We hope that today’s “READERS FORUMâ€Â will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?Â
IS IT TRUE that SMG and AEG are merging their companies and that the resulting organization will be the world’s largest venue management firm? …it’s obvious that the power of size typically delivers economies of scale that small organizations can’t deliver when big national acts are considered?…the larger organization can also spread any losses from experimental concerts over a larger platform while a smaller manager has to make every activity work out financially?
IS IT TRUE that it looked like Mayor Lloyd Winnecke was going to be waltzing into a third term without a challenge in either a primary or in the general election until a 68 year old independent who has historically been registered as a Democrat came to the courthouse with intentions to run for the Democrat nomination but changed her mind and filed to oppose Winnecke for the Republican nomination?…the Mayor’s primary opponent will be the very visible pizza delivery driver turned political activists Connie Whitman?…at the ripe old age of 68, she is poised to challenge Winnecke with a lifetime of disgust with elections without a challenger?
IS IT TRUE there is already much talk on the streets of Democrats crossing the aisle to vote for Ms. Whitman to send Mayor Winnecke a message about supporting every fun and games idea that comes across his desk?  …we are also that hearing that Republicans who are fed up with the Mayor’s liberal tax and spend habits are just going to bypass pulling his lever on election day?
IS IT TRUE the upcoming Republican primary could get real interesting or it could be a bust with less than 2,000 people showing up for the primary?…it would not be the first time that the Republican primary drew fewer fans than an Evansville Thunderbolts hockey game as David Nixon won the primary to challenge Mayor Weinzapfel with less than a thousand votes and no party backing?…that election in 2007 turned into a big joke that filled the former Mayor’s head with dreams of higher office which was never consummated?
Is the EPD doing background checks on the cross dressing drag queens the Evansville library is promoting to read to young children at the library for their “Drag Queen Story Hour”?
How long will you keep posting the same homophobic question? For the FIFTH day in a row when this ignorant obfuscation has been brought up, EVPL does NOT do background checks, they NEVER have, and it is only the bigot crowd that have latched onto this.
Per Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library Director Cynthia Landrum, who was answering questions at the County Council meeting, the volunteer readers will be trained to read books chosen by library staff, and stories are picked by the library and the local drag queen volunteers are trained by library staff
She also said library volunteers are expected to follow the employee dress code, the volunteers are aware they’ll be in a library and won’t wear nightclub attire
Between now and the end of February (16 days) there is ONE event of the “Drag Queen Story Hour” but there are 64 other volunteer events for the “0-11 age group” that are on the schedule for EVPL for February, including multiple evening events of “Pajama Storytime”
2 events of “4C Play & Learn”
1 events of “African-American History Month Read-In”
3 events of “All STEAMed Up!”
6 events of “Baby & Me Storytime”
3 events of “Block Party!”
3 events of “DIY Valentine”
11 events of “Family Dance Party”
1 events of “Freedom Quilt Folklore”
1 events of “Kids Cooking Class”
2 events of “Learn the Recorder”
3 events of “Little Explorers”
2 events of “Minecraft”
3 events of “Pajama Storytime”
4 events of “Paws for Tales”
1 events of “Preschool STEAM”
1 events of “Simple Science”
15 events of “Storytime”
1 events of “Tinker Tuesdays”
3 events of “Wild Wednesday”
There are three events this month called “Christian Fiction Book Club” but we have not heard ZILCH from you and the other hypocrites about “background checks” for these events. The VOLUNTEERS at the “Drag Queen Story Hour” will be reading books selected by EVPL staff, and they have to follow the staff dress code, but that isn’t good enough for folks like you
So YOU are willing to pay, in taxpayer funding, for EVERY volunteer at EVPL? Consider that the majority of HUNDREDS of volunteers at EVPL would cost tens of thousands of dollars, WTF are you thinking?
Would you background check every Catholic in case they are a pedophile? Will you background check every volunteer who comes and rolls around in their pajamas with the 0-11-year-old kids?
And while we are looking at this, will you background check every adult that comes to any of these 63 events? How do you know that they are not dragging young children to events while pretending to be a parent so they can get close to the kids? At what point does this bigoted, hypocritical, hateful crap stop?
Yeah, didn’t think so
Given the latest news about child sex abuse in the Baptist Churches, I think background checks might be in order for those events.
A background check for adults that will be with children is not homophobic, it is common sense.
Is the ability to READ lost on some of you? Maybe some classes at EVPL would be good for you, but classes in common sense might be a waste
If you require background checks for one group, then you would have to do them on ALL unless you just admit the reason is that you are just homophobic. Then we just ignore this asinine crap
Currently, there are no Indiana statutes specific to volunteer screening. SO EVPL would have to spend money associated with the legalities of requiring something NOT required by law
So if we use the parameters SUGGESTED by the Indiana Schools Background Check guidelines, this would mean:
Address History Trace [AHT]: This is a report revealing various names, DOB’s and addresses associated with a specific Social Security number. An AHT should go back at least seven years. Because an AHT creates a profile of an individual’s residence history; this profile determines what jurisdictions should be searched
County Searches: Based on the profile created from the AHT, each jurisdiction/county identified should be searched, since County courts are considered the official court of record because most cases are filed and maintained here. The most complete and accurate information is generally located at the county level
Criminal Record Database: A database search of over 450 million criminal records regularly collected from thousands of court sources. Supplementing a county search with databases casts a wider net and helps find more records
National Sex Offender Registry: A comprehensive, real-time search of registered sex offender registries in all 50 states plus Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and Native American Tribal Registries. Searching every available sex offender registry in real-time provides maximum matches for any REGISTERED sex offenders
Federal Search: A search of federal courts in the jurisdictions identified in the AHT. Federal crimes can only be found in federal courts and can be either criminal and civil offenses. This entails a search of national criminal background check (FBI)
AKAs: These can include maiden names, nicknames or aliases, which gives information where everyone doesn’t always use the same name. And not every applicant will provide all AKAs
Since we can see that for February alone at EVPL there are over 100 events for the “0-11 age group†we can estimate that you would have anywhere from 10-20 adult volunteers. This does NOT include the parents who will attend, which would mean that you might have 30 or more adults at the event
I was able to locate a variety of costs associated with a comprehensive background check, and the cost ranged from $30 to over $100
So the simple math is this: If the 100 events per month would have 10 volunteers at each event, and we use an average price of $50 per background check, this would mean the taxpayers would be forced to spend $50,000 PER month, with a yearly cost of $600,000
In the history of EVPL events there has not been a SINGLE issue before, yet because you are so scared of people different than you, you are willing to expend OVER a half-million dollars per year!
This ignores that the rules have ALWAYS been that the children in the “0-11 age group†can ONLY participate if THE PARENT STAY WITH THEM!
The ignorance in this backward town never ceases to disgust me. Maybe that $600,000 per year could purchase more books and other educational material for not only the children but for the community as a whole.
So unless you are willing to write a check for this blatant hypocrisy, just be like Elsa: Let It Go!
“She also said library volunteers are expected to follow the employee dress code, the volunteers are aware they’ll be in a library and won’t wear nightclub attire” Does this mean that Library employees can dress in drag?
If the drag queens aren’t in drag, will they wear Hillary Clinton pant suits?
RE: SMG/AEG merger.
Does this mean we’ll finally get some major band touring concerts at the Ford Center?
Whoops. This merger only affects the ONB Events Plaza.
Oh well, I guess we’re stuck with the Thunderduds and bands one step outside of the local casino’s wanta’ be nightclub.
And He’s the Smart Democrat?… Bobby ‘Beto’ O’Rourke: “Walls Don’t Save Lives, Walls Take Lives†…Huh?
Beto O’Rourke Holds Protest Against Barrier for Our Southern Border — While Being Protected by a Fence
Every time you post from “The Stupidest Man On The Internet” and Gateway, you just show you have the same level, or lack of, intellect
“O’Rourke spoke Monday at a baseball stadium across the street from the arena from where President Donald Trump was promoting his U.S.-Mexico”
Those moronic pictures on Gateway show him speaking IN FRONT OF A BASEBALL BACKSTOP!!!
Somebody stop the presses, we have to remove all the “walls” at baseball stadiums all across America
WOW, talk about dumbing things down for the right-wing
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