IS IT TRUE MAY 7, 2018


We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that all is not lost as Bill Stone and his wife Mary have generously donated $15 Million to the downtown medical education complex?…Stone is the CEO of SS&C Technologies who was raised in Evansville and enjoyed massive financial successes through his entrepreneurial efforts elsewhere?… Stone even gave back to his hometown by making a commitment to hire up to 500 people into good paying jobs in Evansville?…that Evansville is fortunate that this hometown boy has affection for his childhood home and the medical school is now poised to benefit?…there is nothing quite like entrepreneurship when it comes to creating jobs and wealth?…the Growth Alliance for Greater Evansville (GAGE) may have been reminded of that recently as they are doing a nationwide search for a Director of Innovation?…some will remember that GAGE was founded 11 years ago to foster entrepreneurship and innovation but lost its way?…the CCO encourages entrepreneurship and hopes to see GAGE find a worthy candidate that has actually been an entrepreneur as opposed to some patronage appointment that simply occupies a stuffed suit?

IS IT TRUE we predict that Mike Braun the “candidate for change” will win the US Senate Republican primary race by a slim margin?

IS IT TRUE  we been told that Anne Ennis is planning to run for a seat on the EVSC School Board? ..if she does she will be running for the seat now occupied by the candidate for the Vanderburgh County Commission Mike Duckworth?

IS IT TRUE we been told that every Republican county officeholder up for re-election will have a Democratic challenger during the November general election?

IS IT TRUE that the TROLLEY OF EVANSVILLE DISTRICTS (TED) last week officially launched its services to area bars and restaurants?  …so far things are going well? …that Amy Word Smith the founder of the Franklin Street Event Association and Andrea Sinnett the President of the FSEA did the majority of the grunt work in order to make this project a reality? … we give them five cheers for a job well done?

IS IT TRUE that at the beginning of May the senior class at all of the local high schools are looking forward to entering the real world shortly after their graduation?…local businesses and publications are turning backflips to congratulate this year’s graduates and encourage them to embark upon the next phase of life after 12 years of life in the educational bubble?…even the highly respected Gannett publications like the Courier and Press and the Henderson Gleaner are getting into the act?..across the money saving bridge there is an editor that approved a congratulatory ad for the 2018 graduating class of Henderson County High School with one very glaring mistake that got through the insanity filters?…the giant ad in the Gleaner on May 6, 2018 praises and congratulates the Henderson County High School Class of 2017?…it may be a good idea for the editor that approved this to join the class of 2019 and take a class in attention to detail?

IS IT TRUE the violent crime wave that seems to have started in Evansville’s 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Wards is spreading into the suburbs?…just the other day shots were fired at a suburban apartment complex on North Green River Road across from the Schnucks?…while this set of apartments on Spring Valley Road has long been a source of petty crime, the firing of shots is something that has not been happening?…this spread of violence to historically non-violent areas does not bode well for the future of greater Evansville?…this is a prime example of why violent crime needs to be curbed at the source as soon as possible?

IS IT TRUE that the violent crime is spreading to other communities in Southwest Indiana too?…a police officer was gunned down in the sleepy town of Terre Haute last week?…a Boonville jury failed to convict a person who essentially admitted to murder due to a technicality and a mistrial was declared?…this of course means that the taxpayers will be paying for another trial due to the failures of a process to yield any legal result at all?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Are you planning to vote in the upcoming primary election?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

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  1. Teachers now armed with T-ball bats to help prevent active school shooter. It’s not as effective as handguns, but is is better than nothing, which seems to be the EVSC approach. Hello, EVSC? Anyone home?

    “An Eastern Washington school district is the latest to arm its teachers, but the district isn’t issuing any guns. The teachers are getting tee-ball bats.

    “Under stress, almost everyone can swing a stick,” said John Ladines, owner of Force Dynamics….

    Ladines, a former Washington State Patrol trooper and Richland police officer, has also trained educators at four Central Washington schools to use handguns on campus. But he said a bat can be more effective and more comfortable for educators who may not want a handgun….

    State Superintendent Chris Reykdal said he’d rather see teachers have bats than handguns but believes security decisions are best left up to local districts.

    The state’s teacher’s union, the Washington Education Association, equates giving teachers bats with handing out firearms. The union does not think teachers should have any weapons….

    • Damn fool idea. Arming English Teachers, any Teacher! You are on drugs.
      Let Law Enforcement personnel and law professionals do their job.
      Teachers? Stupid. Dumb. Insane.

      • Tough decision . . .but, as it seems, Law Enforcement by and large are more like historians . . .pen in hand, they record witnesses recollection of events . . . however, the good citizen in that Texas small town last year preferred his weapon that forced the church killer to flee before the killer could kill more . . . wonder why that good citizen choose his fire arm v. the Louisville Slugger?

        • He wasn’t an English Teacher.

          Put guns on an English Teachers, any Teacher, and you will watch students grab teachers guns and start killing everyone with their teacher’s guns.
          Kids trained to use video games will start shooting everything in sight with their teacher’s guns. They will just start racking up points with every death.
          It’s a full-blown insane idea.

  2. Georgia school district to allow teachers to carry guns.
    We are not arming all teachers in (Laurens County schools), nor will we have teachers or any other staff members ‘openly’ carrying firearms during the school day,” Laurens County school Superintendent Dan Brigman told the Macon Telegraph. “The processes to support this approved policy will be developed in a very careful and confidential manner in partnership with the Laurens County Sheriff’s Department.”

    He said there will be training on judgment, pistol shooting, marksmanship and a review of current laws relating to the use of force for the defense of self or others, the ordinance states. There will also be an approved list of types and quantity of weapons and ammunition authorized….

    A majority of educators responding indicated they would not prefer to carry firearms in schools, though a plurality also indicated they would feel more secure if other employees were armed.”

  3. I’ve been out of the IIT loop for a while, so I apologize if this has been answered.

    Was Chickengate ever resolved?

      • Arming Teachers with guns? Gun nuts are trying to promote this.
        It’s insane!!
        Do that and students will seize their Teachers guns and kill their classmates.
        KILL their classmates, teachers and anyone a kid can point a gun at.

        The EVSC will see its average test scores plummet, sink, drop off the end of the earth, and the school board members and administrators will all lose their jobs and never, ever, ever become employable in any education institution, EVER.

        • C of C, do you have any extra wacky weed that you are smoking? It’s got to be the really good stuff.

        • Maybe we need to disarm Police Officers like the Bobbies in London . . .recalling the event that occurred in the town in Missouri. Remember, the dude that attempted to take the cop’s weapon and subsequently was shot by the cop and the resulting riots. Perhaps arming the cops with Louisville Sluggers would be more effective? who knows, one of the school kids could grab the on duty school police officer?

    • Obviously, our Country has two levels of justice. Here we have this “witch hunt” created entirely by Clinton’s disregard of National Security due to her unsecured file server breached by bad actors and why? So, FOIA requests would not show the exists of wrongdoing between foreign governments attempting to buy influence of what they thought would be POTUS.

      • Uhhh! just when I was wondering why the donations to the Clinton Foundations were significantly down????

        • The rule of law, and respect for the rule of law, and respect for the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the NSA and our American Intelligence community – these are, and remain – hallmarks of our great Republican Party.

          We support and honor them.

          You people that attack them? Go join your Russian friends in Russia.
          We don’t need you people attacking America.

      • it is fascinating to watch people in here do twists and turns coming to conclusions that our law enforcement community is suddenly corrupt when someone they like is under investigation! people that used to call themselves republicans!
        because real republicans support and respect the rule of law

        you people have suddenly embraced the american civil liberties union!
        “ACLU! get the ACLU! the crime doesn’t matter if they didn’t file their paperwork properly! he should get off! they shouldn’t have been looking there anyway!!”
        (no self-respecting republican howls on violation of civil liberties before the investigation is even done. protect the thief first! give me a break)

        • right.
          next they are gonna claim Trump should take the fifth.
          you watch.
          former republicans that are aclu hounds now.

        • You definitely do need a break, wife. No one here today has said our law enforcement community is suddenly corrupt. Too bad dem-bots are only taught to recite and not to read.

          • no. you are wrong.
            i am 100% correct.
            being correct doesn’t make you a democrat mr coulter, it means you’re a republican.

        • I would suggest that you call Southwest Behavioral Services and get an appointment. Never read a comment on this site that was negative about Police Officers or the work they do. Do know for a fact that the wives of police officers and others in dangerous fields have hysteria issues.

  4. Agreed, woac. Being right does mean you are a Republican. Thanks for the verification.

  5. Bill Stone owes a huge debt of thanks to the thousands of workers he has exploited in his high-turnover-underpaid=sweatshops that do not pay overtime. Perfect business model for Evansville.

  6. Worker’s say Bill’s rosy cheeks ain’t from eating bread crust.

    Might be a good Republican, though.

    1)Never question authority or criticize the police.
    2)Always be a ‘yes man’ in matters of government. Else, go to Russia.
    3)Anyone who is Republican is right. Anyone else is wrong.
    4)Exploit the fears of ignorant rednecks into getting them to vote for you while they make your rich.

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