We hope that todays “Readers Forum” will provoke “…honest and open dialogue concerning issues that we, as responsible citizens of this community, need to address in a rational and responsible way?”
Todays “Readers Poll” question is: Are you pleased with what Police Chief Billy Bolin, Vanderburgh County Sheriff Dave Wedding and Mayor Lloyd Winnecke said about fighting crime at yesterdays news conference?
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EDITOR’S FOOTNOTE:  Any comments posted in this column do not represent the views or opinions of the City County Observer or our advertisers


  1. I’m thinking Kelley Coures should have the gotten 2 appraisals BEFORE buying the CVS building, not before trying to sell it, this is a guarantee for the city to come up on the short end of this deal. The statement of “They are a fairly large company. We think if we can get back whatever large lump sum of cash we can on it, that’s better for us than being a landlord.” is just ridiculous. Standard operating practice for this city department.

    • You can expect results such as this when you put a fool in charge of someone else’s monies

      • H
        How small a city requires an “assistant mayor”? The corruption in this city is truly amazing.

    • Facts are facts . . .the Winnecke Adm approved the original purchase of this apparent zombie property paying $525,000 and then Coures addresses the City Council declaring that the City could lease the property for $18,000 per year . . .the capitalization rate on this kind of property would be between 12-15% . . . accordingly, placing the true income value between $120,000 – $150,000. Allegedly, the direct and/or indirect owner, was a financial supporter of the Winnecke Adm? We should not be surprised about these sorts of dealings . . .did we or did we not have the same similarities in the Hainie’s Corner area? Of course, thanks to Mosby, they can do whatever they wish since nothing now is televised. Wonder why old Stan Wheeler is not bitching about this? Hell, he must of liked being on TV sitting continually in the front row of the Chambers.

    • The CVS and North Main Street fiascos show the DMD couldn’t make money operating the only lemon aid stand during a heat wave.

  2. “So what? Big deal! I don’t see any problems with Trump or his campaign working with the Russians! It’s fine with me!”

    This is the mantra of so many who comment in here. Their standards have vanished. They forgot they are supposed to be Patriots. But collaborate on winning Presidential campaigns with the Russians? They think its fine as long as they see Trump in the Office. These people, most recognize they are demented, that such a thing is ludicrous, ignorant and traitorous. But they don’t care that Russia is an enemy of the U.S., and Trump and his team are working with Russians during the campaign!

    Anyone who disagreed with them? Anyone who question whether they had any sense whatsoever that such an opinion is wildly screwed up, and that this kind of idea is total trash?

    They called them damn liberal crap.

    Well now. Even S. Bannon has called the Trump Tower meetings with the Russians treasonous.
    That balloon popped. And Bannon and Breitbart? It’s clear he has realized Trump is going down.

  3. It definitely is time for “honest and open dialog” concerning illegal aliens and the expiring Barack H. Obama executive order known as DACA.
    President Donald J. Trump has signaled his willingness to give amnesty to 800,000 (+) DACA beneficiaries in return for funding for a wall for the purpose of denying illegal entry into our country. Bad move. Trump may have forgotten his 2016 California rally where illegal aliens carrying signs reading “Make America Mexico Again” blocked the stadium entrance, but I haven’t.
    There is no valid reason to give amnesty to those living in our country illegally. Dem politicians want amnesty for the votes, others for cheap labor. Neither are valid reasons. Enforcing current law openly ignored by Obama, and to a certain extent Bush, is.

    • Really? DACA? Obama?

      That’s your subject Dann?

      Somebody DON’T wanna talk about Russian traitorous behavior described by Steve Bannon. You oughta be embarrassed mister.

  4. Happy to see your newfound admiration for Steve Bannon. And I’m more than happy to discuss “traitorous behavior”- by the Clintons with the uranium deal and by Barack H. Obama with the New Start Treaty which gave Russia improved nuclear weapons while we reduced ours: and.importantly, stymied our anti-missile defense.

    • Oh. Look at that!
      Mr. Dann. Who’s admiring Steve Bannon, by the way? (The answer: Dann. Until today. Suddenly he’s a liberal, you’re about to say. Just guessin’.)

      Cut the crap Sir. You don’t wanna talk about Trump’s Russian treasonous behavior described by Trump’s own White House oval office official, and Trump Campaign manager – cause you are flat-out losing face.

      That’s why you want to talk about Obama and Clintons. Tried and true diversion Sir. It aint workin’

  5. A room full of servers and hard drives was destroyed in the Clinton house fire in Chappaqua, New York, on Wednesday, according to a Chappaqua Fire Department source, raising fears that incriminating evidence against the Clintons has been destroyed just days after a White House insider warned that Trump was preparing to prosecute their crimes.

    “I saw smashed up hard drives, melted memory cards and the charred remains of paper scattered all over the room and immediately knew the fire must have started there,” a Chappaqua Fire Department source told local news reporters, explaining that the house fire was “put out by Secret Service agents” before the Fire Department arrived.

    “I immediately called it a code 10-41 and requested a Fire Marshall.”

    Code 10-41 is firefighters’ code for a suspicious fire.

    According to QAnon, the infamous White House insider, President Trump’s recent announcement that he is going after high profile child traffickers is directly linked to the Clinton house fire.


    • Joe, we get it you don’t want to talk about Bannon calling Trump treasonous. But you’re talking about quotes from New York firemen and child trafficking.

      Tell me. Did you march in Charlottesville too? Or just hollering from down there in the deep end?

  6. You really are another village idiot

    “Hillary Clinton’s communication director said that the fire was at a Secret Service facility on the property and the Clintons were not home at the time. He described the fire as small.

    The Secret Service said an agency employee called the fire department at around 2:40 p.m. “to report a small fire in the ceiling of the second floor in a detached structure located behind the Clintons’ residence” and said fire extinguishers were used.

    The fire department inspected the area to ensure the fire was out, the Secret Service said”

    So there was a fire in the housing area for the Secret Service in the ceiling area. Maybe you are ignorant enough to store servers and computer in the ceiling of a room, but I have never heard of anyone doing that

    Crawl back under your rock, troll. yournewswire is a pure crap site. FIgures you would believe it


    • Joe and Dann’s problem?
      They’re being made fools of by Beer for my Horses. They’ve lost it.

  7. Since I’m not one to gossip, I will not mention any names. But I realize there are Trumplings on this forum who do not know these things are selling out like pancakes at the Y;


    In Russia.

    Power To The People!….

    • Oh I forgot, like all of Mop Head’s products they are Made in China.

      But must pass through Russia to be a “Collectors Item.”

      Good Lord. Why I treat you people with so much respect by letting you know this is beyond me.

      Getting old I guess….

  8. Police Chief of too little too late, now is city wide. Should have done more 5 years ago. Unheard of crime wav in the city, murders, robberies, burglaries all caused by the rise of criminal gangs in the city of Evansville. There are a number of contributing factors going on, mainly not aggressive pro active officers digging in.

    The south side of town us much too dangerous to go into. The Lord will need to help us here. One question, “how many officers are touched by. These. Changes.”

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