We hope that today’s “IS IT TRUE” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?

IS IT TRUE that it’s been alleged that Evansville City Council members Dr. Dan Adams and Councilmember Connie Robinson have teamed up to bring forth a noise ordinance that seemly is designed to shut down the partying and revelry on Waterfront Recreational and another Commercially Zoned area within the city limits?? …Mole #3 alleges the sources of many noise complaints are hoping to do away with some higher than normal “decibel” entertainment venues (live music) even in areas that Bar and Resturants are zoned to do this type of activity?

IS IT TRUE that this noise control nonsense was attempted before with cars with boom boom speakers cruising Green River Road?  …it never worked then and we expect it won’t work now?

IS IT TRUE with $50 fines for making noise and 1,900 complaints following by a cascade of warnings, Evansville is just not cosmopolitan enough to be able to afford a battalion of noise police?…a town that can’t afford a working sewer and can’t keep current on city employee health insurance premiums sure and heck can’t afford a noise police force and especially with the EPD preoccupied with record-setting homicides and drugs dealers?

IS IT TRUE that maybe there should be an adaption of SpotShotter installed to catch noisy people?…as SpotShotter works using triangulation and decibel meters, the same technology could be adapted to catch noisy people and shooters at the same time?

IS IT TRUE we wonder how the noise police are going to handle the loud sounds generated by parades, bands performing at football games, fireworks, special live outdoor entertainment venue held downtown, West Franklin Street and at our area parks and outdoor sporting events? …this list could go on and on?

IS IT TRUE we respectfully urge the sponsors of the noise ordinance to withdraw this nonsensical resolution and stop the legislative overreach?   …we encourage them to end this legislative nonsense until the sewers and water pipes, roads, sidewalks, parks maintenance have all been repaired and the city balances their budget by cutting their deficit spending practices?

IS IT TRUE that the Evansville Sports Authority and the Ford Center deserve congratulations on what seems to have been a very successful OVC basketball tournament?…that the success is due in large part because the Murray State Racers and Belmont Bruins advanced to the finals?…Murray State is essentially the Kentucky state university for extreme Western Kentucky and has a big alumni network in greater Evansville?…Belmont is just a short drive from Nashville and both teams traveled well?…quite frankly, the semifinal round drew over 4,000 attendees and the final Drew close to 5,000?…the women never drew even 1,000 people to any session but the stars aligned for the men’s teams finalists and for Evansville’s Ford Center?  ..that THe Evansville Sports Corp. already submitted a letter of intent to continue hosting the OVC Men’s and Women’s basketball tournament in 2019 at the Ford Center?  …we wish them luck with their bid?

IS IT TRUE that this year’s “COMMUNITY SERVICES AWARDS” luncheon will be held at Tropicana-Evansville Walnut rooms A and B. The registration begins at 11:30 am, the event officially starts at 12 noon on March 19, 2018?   ...this event is almost sold out. You can reserve a table by calling the Event Coordinator, Karen Selzer at 812-430-9304 or 812-909-2361?

IS IT TRUE that downtown Evansville took it on the chin with another long-term entertainment venue closing?…when the staff started showing up for work Sunday at RiRa’s they were notified that the restaurant/pub was shutting down for good?…The District as it is called has been plagued with closure after closure on the East Side of the building but RiRa has enjoyed over a decade of business?  ..we expect Tropicana will come up with something extremely exciting to replace RiRa” restaurant?

IS IT TRUE we are pleased with legal work that the Vanderburgh County Attorney Joe Harrison, Jr. is providing the County Commission?

Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Do you feel that City Council has more pressing issues than worrying about amending the current noise ordinance?

Please take time and read our articles entitled “STATEHOUSE Files, CHANNEL 44 NEWS, LAW ENFORCEMENT, READERS POLL, BIRTHDAYS, HOT JOBS” and “LOCAL SPORTS”.  You now are able to subscribe to get the CCO daily.

If you would like to advertise on the CCO please contact us




  1. The noise ordnance will stop all that loud shooting in the ‘hood. Problem solved with an ordnance = Real men of genius.

  2. EVSC, do you care or not?? When is the next EVSC school board meeting?

    “‘Do you care or not?’: Residents ask Lakota school board to arm teachers ”

    LIBERTY TWP. — Lakota school officials gave only a few clues Monday evening on how it plans to react to the Butler County sheriff’s public lobbying pressure pushing for arming some teachers.

    Despite Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones’ public campaign to convince local schools to adopt his idea of arming some teachers – to better protect students from horrific attacks like that recently at a Parkland, Florida high school – some Lakota school board members are wary of the idea….

    “Are we going to do this touchy-feely or are we going to care? You have the number one police officer (Jones) in this county … helping the teachers become armed,” said Richards in reference to Jones’ efforts.

    “Do you care or not?” he asked the board.

        • DC, the true left-wing liberals don’t want the solution to be trained volunteer response teams with gun safe access in the schools. Sure that best protects students in the real world, but what they really want is to limit your ability to own firearms by enacting more gun control laws.
          The EVSC’s apparent unofficial response is linked below.

          • nice try pig lipstick joebiden
            if you care that your house is on fire, and are stupid enough to listen to the help offered by a pyromaniac, it is guaranteed he’s gonna hand you a hose connected to a gas can, because well, he’s a pyromaniac!!

            you are the same pig lipstick joe!!
            you’re a gun nut, and your response to this problem is just like the nutso gun nut/pyromaniac, more gasoline and more guns

            arming teachers and janitors with guns! what?????
            no serious person is listening to you lipstick joe
            you might as well be self-pleasuring with a mirror

          • yhmah, here is the brilliant liberal solution that an Obamaist like you will love, teachers trained to use pepper spray against attackers which the school district prohibits the teachers from carrying:

            “Following the shooting in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 students and teachers dead, teachers in New Mexico are taking matters into their own hands–literally. Teachers from Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, New Mexico, joined together in a self-defense workshop on Sunday, KRQE News reported. The teachers received training on how to defend themselves by using hand-t0-hand combat, high-tech pepper spray, and a strobe light device.”…

            “I can spray them I can hit them, there is a lot I can do with it,” Assistant Principal Deb Moya said.

            The device employs pepper spray and a bright strobe light to temporarily distract an attacker. It can also be used to enhance punching power when carried in the teacher’s fist. The high-tech device also sends out an emergency alert via a smartphone app. However, Albuquerque Public School (APS) policy prohibits teachers from carrying pepper spray.


          • She’s right Joe. You’re a pyromaniac gun nut.
            And with that reputation, no one takes you seriously.

  3. For those without the ability to read/comprehend the entire article here it is in a nutshell:
    The Los Angeles Police Department will deploy 500 ARMED officers to wrap the Dolby Theatre in multiple barriers of ARMED security for the 90th Academy Awards on Sunday night, an event at which several of Hollywood’s most celebrated stars will actively push for more gun control in America.

    • you are making the point dummy dann.
      they are professional police officers, not teachers and janitors
      police officers are supposed to have guns.

      you people are nuts.

      • Good grief! Not only can dems not comprehend long articles, they can’t comprehend a short summary of a long article.

        • Wait a minute.
          You’re a Democrat! You’re the pro-25% steel tariff/steelworkers union guy!! Plain as hell for the world to see in yesterday’s comments Dann.
          Give up the charade.

          • Preferring U.S. steelworkers over Chinese communists does not make one a dem. Preferring illegal aliens over American citizens does.

  4. Sad to see Ri Ra has closed. They lasted 12 years, which for that corner is success. With the gambling mecca of Tropicana Land one must wonder why that part of the mecca can’t make a profit. Closed right before St. Patrick’s Day!!!! Apparently basketball fans must have chosen the east side for their dining/drinking last weekend.

  5. DC you are spot on. Seems like an enigma to me why the LAPD would protect the liberal anti gun, really anti American, liberal entertainers but we can’t secure our schools. That is a real poser.

    • It’s called “doing your job as a law enforcement officer”

      Clearly you are a threat to EPD and the citizens you swore an oath to. Internal Affairs will love tracking you down

      • thin blue is an airhead
        they are cops, not english teachers and janitors
        thin is clueless

  6. Re: Proposed noise ordinance.
    Probably because the neighbors located in the housing development adjacent to the Water Treatment Plant on Waterworks Road are upset with K.C.’s Marina Pointe from last year. And they want to put the quietus on it before it opens back up this Spring.
    Neighbors near K.C.’s eastside joint, The Time Out, was upset when he had his big outdoor venue blowout with Brett Micheals. (this statement was taken down because it was unfounded) But the neighbors at that location won’t have to worry anymore as the new Washington Square Mall owner has put a stoppage to K.C.’s outdoor events that create disruptive and annoying noise.

  7. Re: RiRa’s closure.
    I wonder if “difficult trading conditions” is code for “The Tropicana didn’t like the competion to its overpriced restaurants so they raised our rent.”?

  8. God help our Christian nation.
    Here he is, our disgusting, clown, sick and demented President, reported by Fox News and Murdoch’s news divisions:

    “The Bank used by President Donald Trump to wire $130,000 to pay adult-film actress Stormy Daniels flagged the transaction as suspicious and reported it to the United States Treasury Department.

    President Trump wired the money to actress Stephanie Clifford, known professionally as Stormy Daniels, from an account at First Republic Bank . The money was received on Oct. 27, 2016, 12 days before the presidential election.”

  9. downs with trumps we needs more lies on trumps trumps making to manys jobs please saves my welfares I has been on welfares since the lbjs wars on povertys I is happy with frees stuffs since 1965 you alls owe mes

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