Home Breaking News “READERS FORUM” JANUARY 28, 2018




We hope that today’s “Readers Forum” will provoke honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”
Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Are you glad that the State of Indiana will be allowing alcohol sales on Sunday?
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City-County Observer or our advertisers.


  1. Are the Casino Christians going to give a mulligan to RNC chairman Steve Wynn for forced sex acts among his employees the same way they gave a mulligan to Casino President Donald Trump for paying $130,000 to a porn star for sex while he was married to the First Lady?

    • Historical account of sexual misconduct by Presidents: Harding, FDR, Eisenhouer, JFK, Clinton and how Trump . .these are the ones we know . . .During the Clinton years the economy was booming and apparently many did not give a flip about the misconducts . . .so, if this economy keeps it’s current pace, many will not give a flip about Trump’s either . . .

    • Not condoning any such action, but pretty certain he wasn’t President and she wasn’t First Lady when this supposedly happened.

      • Benedict and OldMan, the point is not that Trump is as sexually disgusting as Wynn, Everone knows that.

        The point is the evangelical Christian community that embraces these scumbags, they have lost ALL moral leadership they once had in America. (And they’re gonna face their God one day to answer for this)

  2. Trump and Wynn are close personal friends and share social time together all the time. In fact Trump personally appointed Wynn the RNC Chairman.

  3. Of course they get a pass, Alan. Know why? Precedent. Bill Clinton raped and plundered through Arkansas and into the White House. When his escapades became public voters like you told us to ignore it, it was simply between him and his wife, and you re-elected him to a second term.
    Surely, as a distinguished Law Professor, you know the value of precedent. You should also understand the value of direct evidence. Clinton’s victims have given first hand testimony. The woman you allege had a dalliance with Trump has denied it.
    Doesn’t matter anyway. Precedent.

    • Dann, there is just SO much wrong with your reply, it’s clear that as long as you have no moral compass, ANYTHING is permissible by Trump as long as your selfish interests are answered.

      Go back to the Bangkok and continue your tourista ways.

      • Right. I ask you to use the same “standard” to judge President Donald J. Trump as you used for Clinton an I’m the selfish one. Here’s the thing. You can’t have it both ways.
        My “selfish interests” are that the United States Of America remain a sovereign nation and at the moment they are not being answered. Amnesty for illegal aliens means the end of sovereignty.

  4. butt hurt commie libtards will lie lie lie…………russia russia russia……..while MAGA TRUMP makes America great again…….its the economy gruber gobbers…………..GOD BLESS MAGA…………………..FISA MEMO SOON😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

  5. Meanwhile illegals and homeless are shitting in San Fransico streets.Liberals destroying America every day.

  6. Here’s what the Obama type pinko liberals think of our brave men and women in the armed forces:
    “A video in which a Southern California high school teacher is heard slamming members of the military as “the frickin’ lowest of the low” in a classroom rant to students has gone viral.

    El Rancho High history teacher Gregory Salcido — who also serves as an elected Pico Rivera city councilman and was once mayor — even goes so far as to refer to those who are in the military overseas as failed students who had no choice but to serve, “Fox & Friends” reported Sunday.

    “Think about the people you know who are over there,” Salcido is heard saying. “Your freakin’ stupid Uncle Louie or whatever. They’re dumb s – – – s. They’re not high-level bankers. They’re not academic people. They’re not intellectual people.”

    “They’re the freakin’ lowest of our low.””


  7. the dumbass commie liberal media tells the gruber gobbers MAGA TRUMP really did not want to be President but yet MAGA TRUMP colluded with the ruskies to win and paid a woman only 130,000 for her silence while MAGA was running for President…………….seems a little low ball price for the stakes…….commie libs gruber gobbers looking dumber everyday………….MAGA TRUMP Economy boommmmmmmmmingggggggggg.FISA MEMO SOON😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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