Scholarship Deadline For Future Educators Approaching


Scholarship Deadline For Future Educators Approaching

Staff Report

INDIANAPOLIS—Hoosier students interested in becoming teachers have less than one week to apply for Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship.

The scholarship is now entering its third year and provides up to $7,500 each year of college and up to $30,000 in total for top performing Hoosier students who have the desire to teach in Indiana for five years upon graduating.

“We know that having prepared teachers in the classroom is the key factor affecting students’ academic success,” said Indiana Commissioner for Higher Education Teresa Lubbers in a statement.

Students in the top 20 percent of their high school graduating class or score in the 20thpercentile on the SAT or ACT qualify for the award. Once in college, students must maintain a 3.0 GPA and complete at least 30 credit hours a year.

Freshmen and sophomore college students are also eligible for the award, but priority will be given to high school students.

“This scholarship is designed to attract Indiana’s best and brightest to the teaching profession while inspiring a new generation of Hoosier educators,” Lubbers said.

Next Generation Hoosier Educators scholarship awards 200 students across the state that not only considers academic achievement but also teacher nominations and an interview process.

Over 500 students applied last year from over 200 different high schools.

Students should apply by Nov. 30 at The commission will then select finalists by Jan. 4 to be interviewed at specific locations across the state. Winners will be selected to receive the scholarship will be notified by April 5.

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