We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville’s Mayor Lloyd Winnecke got a bit more real in his State of the City address this year and publicly acknowledged some of the problems that the City County Observer has been pointing out since Weinzapfel was in charge?…the Mayor’s lackluster address was certainly a departure from the “everything is beautiful” and “#strongcity” propaganda that has dominated the public persona of his time in office?…one does need to acknowledge problems to have a prayer of solving them so on that basis the CCO says “congratulations Mayor Winnecke?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke for the first time in what is usually an unconditional love fest State of the City speech that ignores problems pointed out that 8,670 potholes were filled, 160 water mains broke just in January of this year, the EFD responds to 20-30 drug overdoses per month (that is one every day)?

IS IT TRUE he also stated that 315 blighted houses were torn down?…we also remind the Mayor that while demolishing 315 houses is an expensive and time consuming task that there are still 10,000 to go?…at this rate of demolition the last of today’s dilapidated houses will be torn down in roughly the year 2050 by which time there will be more?

IS IT TRUE we need to point out because of the recent bad weather that there may be even more potholes than there were before the 8,670 were filled, the drug problem is seemly getting worse than last year, and the water main breaks are the tip of the iceberg since most of the water mains are over 75 years old?  …it looks like our Mayor has his work cut out for him?

IS IT TRUE that Mayor Winnecke even owned up to the homicide statistics so far this year? …on the very day that Mayor Winnecke was acknowledging this carnage, two shootings and a stabbing occurred in the 900 block of Independence Avenue just off of South Kentucky Avenue that was once a high society neighborhood?…the day before an adult was arrested for allegedly beating a 17-year-old to death with his bare hands? …it looks like the Mayor has a major challenge in making Evansville a safe, and tranquil city once again?

IS IT TRUE that the other topic of the day was Mayor Winnecke’s glee that perhaps the $729 million settlement made with the EPA to reduce the raw sewage overflows into the Ohio River may be appealed since he believes President Trump may be more accommodating of those who prefer to release raw sewage into the Ohio River than the previous administration?  …we hope the Mayor is wrong about the President being more accommodating about releasing more raw sewage into the Ohio River for us to consume?

IS IT TRUE yesterday the Evansville Redevelopment Commission awarded a contract to build the 72-space paved parking lot for Ragle, Inc located directly right behind  Dilegge’s restaurant, off North Main Street? …it was also stated that “City officials are hoping more public parking in the area will encourage people to utilize the bike path?”

IS IT TRUE we wonder who owned the vacant lot located directly behind Dilegge’s Restaurant?  …we wonder if this project was put out for public bid?  …we wonder what did the DMD pay for the property?  …we also wonder how much is it going to cost to have a 72 car parking lot paved?  …we wonder why City Councilman and Finance Chairman Jonathon Weaver isn’t calling for transparency concerning this deal?

IS IT TRUE according to Channel 44 News that the Evansville DMD Director explained the above parking lot transaction as follows; he stated: “that this comes after on-street parking was lost on the east side of North Main Street with the addition of the new bike path?”  …it was further stated; “that the lot will replace one of the parcels the city lost on North Main Street and Columbia Street?”  … “In that process, they leased the entire property which took the parking from the public domain to their private business so the lot we’re going to build on the east side of North Main then replaces that Davita Dialysis Center’s taking of that parking lot.” …all we can say about this statement is “what in the heck is this guy talking about”? …if you want to know more about the transaction please go to today’s City-County Observer and click on the TV interview article concerning parking behind Dilegge’s Restaurant?

IS IT TRUE that The Indiana Right to Life PAC just announced its endorsement of Mike Braun for U.S. Senate in the 2018 Primary Election? …a spokesman for the Indiana Right To Life said; “that Mike Braun has always fought to protect the lives of the unborn and will continue to do so in the U.S. Senate?”  …that Mr. Braun is a father of four children, he is proud to receive this endorsement in recognition of his staunch pro-life voting record?

IS IT TRUE we urge you to attend the “Guns and Hoses XI” event this coming April 7, 2018, at the Ford Center because it’s for worthy causes?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Are you pleased with the overall progress of Evansville since Mr. Winnecke took office?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “Statehouse Files, Channel 44 News, Daily Devotions, Law enforcement, Readers Poll, Birthdays, Hot Jobs, and Local Sports.

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  1. And the penguin exibit will be paid for by an endowment from the Wineke foundation.

  2. CCO says: “…all we can say about this statement (about the North Main project) is “what”?
    All I can say about the entire North Main project is “BOONDOGGLE”.

    • Coures Folly, aka the N Main Street shopping cart path fiasco, is a $16 million exercise of putting expensive lipstick on a dilapidated pig. Look at the NE corner of N Main and Franklin where both the blue corner building and Earl’s next door are about to collapse from neglect, open windows, etc. Yep, put in a few more nearby parking spots and the N Main Street shopping cart path will miraculously be transformed into a destination for cyclists from around the world. NOT.

  3. I think Mayor Winnecke actually could and will be succcessful getting Trump’s permission to dump raw sewage directly into the Ohio River. (The liberals who like to fish and drink water, they’re just commies, who cares.)

    We own stock on several coal mines, and Trump’s EPA suddenly totally lifted our dumping raw chemicals evacuated from the shafts into the streams surrounding the mines. We can dump all we want now, releasing us from enormous bills having to dispose of that because “of regulations.” The liberal people who live in the country around the mines, well, no way I would live there, but hey, it was costing us money. What do you expect?

  4. …it was also stated that “City officials are hoping more public parking in the area will encourage people to utilize the bike path?????”

    • That’s a good one. Driving to North Main just to ride your bike back and forth doesn’t make much sense to me.

  5. Confusing debacle known as N Main strikes again. The parking area and the back door dealings, which we don’t know the facts, smell worse than the crap discharge from the antiquated sewers! Why do you need parking for cars when the badly designed path is for bicycles? Wonder how many patrons DiLegge’s and Turoni’s get from bicycle riders? None, zero, zilch would be my guess. Last time I ate at DiLegge’s the only biker was an old wino on a piece of crap bike with a bottle of Ripple in his pocket. People won’t ride on a path through a ghetto if they have decent bikes and value their safety and life.

  6. Stoned-dreamer?? Good point. Only a Kelly Coures (or perhaps, a Lloyd Winnecke) would think that statement made sense.

  7. If the CSO consent decree is reduced, will LW have to give a pro-rata refund of political contributions received from all of the Indy consulting engineers ?

  8. Mayor:

    Very sorry that you found out that there was more to managing a city than just building new things and declaring progress ! Murder , drugs, public infrastructure, blight: who knew these things would have to be dealt with as well ?

  9. Filling pot holes should be a temporary fix, the city need roads repaved. I wonder if the city’s water & sewer department couldn’t be held responsible for repaving road that they have worked on or will? Just drive Kratzville and see the results of their work,

  10. Don’t know why the Mayor didn’t call out democrats on the high homicide rates. My understanding is that almost all the homicides occurred or emanated from the 4th ward, a democrat stronghold.

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