We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE we wonder if the City Of Evansville Water and Sewer Department has collected any money from the $750,00 plus water and sewer bill owed to them by the owners of the McCurdy? …if they don’t make any payments soon we expect the city will file a lien against the McCurdy property concerning this bill?

IS IT TRUE  we hear that At-Large Councilmen and Finance Chairmen Jonathan Weaver is irritated because members of Mayor Lloyd Winnecke’s administration didn’t inform City Council that ECHO Housing Corporation was being investigated for misuse of agency funds before City Council voted on appropriating the $466,000 of federal funds for that non-profit organization? …City Council voted on this appropriations just two days before Executive Director Stephanie TenBarge’s was fired from ECHO Housing because she allegedly misused the nonprofit’s agency funds? …we like to inform Mr. Weaver that isn’t the first time that members of the Winnecke administration has given misinformation to members of City Council concerning budgetary matters and we predict that it won’t be the last?

IS IT TRUE we are extremely pleased that the Evansville Police Department has finally decided to open an investigation into the allegations of misuse ECHO Housing funds? …we are surprised to hear that the ECHO Board of Directors attempted to stop a criminal investigation of this not-for-profit corporation by the Evansville Police Department? …we are also very disappointed that the Mayor of Evansville and the Vanderburgh Prosecutors office has remained silent concerning the allegations of misuse of ECHO Housing funds?

IS IT TRUE we commend City Councilmen 5th Ward Justin Elpers (R) and At-large member Jonathon Weaver (D) for writing a proposed City Ordinance regarding CITY OF EVANSVILLE funds allocated to ECHO HOUSING CORP?  … this proposed ordinance is asking the Evansville Common Council to enact rules requiring that all City funds allocated to ECHO be withheld for further payment until ECHO provides the City with certain assurances?  …all we can say is give them hell Elpers and Weaver?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased that the ECHO Housing Corp. attorney Scott Wylie and the Director of the City’s Department of Metropolitan Development, Kelly Course have publicly stopped commenting about the former ECHO Housing Executive Director alledging taking agency funds for personal use?

IS IT TRUE when the EHCO Housing Corporation filed a formal grant application request with the City of Evansville earlier this year the application listed that the Board of Director members of the Echo Housing Corporation? …the names listed were: Roy Dane Chandler of Banterra Bank-Evansville, Reverend Gerald Arnold, President of the local NAACP and Tom Moore, Director of the Vectren Foundation? …the application also listed the former Executive Director of ECHO Housing, Stephanie TenBarge as the board secretary?  …if this information provides on the grant application is incorrect we would like to know so we can make a correction concerning the current ECHO Housing Board members?

IS IT TRUE we been told that members of the not-for-profit ECHO Housing Corporation Board of Director still feel that they are exempt from handing over financial information to members of the Evansville Police Department so they can do a criminal investigation? ..we find it entertaining that members of the board feel that they are exempt from a criminal investigation because ECHO Housing is a not-for-profit corporation?

IS IT TRUE we heard that the three (3) finalists for the Evansville/Vanderburgh Visitors and Convention Bureau Director job are from out-of-town?  …we cant understand why an organization like the Evansville/Vanderburgh Visitors and Convention Bureau couldn’t promote from within?  …we know at least one employee of the Vistors and Convention Bureau was extremely qualified for this position? …she is a long time employee of the Evansville /Vanderburgh Visitors and Convention Bureau and has been an excellent employee? …she grew up in the hospitality industry and her dad is well known and highly respected guru of the hospitality industry? …the next time we hear that someone from the Evansville Visitors and Convention Bureau say hire and buy local all we are going to say is practiced what you preach?

IS IT TRUE about three weeks ago TV Channel 25 Eyewitness News reported on the suspension of the Evansville Philharmonic’s Executive Director?  … that officials within this not-for-profit organization remain silent as to the status of the suspended employee? …we hear that many friends of the suspended Executive Director are expecting an update from TV Channel 25 explaining why the not-for-profit Philharmonic’s suspended him? …we hear that this is a developing story?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel its time that the Feds come in and impound the financial records of the Evansville ECHO Housing Corporation?

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  1. The EPD is not the ones to be involved in this matter. Every year, ECHO has been the recipient of federal funds. Consequently, the fed auditors need to be contacted together with the FBI. Perhaps the US attorney’s office in Indy should be notified. Is it not the responsibility of every elected official to report corruption? Maybe Mr. Weaver needs to contact the USA’s office requesting an investigation. Perhaps this could be the tip of the iceberg?

  2. “…we like to inform Mr. Weaver that isn’t the first time that members of the Winnecke administration has given misinformation to members of City Council concerning budgetary matters and we predict that it won’t be the last?”

    Add ‘it isn’t the first time the administration has given misinformation to the public’

    Sad, are there so few people in Evansville that care about honesty, accountabiity and responsibility of elected officials?

  3. Joe”Ignorant Source”Biden

    Fox, Gateway, and (Dead) Breitbart is all you post. All of them are just bloviating idiot blogs, which is clearly why you read them, and why everybody ignores the BS crap you post

    Grow up and read some facts

    • And just where are the “facts” of which you speak to be found, Mickard.
      Give us your links that dispute what Fox, Gateway, and Breitbart report.

      • So, Mickard, do you believe the Gateway Pundit made up the pictures of the mess the dem “protesters” left behind? Or Fox made up the story about arming students with rocks? Or Breitbart made up the horrible story about Christians being burned alive?
        Let’s see your “facts” disputing these stories.

        • Trumps inauguration caused a street mess (albeit a much smaller flaccid one). Charlottesville caused a street mess (including dead and beaten bodies).
          Hell, the Fall Festival creates a big mess. Should we deny that permit this year?

          • Who said anything about permits, Laaowm? The issue is the veracity of news reports in the Gateway Pundit, and those whose information comes solely from fake news showing their ignorance by maligning them.

          • The eastside Nut Club cleans up that mess every year, just as responsible citizens are suppose to do. The old white men were youngsters in 1968 when our jail only had room for about 30 people. We now have an overcrowded jail filled with 810 folks of this new generation.

          • Yes the fall festival creates a mess but is cleaned up by the Nut Club every night.

      • He,s good at that. Told me my Echo audit estimate was ,wrong, but didnt offer his own number. Lame

    • Mickard, if its in USA Today or CNN, it must be true. Typical left wing liberal playbook, criticize the source of the information when the information is 100% accurate and doesn’t fit their anti-Trump Sanctuary City beliefs:

      “Staff and students in the Blue Mountain district have been trained in a program called “ALICE,” which stands for alert, lockdown, inform, counter and evacuate. As part of the program, he said, every classroom has a 5-gallon bucket of rocks that students could use to “stone” a school shooter, if need be….During his House testimony on March 15, Helsel was asked if slingshots are allowed to help the students pummel the intruder. “No,” he said. “We have some people who have some pretty good arms. They can chuck a rock pretty fast.”

      A Pennsylvania school district has a different solution for tackling intruders: rocks.
      Buckets full of river stones have been placed in all classrooms at the Blue Mountain School District in Schuylkill County, Superintendent David Helsel said….”At one time I just had the idea of river stone. They’re the right size for hands, you can throw them very hard and they will create or cause pain, which can distract,” Helsel told CNN affiliate WNEP.

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