂ
page for daily updates.
 Mark Your calendar        CLICK on event for more information
 Make sure you add vandygop@gmail.com to your address book so we’ll be sure to land in your inbox!
     If you have any questions, contact Mary Jo Kaiser, VCRP Political Director, at
for more info. Thank you.